Starship Design
Notes, Part 2

I stumbled on the Starfleet Museum site by accident. This site rekindled a childhood urge to design make-believe ships, although none I did were as good as Masao's exteriors and excellent back
stories. I asked Masao if I could design the insides. Masao has critiqued all the layouts and has been a huge help. These notes detail and contrast how the internal designs change with time, technology, and species and my own design philosophy.
Allen Rolfes
on Each Ship, since 2200
After each ship title is the lead ship launch date and type/function. They are in Masao's Star Trek universe chronological order, but not necessarily the order I designed them. Notes for each ship apply to future ships of the same type until the technology changes. The first ship has more notes since it describes the systems and technology for the first time, then how technology and design differs from the ships before is noted, and also design differences between species. I describe any significant deviations from Masao's exteriors & specs, then list those stats and specs that differ:
- Ship size: Metric tons. Used to calculate LY range and many other specs.
- Subspace efficiency: How 'streamlined' the ship is at warp. Higher numbers mean lower deuterium usage. 100% is defined as Amarillo. Used to calculate LY range.
- Propulsion efficiency: Deuterium efficiency in warp reactor, nacelles, Bussard collector and plasma accelerator. Higher numbers mean lower efficiency. 100% is defined as Amarillo. Used to calculate LY range.
- Amount of deuterium: In cubic meters and metric tons. Used to calculate LY range.
- Cruising/max speed: Cruising and maximum warp factor. Cruising speed used to calculate many fuel related specs.
- LY range: Range at cruising speed from one tank of deuterium.
- Months of deuterium: Months to consume deuterium if operated continuously at cruising speed.
- Warp reactor size/type: Fusion or M/AM reactor, size in cubic meters.
- AM bottles: Number of AM bottles if ship has any. This does not impact range.
- Escape pods: Number of escape pods if ship has any.
- Container cargo: Number of standard cargo containers. Used to calculate cargo duration.
- Bulk/bin cargo: Cubic meters of bulk or bin cargo spaces if ship has any. Bin cargo used to calculate cargo duration.
- Months of container/bin cargo: Months the consumable cargo will last the crew.
- Crew complement: If different from main writeup. Used to calculate cargo duration.
- Number/type of missiles: If different from main writeup.
- Number/type energy weapons: If different from main writeup.
- Number/type shuttles: If different from main writeup.
CRACKER (Romulan) 2201, heavy cruiser
An evolutionary improvement from Cataract over a quarter century earlier:
- Cracker was the smallest of the four post Romulan War frontline ships. As such it does not have all the functions as the others such as assault troop transport and deployment. Even though the deck outlines are various size circular arcs, the compartment and hallway layout square, not radial.
- The main fusion reactor though similar size to Cataract was higher efficiency producing higher quality plasma that eliminated the need for plasma accelerators. This, combined with the smaller ship size meant it had similar range while carrying a little over a third of the deuterium as Cataract.
- The nacelles were no longer oval in shape but straight cylinders much better suited to handle the higher energy plasma.
- The plasma cannon is a slightly different design. It now has an accumulation chamber fed from the fusion reactor. Now plasma can be bled slowly from the reactor and when fired, does not deplete the reactor itself of plasma. The plasma charge can be held for some time in the chamber. Only if caught completely unaware with no plasma in the chamber is the ship at a tactical disadvantage for a couple minutes until it is filled. The chamber is discharged through a two stage acceleration tube smaller than the single stage in previous ships but with the same power. The second stage can change the direction of the plasma exiting the barrel slightly so it still has a small firing arc.
- Laser cannons are included in a frontline cruiser for the first time. Previously, they were only carried on small ships that did not have a plasma cannon. The lasers are very large and powerful and as long as the power converters are online they can be fired at a second's notice. This partially offsets the tactical disadvantage if the ship is caught with an empty plasma cannon accumulation chamber.
- Sensors have advanced. The bridge mound had directional sensors ringing it. A large 'tail' on the top aft contains rows of powerful omni-directional sensors. These 'resonate' in all directions regardless of the bulk of the ship in the forward ventral directions.
- The missiles have shrunk in size and one type fills offensive and defensive roles. It still does not have a subspace generator/transmitter so carries a compliment of message torpedoes.
- Due to the very small and flat horizontal decks, room could not be found for even a two deck arboretum. It contains a small unsatisfactory (for Romulans at least) one deck tall arboretum.
- Cargo transporters are included for the first time. They are of similar design to Earth's introduced less than ten years previously. Cracker enjoys the same design advantages cargo transporters allowed Earth ships (see Hyperion for a list of these):
- Narrower hallways.
- No cargo elevator network needed.
- Cargo could be beamed directly to odd shaped holds in 'nooks and crannies' throughout the ship instead of needing to be physically moved there in cargo containers. Some cargo continued to be stored in standard size containers but these containers could now be beamed as well. The cargo transporters were still in the shuttle bay just in case some cargo entered by that route.
- Shuttle bay size and shuttle craft size and number were reduced. The shuttle bay was small and shallow, barely able to receive a small cargo shuttle which could only sit on the closed belly doors. Most of the shuttle/cargo bay approached one deck tall as it narrowed following the gently sloped outer ventral hull.
- The large and heavy duel docking port was eliminated. Personnel entered through small airlocks on the rear face of the primary hull or via personnel shuttles.
- The warp reactor also powered the rectangular impulse drive aft and the power converters forward of the reactor. It was the only reactor onboard.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 190%
- Propulsion efficiency: 341%
- Amount of deuterium: 7,300 M3, 1,436 MT
- LY range: 22.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 3,600 M3, fusion tokamak
- Container cargo: 44
- Bulk/bin cargo: 550 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 10.6 months
- Crew complement: 190
- Number/type of missiles: 130: 94 offensive/defensive, 36 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 3: 1 plasma cannon, 2 laser cannons in fixed housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
PUFFIN 2203, fighter
Puffin was the most advanced M/AM fuel cell warp fighter of the era with the following internal arrangement from front to rear:
- The front half of the hull was more heavily armored than the rear half or the nacelle, thrusters, laser cannon blisters, and fins.
- The nose cone contained the forward sensors.
- The structural support and utility transfer core changed shape as it went but ran from the forward sensors to the tail sensors.
- Behind the forward sensors around the core was misc support systems.
- The forward impulse thruster was attached above this and could swivel port and starboard through a large arc with internal veins swiveling port to starboard.
- The tokamak fusion reactor was oriented standing on its edge perpendicular to the main axis if the ship. It powered the impulse thrusters and power converter. The core ran around the reactor.
- The cockpit and main computer (in the instrument panel) were above the core. Crew accessed via an overhead hatch. The cockpit did not eject. On either side at the rear of the cockpit were small equipment lockers.
- Below the core was a power converter feeding port and starboard laser cannons and other ship's systems.
- The warp nacelle ran below the core out a 'tailpipe' looking assembly with support system spaces to either side.
- The 20 capacity missile launcher was above the core. Two indents in the external hull along the cockpit marked where the missiles exited.
- Six M/AM warp fuel cells were above the core.
- Below the fuel cells to port and starboard were the landing legs.
- The deuterium storage tank was above the core with port and starboard maneuvering thrusters that could swivel up and down through a large an arc and internal veins swiveling up and down. A deflector sail was above it that could be used in place of a navigational deflector dish in small ships.
- The tail contained aft and lateral sensors.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 175%
- Propulsion efficiency: 800%
- Amount of deuterium: 10 M3, 2 MT
- LY range: << 1 LY
- Months of deuterium: NA, has M/AM fuel cells for warp
- Warp reactor size/type: six, 56K, M/AM fuel cells
ASIA 2204, heavy cruiser
Using the transporter to move cargo was only its first use, and even this had large implications in ship design first realized in Hyperion. But Asia was a test ship for new designs and fabrication methods that used the transporter not to move materials but to manufacture them.
Canon Star Trek hints at using transporters in manufacturing but never details the impact it could have. Food synthesizers often seen are mentioned as based on transporter technology that take basic molecular organic building blocks from bulk storage and assemble them into the desired food. In a sense, food is 'manufactured' by the transporter on a molecular level. This was also done with non-organic components: In one episode, Worf was looking for a gift. He had a device that looked like a tabletop food synthesizer 'manufacture' a crystal goblet. Apparently it took non-organic components from bulk storage (silicon, carbon, lead etc.) and assembled them on a molecular level into the goblet. This hints that transporters could manufacture almost any item from its base elements on a molecular level.
The application of transporters for manufacture should come about very soon after they are used to simply move material. Since a transporter assembles items on the molecular level, items can be
designed on the molecular level. For example, metal alloys, carbon composites, and other materials can be combined on the molecular level to give composite materials with strengths, weights, and other properties far superior to any composite materials traditionally manufactured. Even materials that are 100% metals can be made far stronger. The atomic metal crystal size, shape and orientation can be precisely designed. Even today it is realized that if the crystal structure of metals could be precisely controlled, metals could be an order of magnitude stronger, or more flexible, or both than they currently are. Starship components could be designed that are far stronger, lighter, and smaller than ever possible before. Everything from the structural supports, warp and impulse reactors, support systems, plasma conduits, warp nacelles could be built with parts that are far superior to anything before.
Of course, first generation transporter manufactured components would be far from optimum and expensive to design and make. This would prevent their immediate and widespread use and was the reason Asia was so expensive and so few were built. Decades of refinement would follow as these components became better and cheaper and gradually worked their way into mainstream manufacturing. But Asia was the test bed.
Design changes in Asia mostly due to transporter manufacture:
- For many years it was known that dilithium crystals had the odd property of being 'transparent' to plasma streams above certain power level. If fired at the crystal at a certain angle, a plasma stream would pass right through it. Most impressively, this property also applied to AM plasma. The electrical/magnetic fields in the unique dilithium structure aligned just so to allow the stream to pass through the crystal without touching any of its atoms. The crystal was also very robust to heat and other severe conditions. It was determined that this unique property could be used to react normal and AM plasma. Fired at opposite sides of the crystal, the streams would be aligned precisely so each atom would collide head on and the resulting extremely highly energized plasma stream would exit at a right angle to the fired streams. As in a normal M/AM reactor, excess matter would be used to form the exiting plasma stream. The efficiency and power output of a theoretical dilithium controlled M/AM reactor would be far superior to any before.
However a dilithium controlled M/AM reactor was impractical to build because of the energy level of the plasma needed. Lower energized plasma would not align itself properly and would strike the crystal structure destroying it. A reactor could not be built that could handle the high energy plasma required that was strong and small enough to mount in a ship. Transporter manufacturing technology changed all this allowing a new style of reactor that was strong and small enough to be practical.
The new reactor was a tall cylinder with M/AM fed into opposite ends, compressed and accelerated to sufficiently strong plasma which then met at the dilithium crystal mounted in the middle. The exiting plasma stream came out the middle-side of the cylinder. This feed stream preparation was a major change from previous M/AM reactor designs. Previously, fuel was not turned into plasma before being fed to the reaction chamber. The open cavity reaction chamber comprised the bulk of the reactor with very little mass devoted to feed preparation. With the dilithium controlled reactor, feed preparation composed the bulk of the reactor with a much smaller central dilithium crystal housing reaction chamber. Starting up this type of reactor was also more complicated as the startup energy to prepare the fuels had to come from another reactor, usually a separate fusion reactor. Plasma transfer conduits and warp coils were also made using transporter manufacturing so they were strong enough to contain and convert the higher energy plasma to a warp field.
The first generation dilithium controlled M/AM reactor in Asia was far from optimized. Dedicated fusion reactors (also transporter manufactured) were attached to the top and bottom of the M/AM reactor cylinder to provide the plasma and power to accelerate it in the reactor. The top fusion reactor worked on AM and the bottom reactor worked on normal matter. The quality of the dilithium crystal structure was not optimized either resulting in a 'messy' plasma stream. The stream did not leave the crystal in a tight beam and oscillated in frequency and power. As a result, the plasma had to pass through a device similar to a Klingon plasma reflux tunnel mounted in the bulge on top of the secondary hull. This aligned and dampened out the oscillations in the plasma. Even though not optimum, the reactor still produced higher energy plasma more efficiently than any previous ship's. It potentially allowed higher warp speeds, although warp coil design still had to catch up to the reactor's capabilities to allow them.
- However a dilithium controlled M/AM reactor was impractical to build because of the energy level of the plasma needed. Lower energized plasma would not align itself properly and would strike the crystal structure destroying it. A reactor could not be built that could handle the high energy plasma required that was strong and small enough to mount in a ship. Transporter manufacturing technology changed all this allowing a new style of reactor that was strong and small enough to be practical.
- The new reactor was a tall cylinder with M/AM fed into opposite ends, compressed and accelerated to sufficiently strong plasma which then met at the dilithium crystal mounted in the middle. The exiting plasma stream came out the middle-side of the cylinder. This feed stream preparation was a major change from previous M/AM reactor designs. Previously, fuel was not turned into plasma before being fed to the reaction chamber. The open cavity reaction chamber comprised the bulk of the reactor with very little mass devoted to feed preparation. With the dilithium controlled reactor, feed preparation composed the bulk of the reactor with a much smaller central dilithium crystal housing reaction chamber. Starting up this type of reactor was also more complicated as the startup energy to prepare the fuels had to come from another reactor, usually a separate fusion reactor. Plasma transfer conduits and warp coils were also made using transporter manufacturing so they were strong enough to contain and convert the higher energy plasma to a warp field.
The first generation dilithium controlled M/AM reactor in Asia was far from optimized. Dedicated fusion reactors (also transporter manufactured) were attached to the top and bottom of the M/AM reactor cylinder to provide the plasma and power to accelerate it in the reactor. The top fusion reactor worked on AM and the bottom reactor worked on normal matter. The quality of the dilithium crystal structure was not optimized either resulting in a 'messy' plasma stream. The stream did not leave the crystal in a tight beam and oscillated in frequency and power. As a result, the plasma had to pass through a device similar to a Klingon plasma reflux tunnel mounted in the bulge on top of the secondary hull. This aligned and dampened out the oscillations in the plasma. Even though not optimum, the reactor still produced higher energy plasma more efficiently than any previous ship's. It potentially allowed higher warp speeds, although warp coil design still had to catch up to the reactor's capabilities to allow them.
Other systems were upgraded using transporter manufacturing technology:
- The fusion impulse reactors and drives and the much smaller RCS were more powerful for their size. Impulse reactors were still a rounded rectangle design.
- While the structural support and utility transfer areas are about the same size as previous ships, they were stronger with smaller transfer piping & conduits.
- The newly introduce 'Thor's Lighting' missiles, the forerunner to photon torpedoes, and the first generation phasers were due partially to transporter manufacturing technology. The phasers had a retractable emitter that was behind external hatches when not in use.
- The main computer was more powerful and had a new look with a central oval core and modular semicircular components attached to the ends. It still had a 'German cross' look to it but was smaller. It could still also be one or several decks high. Asia had duel two deck high main computers in the saucer.
- The subspace transmitter continued to reduce in size. The nav/sensor/transmitter dish had a longer range for its size. Instead of ancillary dishes to boost range as in Hyperion, ring mounted behind the main dish and visible around the secondary hull circumference was used.
- AM bottles are a new design, more square shaped and hold more AM at higher pressure. They are still replaced in whole at a starbase and not refilled in place. The AM containment generator was a different style, a flat rounded rectangle.
- The deuterium tank is a stronger thinner hull design which still held high pressure deuterium. This eliminated the need for the thick walled cylindrical tanks used in Paris. The tanks could be irregular and thin shapes without compromising strength.
- There is only one cargo transporter, but it is an improved model with four pads and duel operating assemblies at either end to function as backups for each other. It was still associated with the shuttle bay so shuttles could be used as a backup means to move cargo.
- The offensive/defensive tractor beam is a new design where the emitter is extended on a stalk from the body of the ship and can swivel to cover a wide arc. Asia's extends out the bottom of the ship and the emitter can swivel to point fore or aft. This replaces the style with a fixed emitter embedded in the hull that can only face one direction.
- The dilithium controlled warp reactor style affected the external shape of the ship. The tall vertical reactor extending through Asia's neck meant it did not lean so far forward as on previous ships. This gave Asia a similar more upright shape to Constitution 40 years later.
- These new systems were not optimized and some still had significant bugs in them. For example, the phasers were so troublesome they were eventually swapped out for older style lasers.
- For the first time since Wasp, the primary hull could disconnect from the secondary hull in an emergency. Even though the AM bottles were above the plane of the primary hull saucer, the compartment they were in was part of the secondary hull/neck after separation. The primary hull had short lifeboat capability with its own deuterium supply. Container cargo and all transporters were in the secondary hull so supplies were limited to emergency stores after separation. Most of the escape pods were also in the primary hull.
- Because of the increased complexity of the warp drive and that the secondary hull might need some functionality after separation, for the first time the secondary hull had an emergency bridge and engineering computer. These facilities could also be used in battle if the primary hull sustained too much damage.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 340%
- Propulsion efficiency: 3305%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,150 M3, 226 MT
- LY range: 33.1 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,600 M3, SSWR-VII-A, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 9
- Escape pods: 40
- Container cargo: 108
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,450 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 16.0 months
- Crew complement: 340: 280 crew, 60 scientists or marines
- Number/type of missiles: 30: 18 offensive/defensive, 12 photon torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: 13: 3 mini assault landing, 6 mini fighters/bombers, 4 micro personnel
LANCASTER 2205, heavy cruiser
A large ship based on the now familiar saucer/neck/cylinder hull configuration:
- Even though Lancaster was not a test ship, many of the transporter manufacturing technology advancements in Asia were included. The main computer, phasers, AM bottles and containment generator, subspace generator, tractor beam and impulse reactors were the same or similar design as Asia. The warp reactor, structural support and utility transfer systems, laser cannons, missiles, deuterium storage tanks, sensors and RCS were of older designs. Not having the upright dilithium warp reactor of Asia meant Lancaster's neck was more forward leaning like previous ships, Moskva & Gagarin.
- The decks in the upper and lower saucer dome are a little shorter than the rest of the ship.
- The number of impulse reactors was increased from one and two in recent ships to three. Each one supplied two taller power converters just forward and below the reactors. This harkens back to Romulan War era ships that had many more impulse reactors and power converters. This provides excellent impulse performance and power for the large number of energy weapons.
- Although phasers were of similar design to Asia, they no longer had retractable emitters but were permanently mounted in the skin of the ship.
- For the first time cargo bays with transporters and a significant amount of cargo are in the saucer. This represents a trend less reliance on shuttles to move cargo. Containerized cargo is all in the saucer and most can be accessed directly through doors lining a hallway. This is if it is necessary to retrieve small amounts of cargo without transporters. One cargo transporter is in the secondary hull in the shuttle bay.
- There are no escape pods in the secondary hull because the warp reactor could be ejected instead. All escape pods are in the saucer where most of the crew are located.
- Lancaster was the last front line ship to use a reactor coolant intercooler mounted as a heat exchanger on top of the impulse deck. The same function was performed by more efficient internal units in later ships.
- I changed some features from Masao's online pictures. Windows on the rim, bridge bulge and neck were changed. I added airlocks and RCS ports to the saucer and an airlock to the secondary hull. The missile doors were shrunk and the deuterium tanks moved aft very slightly. The warp reactor ejection hatch was moved forward. Also the number of shuttles & fighters in the specs had to be steeply reduced.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 300%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2105%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,200 M3, 826 MT
- LY range: 74.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 8.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,800 M3, SSWR-VIII-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 9
- Escape pods: 64
- Container cargo: 92
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,100 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 14.1 months
- Number/type of missiles: 48: 46 offensive/defensive, 2 message torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: 19: 6 mini assault landing, 8 mini fighter/bombers, 5 micro personnel
Horizon 2206, explorer/research
A long range explorer/research ship with design lineage from Lancaster:
- The bridge is the same as Lancaster's but the bridge dome is smaller as offices are not located on the bridge level.
- The main computers are the same style as Lancaster but more powerful. They are three decks tall instead of two.
- The internal deuterium tanks are the same diameter as Lancaster, but are taller and have domed caps instead of sloping flat ends.
- The lateral passive sensor fins can rotate through two axis between deployed and stowed positions via a large ball joint at their base. In deployed position, they are horizontally flat along the Z axis and extend away from the hull. In stowed position, they are on edge along the Z axis and fold aft flush along the hull. The shuttle bay doors are just forward of the fins. Even though shuttles can maneuver while the fins are deployed, the stowed position moves them further away from the shuttle flight path.
- The two fusion impulse reactors are the same size as the three in Lancaster but oriented vertically in duel five deck tall impulse bays. The thrust nozzles are oriented so the exhaust misses the neck pods and nacelle struts. Each reactor feeds two plasma converters and there is space in each bay for two additional plasma converters. This flexibility might be needed depending on the power requirements of various underslung pods.
- A removable underslung sensor pod is mounted to a hardpoint on the aft ventral primary hull. Stairwell/turbolift access runs down the leading/trailing edges respectively of the neck of the pod. The pod shown has forward and aft facing navigational/sensor/subspace transmitter dishes. Both dishes have longer resonance tunnels for improved range and resolution vs. Lancaster's. The forward facing dish tunnel is much longer than the aft. The central area of the pod has its own fusion power source, plasma converters, deuterium supply and the subspace transmitter generator. Different underslung pods can be mounted although they all have a forward facing dish. The aft part of the pod may have different active sensors, passive sensor fins, may not have a dedicated power source, or may have a large detachable shuttle or an enclosed shuttle bay for a single large shuttle.
- Up to six mission specific pods can be mounted around the neck. There are many variations that can be swapped out depending on the mission:
- The dorsal and ventral pods can be crew habitable with turbolift and stair access from the neck. They have a trapezoid cross section with flat ends, are a full three decks tall and have standard habitable hull thickness. The forward ~third is a standard configuration containing the turbolift, stairs, an escape pod, emergency support systems, emergency stores, and some crew areas. The escape pod ejects laterally and just misses the nacelles, underslung sensor pod and stowed lateral sensor fins. The aft ~2/3rds can be customized. It can be three separate decks, a combined taller space, a domed ceiling even taller than three decks, or an external shuttle landing pad with access via a belly airlock. These pods cannot be mounted on the four lateral spaces as they would protrude into the impulse exhaust and would not have direct turbolift or stair access.
- A cylindrical pod with hemispherical end caps for bulk liquid cargo such as deuterium, potable water or other consumable liquid stores can be mounted at all six locations.
- Trapezoidal pods with flat ends can be for solid cargo. Various internal configurations contain a square grid for standard cargo containers and bulk cargo bins in the irregular shaped spaces. Short pods roughly the same height as the cylindrical bulk liquid pod diameter can be mounted at all six locations. Taller pods the same height as a habitable pod can only be mounted in the dorsal and ventral positions. All liquid or solid cargo pods have a thinner hull.
- A typical mix of six pods for a long mission may be two for deuterium, one for other liquids, three for solid cargo. From none to two of these may be replaced with habitable pods. This provides the right balance to meet the full range and consumables specs and any specialized habitable facilities that might be needed.
- The neck has a circular cross section fore and aft of the neck pods but a hexagon cross section underneath them which is hidden when the pods are attached. The flat surfaces provide stable mounting points for the six pods. The upper and lower half height decks in the neck provide internal structural support, hard point mounts and utilities hookups for the pods. Liquid cargo has piping connections and can be physically pumped into the ship as needed. Under normal circumstances solid cargo is moved by cargo transporter into the ship as these pods cannot be directly accessed from the neck. However, in emergency situations such as when cargo transporters might be offline, EVAs can physically transfer solid cargo or the cargo containers into the shuttle bays.
- The warp reactor is a linear dilithium controlled model similar to the test model from Asia. It is physically the same size but horizontally oriented instead of vertically and the fusion reactors attached to each end are in a different orientation directly above the main reactor body. The forward fusion reactor feeds normal deuterium and the aft reactor feeds AM to the reactor. The reactor's performance has been improved such that it no longer needs a reflux tunnel in the plasma output stream to align and dampen out oscillations in the plasma. The plasma conduits have been reduced in diameter but are still not as small as other plasma conduits such as those from the impulse reactors to the plasma converters.
- The AM containment bays aft of the warp reactor can be reconfigured to hold more bottles for extremely long missions, but the bays become very crowded.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 203,000 MT including underslung sensor pod shown and six neck pods
- Subspace efficiency: 225%
- Propulsion efficiency: 3290%
- Amount of deuterium: 5,800 M3, 1,141 MT internally
- plus 3,800 M3, 747 MT in external neck pods (typ two pods with deut)
- any deuterium in the underslung sensor pod is not counted
- LY range: 86 LY with internal fuel only, 142 LY including two external deut pods
- Months of deuterium: 6.9 months with internal fuel only, 11.4 months including two deut pods
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,600 M3, SSWR-VII-C, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 18 or 24
- Escape pods: 37, any escape pods in habitable neck pods are not counted
- Container cargo: 480 internal plus 572 in external neck pods (typ three with cargo)
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,270 M3 bin internal plus 1,000 in external pods (typ three with cargo)
- Months of container/bin cargo: 38 months internal supplies only, 73 months all supplies
- Crew complement: 325
- Number/type of missiles: 42: 15 offensive/defensive, 3 message torpedoes, 24 probes of various sizes
- Number/type shuttles: 20: 4 small personnel/cargo, 4 mini personnel/cargo,12 micro personnel
D-4 (Klingon) 2207, heavy cruiser
The largest and most 'clunky' Klingon ship with upgrades from D-3:
- New types of forward sensors were put in the nose. The central dish protrudes in its housing and was designed to detect cloaked Romulan ships.
- The large central disruptor cannon was replaced with smaller newer technology disruptors with multi-facet emitter heads in blisters protruding from the underside hat brim. These required an exhaust grill on the back of the head.
- The two offset bulges on the hat brim are protruding missile launchers. The launchers and missiles themselves are similar to D-2 and D-3.
- All officer crew areas are in the head and almost all enlisted crew areas are in the neck. Many support systems are in the top and bottom decks of head, neck and engineering hull and at the base of the neck.
- The heavy duty docking ports with shuttle attachment hard points are on the side of the neck instead of the top.
- The plasma cannon takes up the base of the neck. The accelerator barrel is a large oval with the accumulation chamber above it fed from either warp reactor. The writeup says it was fed by 'large dedicated fusion reactors' but these would not fit. Just above the cannon port are powerful forward tractor beams. The idea was to hold ships in range of the cannon but this did not work very well.
- The Bussard collectors/plasma reflux tunnels were divided into separate assemblies. One centrally mounted
Bussard collector feeds duel plasma tunnels on either side.
- A single large fusion reactor feeds the impulse drive and is also the backup warp reactor. This still leaves two full size warp capable reactors.
- Cargo transporters are included in the cargo bay which are knockoffs of Earth designs or even outright Earth equipment bought on the merchant market. Hallways are narrower, most of the cargo turbolifts removed and a smaller dedicated personnel turbolift system (several vertical non-continuous runs) added to take advantage of them. There is more cargo and it is a little better organized than D-2 and D-3 but all cargo is still stored in standard cargo boxes. None is beamed directly to bulk cargo bins.
- I changed some features from Masao's online pictures:
- I had to estimate the shape of the side view rear and gave it a little undercut like D-2 and D-3.
- The Bussard collector opening, plasma reflux tunnels, plasma cannon and wing roots were modified so all views aligned.
- The mounds on top of the wings had no good internal function so I extended them rearward so their main function could be utility corridors transition from the body to the wing and additional deuterium.
- Added AM bottle hatch on aft dorsal hull and moved the personnel airlock hatches back a little.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 170%
- Propulsion efficiency: 376%, from fusion and M/AM reactor each running 50% of the time
- Amount of deuterium: 14,600 M3, 2,872 MT
- LY range: 13.0 LY, from fusion and M/AM reactor each running 50% of the time
- Months of deuterium: 4.0 months, from fusion and M/AM reactor each running 50% of the time
- Warp reactor size/type: 3,550 M3, M/AM based on SSWR-III-C/D
- 2,000 M3 backup, fusion tokamak
- AM bottles: 19
- Container cargo: 2,966
- Months of container/bin cargo: 13.9 months
- Number/type of missiles: 94 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons:3: 1 plasma cannon, 2 smaller disruptor cannons in individual housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
SWORDFISH 2207, fighter carrier
A heavily modified Lancaster. Changes from that are:
- All phasers were removed except the forward dorsal one. All missiles removed. The main computer, some crew functions and some escape pods were moved to the forward half of the saucer. A small nav/sensor/subspace dish was added to the leading saucer edge. The deut tanks were moved closer to the saucer trailing edge.
- All this plus greatly enhancing the saucer bulges of the aft half opened up the main fighter bay across the three central decks of the entire back half of the saucer. Two large aft facing fighter doors and aft facing sensor domes were added.
- The floor of the fighter bay is slightly higher than the rest of the deck to make room for two additional bays for a wing of non-warp fighters plus the normal shuttle compliment below. Craft access the lower bays via elevators from the main bay.
- In between the deut tanks are several armories and two deck tall maintenance bays for the fighters. Whole fighters would not fit in the maintenance bays but a removed nacelle, fusion engine or fuel cell assembly could.
- There is enough room just inside the fighter doors for a Puffin to rotate 180ΒΊ or hold two Puffins to temporarily clear space in front of the fighter maintenance shops.
- The cargo transporters in the saucer were enlarged to make up for none in the secondary hull. Cargo could be passed via elevator from the lower shuttle bays above to the cargo bay.
- Two of the same style impulse engines were installed vertically in four deck tall compartments just aft of the deut tanks with the power converters inboard of the reactors. The warp engine, AM bottles and containment, and much support equipment are in between and aft of the impulse engines in a secondary hull directly behind the saucer.
- A single midline oval nacelle was mounted at the rear of the ship instead of two outboard cylindrical nacelles on struts. This was less efficient and not as fast but provided plenty of maneuvering room for approaching and departing fighters. However, some Swordfish were upgraded to two outboard cylindrical nacelles mounted above and below the ship axis on struts.
- I changed some features from Masao's online pictures. Windows on the bridge bulge were changed. I added airlocks and RCS ports to the saucer.
Ship stats and specs, original configuration of single midline oval nacelle:
- Subspace efficiency: 250%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2000%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,200 M3, 826 MT
- LY range: 68.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 9.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,800 M3, SSWR-VIII-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 8
- Escape pods: 48
- Container cargo: 88
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,600 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 14.4 months
- Crew complement: 340
- Number/type of missiles: 210 replacement missiles for Puffins
- Number/type shuttles: 26: 12 Puffin fighters, 8 mini fighter/bombers, 2 mini cargo/personnel,
- 4 micro personnel
- Ship stats and specs, upgraded outboard cylindrical nacelles:
- Subspace efficiency: 230%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2175%
- Cruising/max speed: 4.8/6.4 WF
- LY range: 74.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 9.8 months
GIANT CARGO 2207, military cargo carrier
Giant is the largest military transport since the Bisons. It is designed to carry a mix of bulk and container cargo as well as military passengers but has a secondary function as a starship tender. The overall layout is similar to Ocean and Constellation:
- The bridge mound is at the top-center with command areas and main computer not far below it. Crew and military passenger quarters and most of the shared crew common areas and escape pods are in the first half dozen decks below the bridge.
- There are three large internal shuttle bays with two overhead doors that open forward and aft of the bridge mound. These are called the forward, middle-upper and middle-lower shuttle bays. The middle-lower bay is accessible through a large overhead hatch into the middle-upper bay. These are larger than Ocean's and Constellation's shuttle bays to handle more and larger shuttles/fighters. For example, all three bays can hold ~30 Puffin fighters. The lower-middle bay also has a collapsible container cargo grid along the walls giving flexibility to increase either shuttle or container cargo storage.
- There are two additional aft facing shuttle bays called the aft-upper and aft-lower bays. The aft-upper bay holds cargo shuttles of various sizes, a cargo transporter, and also connects through a large door to the middle lower bay. The aft-lower bay contains the normal personnel shuttles and workerbee pods for the starship tender function. Forward of the aft-lower bay are large 2-3 deck tall maintenance bays for interstellar repair of other capital ships. Small to medium components can be removed from a capital ship and brought aboard through the aft-lower bay for maintenance. However, there is a slight conflict of interest with the tender vs. transport functions. Passengers sit idle and cargo is delayed in interstellar space while a ship is being tended. For this reason, tender and transport functions are not often combined in one ship.
- The container cargo bay with four cargo transporters and main bulk cargo bay with a forward ventral hatch are in mid and forward areas. Giant has some of the largest cargo transporters made. Bulk cargo bins are spread throughout the ship in odd shaped or inaccessible areas.
- The warp reactor, deuterium, AM, impulse, maint areas and misc support systems are in the traditional lower aft areas. The two impulse drives powered by four fusion reactors of the same type as Lancaster and the deuterium tanks are mounted in large cowlings outside the main silhouette of the ship. Large fins on top of the cowlings contain reactor intercoolers to dissipate waste heat. Most ships of this era use more compact internal units, but due to Giant's non-combat function, these larger external and cheaper fins were used.
- The outboard nacelles are in a forward location reminiscent of TannhaΓΌser. The struts attach further back on the nacelles so the main body attachment point clears the main bulk cargo bay. This gives Giant the profile of a three pronged fork flying forwards.
- Four large tractor beams, two forward and two aft help maneuver cargo or shuttles into the main bulk bay or the aft bays and assist in the tender function.
- A fat 'keel' extends out the central belly which stores a large number of AM bottles. The bottle design first introduced in Asia six years ago has become standard. The bottles are still filled only at the AM manufacture site. Empty bottles must be swapped out with full ones and are not simply refilled in place from a bulk AM storage tank. However, the bottles are designed to be easily swapped out without needing shipyard facilities. The ''AM keel' is an efficient and safe way to transport full bottles. It is a fully ejectable unit with onboard containment field generators. The bottles are removed from the keel via two hatches at the lowest level. Cargo elevators move the bottles up and down inside the keel.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 418,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 140%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1527%
- Amount of deuterium: 16,400 M3, 3,226 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 4.6/5.3 WF
- LY range: 38.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 5,500 M3, SSWR-VIII-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 325: 48 in main body, 277 in keel
- Escape pods: 68
- Container cargo: 7,989
- Bulk/bin cargo: 72,600 M3 bulk in main cargo bay, 28,200 M3 bin, shuttle bays not counted
- Months of container/bin cargo: 334 months
- Crew complement: 560: 420 passengers in 142 cabins, 140 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 14: 1 medium cargo, 3 small cargo/personnel, 10 micro personnel
GIANT PASSENGER 2208, civilian passenger ship
This variant was built at the same time as the military cargo variant. It was not retrofitted from an existing cargo ship, but built from scratch as a passenger liner. The overall layout is similar to Constellation passenger liners but did share the same ship's function placement as the Giant military variant. Main differences and similarities from the military variant are:
- The bridge mount was left exposed and the computer core and most crew areas under the bridge were the same as the military variant. The sickbay was enlarged for the higher crew and passenger compliment. The navigational and sensor equipment in the nose and the support systems there are mostly unchanged.
- 8 decks of common passenger areas take up most of the upper half of Giant instead of various cargo areas and include:
- A forward centerpiece eight deck tall open air passenger atrium consisting of an oval open space and open mall-like central corridor between shops and common passenger entertainment areas. The open air space has walkways around the edges on every level. Overhead is a single large external window. Just below the window is a glass bottom bridge connecting the short sides where one can look straight down eight stories or up into outer space. Passenger airlocks enter on either side of the oval atrium framed in three deck tall external bubble windows. This gives the ship the external look of large eyes.
- Multi-deck fitness and entertainment areas are mid-ship including a swimming pool, racket courts, workout rooms, gymnasiums, locker rooms, theatres and bars. Passenger escape pods are in this area also. Many of the escape pods are in large extended bays and hold more than the typical eight persons.
- The rear passenger areas include a five deck tall arboretum with large wraparound overhead windows with a suspended walkway through the trees and a three deck tall restaurant and attached main kitchens.
- 7 decks of passenger quarters are in the lower half and mostly forward areas of Giant instead of various cargo areas. The lowest deck of passenger quarters are first class cabins.
- There are several wide passenger stairwells and four groups of bundled vertical turbolift shafts centrally located in Giant connecting all the passenger areas. Passengers cannot travel horizontally in the turbolifts except between the four bundles of vertical passenger shafts. A passcode or scan indicating crew presence allows the cars to travel throughout the ship. There are separate crew only stairwells and hallways.
- The M/AM reactor, impulse engines, power converters, central utility and structural core, deuterium storage tanks, internal AM bottles, the two aft shuttle bays and crew areas above and between them are similar or identical to the military variant. Although the mix of shuttles is adjusted from cargo to passenger.
- Additional crew areas replace the starship tender function of the military variant.
- The AM keel is not installed but that space inside the main ship silhouette has container cargo and support systems.
- The cargo transporters are reduced in size and moved down several decks to the much smaller container cargo bay. Bulk bin cargo space is reduced and some support systems relocated and expanded.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 425,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 140%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1527%
- Amount of deuterium: 16,400 M3, 3,226 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 4.6/5.3 WF
- LY range: 37.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 5,500 M3, SSWR-VIII-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 54
- Escape pods: 152
- Container cargo: 979
- Bulk/bin cargo: 6,050 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 17.9 months
- Crew complement: 1,600: 1,200 passengers in 775 cabins, 400 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 22: 2 small cargo/personnel, 4 mini cargo/personnel, 16 micro personnel
QUETZALCOATL 2215, semi-dreadnaught
A semi-dreadnaught:
- Quetzalcoatl has some Lancaster similarities. The bridge and bridge dome are the same layout. While the radii may be different, the hallway and turbolift layout and placement of many of the functions in the saucer are similar. The impulse deck has four reactors of the same type as Lancaster, two stacked on each side.
- Despite transporters being invented in the 2180's, they were not suitable for personnel until the 2200's. Early cargo transporters would kill all living beings! A side benefit was cargo was decontaminated of bacteria upon transport, but viruses were still active. This added fuel to the centuries old debate if viruses were truly alive. Research with transporting viruses actually led to the breakthrough on how to transport living beings safely. The first successful ship-to-surface transport of a human was from a test unit on Moskva in 2206.
- By the time of Quetzalcoatl, personnel transporters were safe and reliable enough to be included in the design. There are six personnel transporters in the core of the saucer that can be used for regular crew movement and for deploying the marines. Backup transportation was still included as the normal crew shuttle compliment and marine assault shuttles.
- There are forward and rear firing missiles and photon torpedoes. Standard fusion missiles are stored above the launchers and torpedoes below the launchers. As in Asia, the M/AM is stored in the torpedoes which are housed in special cradles with an attached AM containment generator.
- Due to the large space taken up in the saucer by the shuttle/fighter bays, crew compartments extend into the secondary hull. There are also barracks style quarters for the marines in the saucer.
- Most of the escape pods are housed in a double ring in the angular shaped lower saucer dome with a few escape pods also in the secondary hull. There are not enough escape pods for the marines who must use their assault shuttles instead.
- This was the first ship to incorporate a new turbolift passthrough hatch at the rear of the bridge dome. This allows turbolift cars to pass through a mating hatch now being built into starbases and directly into the starbase turbolift system.
- The main deflector dish/subspace transmitter is a very powerful, long range unit. In addition to the main dish with the characteristic grill behind it, it has a booster ring surrounding the main dish like Lancaster plus two additional booster dishes mounted on either side of the main dish like Hyperion.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 280%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2260%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,750 M3, 934 MT
- LY range: 49.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,900 M3, SSWR-IX, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 12
- Escape pods: 84
- Container cargo: 680
- Bulk/bin cargo: 3,800 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 19.4 months
- Crew complement: 980: 580 crew plus 400 marines
- Number/type of missiles: 102: 54 offensive/defensive, 48 photon torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: 98: 30 mini assault, 54 mini fighter/bombers, 5 mini cargo/personnel, 9 micro personnel
WASP CARGO 2220, civilian cargo ship
A decommissioned military Wasp resold and converted to a civilian cargo ship. Since this was done almost 50 years after Wasp's introduction, technology had advanced considerably. Transporter technology was used in manufacturing which allowed more extensive modifications than would have been economically feasible without it. Changes from the original version:
- All military equipment and redundant systems needed for military use were removed including phasers, missiles, offensive/defensive tractor beams, emergency separation thrusters, half the computer core, two power converters, some sensors and a lot of the support systems space. In addition, much of the crew space, escape pods, shuttles and personnel airlocks were removed for the reduced crew size.
- The old style personnel/cargo turbolift shaft and both main personnel ladders in the command hull were removed and replaced with the current style personnel only round turbolift and a switchback stairs. These were placed on the starboard side of the central core. A small turbolift maint shop was added where the emergency separation thrusters were. Ladder access was redesigned slightly for the lower command hull and engineering hull. Ladders remain the only access to the engineering hull.
- The entire ventral half of the command sphere from decks 3-14 was opened up for a large bulk cargo storage bay with clamshell doors for external access.
- The starboard dorsal quarter of the command sphere from decks 3-14 was converted to a container cargo bay accessed via the shuttle bay.
- The remaining port dorsal quarter of the command sphere was reconfigured to hold the smaller crew size, remaining support systems, escape pods, personnel airlock and power converters. Personnel transporters were added. Any hallways that were added were narrower than the originals.
- A subspace transmitter assembly was added. The old navigational dish which could not double as a subspace transmitter was replaced with a small modern commercial unit.
- A smaller modern compliment of shuttles replaced the originals. All shuttles were on the upper shuttle bay platform with direct access from the central core added. Cargo transporters were installed on the lower deck of the shuttle bay. Container cargo was normally moved via transporters and shuttles were for personnel.
- One warp nacelle had been removed and the remaining two nacelles upgraded before Wasp was sold for civilian use.
- The impulse and warp reactors and AM bottles were not replaced but only minor upgrades performed.
- Some deuterium tanks changed size and location during the modifications. The amount of deuterium was less than original but accounting for the other modifications and upgrades, range was longer than original.
- The paint job and two cones on the command hull are advertising to make the ship look like the cartoon character 'Astro Boy'.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 56,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 120%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1685%
- Amount of deuterium: 2,200 M3, 357 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 3.5/4.6 WF
- LY range: 30.1 LY
- Months of deuterium: 8.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,200 M3, modified SSWR-IV-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 5
- Escape pods: 8
- Container cargo: 714
- Bulk/bin cargo: 26,000 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 283 months, if consumes all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 35
- Number/type shuttles: 1 mini cargo/personnel, 2 micro personnel
ARYABHATTA 2222, explorer/research ship
An explorer/research ship of Andorian design with nacelles embedded directly in the wingtips of a thick crescent shaped primary hull with a tapering oval secondary hull directly behind:
- As an explorer/research vessel, sensors take up a larger portion the ship than typical and are of unique design: the large forward and aft sensor bulbs, duel internal navigational/sensor/subspace dishes, dedicated duel sensor probe launchers, wingtip 'antenna', and the ventral sensor pallet on the secondary hull. There are also many labs onboard.
- I changed some features from Masao's online pictures. The orientation of the escape pod hatches was changed. The deuterium tanks moved slightly and reduced to circles to match Kestrel's. The deck immediately behind the bridge dome in the secondary hull was made full height for access to the personnel airlock on that deck. The interface between the secondary hull and the aft sensor stalk was modified.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 210%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2,580%
- Amount of deuterium: 2,100 M3, 413 MT
- LY range: 69.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.6 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,300 M3, SSWR-X-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 6
- Escape pods: 24
- Container cargo: 180
- Bulk/bin cargo: 500 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 20.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 20 probes of various sizes
- Number/type shuttles: 6: 2 mini cargo/personnel, 4 micro personnel
KESTREL 2223, light cruiser/patrol ship
A militarized version of Aryabhatta, not converted from existing
Aryabhattas, but built form the keel up as a military ship. But most of the layout and components are the same. Differences from Aryabhatta:
- The large centrally mounted forward sensor dish was replaced with one navigational dish of the same type as Aryabhatta. The two outboard navigational dishes were replaced with phaser cannons. The two sensor probe launchers were replaced with photon torpedo launchers. The large tail sensor, wingtip antenna and dorsal sensor pallet were removed. Smaller lateral/aft sensors were added to the much reduced tail cone.
- Two more phasers were added to the aft secondary hull. The AM containment generator was moved up two decks to be above the bottles instead of below and the shuttle bay is a smaller having two fewer shuttles to accommodate this.
- Most of the lab space was replaced with other crew areas. The sick bay was expanded and a security complex added. Some crew quarters were replaced with torpedo support equipment.
- The nacelles are new and the M/AM reactor, while the same size, is the next improved model. This boosts the maximum warp factor.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 230%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2,580%
- Amount of deuterium: 2,100 M3, 413 MT
- LY range: 75.4 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,300 M3, SSWR-X-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 6
- Escape pods: 24
- Container cargo: 180
- Bulk/bin cargo: 500 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 22.9 months
- Number/type shuttles: 4: 2 mini cargo/personnel, 2 micro personnel
D-5 (Klingon) 2224, heavy cruiser
A more advanced ship with more Klingon designed components:
- The M/AM reactor is a new completely Klingon design able to function as the sole warp reactor. The reaction chamber is hexagon shaped and fuel is injected and plasma extracted through an attached cylindrical structure.
- A new style higher efficiency more powerful fusion impulse reactor/plasma
reflux/Bussard collector is installed.
- The cargo transporters are of a Klingon design also hexagon shaped. Klingons have begun beaming cargo directly into fixed bulk bins in odd inaccessible spaces in the ship without the need for external packaging and then small amounts beamed directly to where needed. The corresponding reduced container cargo is also beamed where it is needed instead of physically moved, so the containers can be packed closer together without the need to physically reach each one eliminating the need for large cargo turbolifts.
- D-5 was meant to be a combat troop delivery ship in addition to its fighting role. It still does not have personnel transporters even though Earth ships do at this time, so there are four lateral external attachment points for personnel/troop shuttles, the large dorsally docked Grishor assault shuttle, and similar size internal shuttle compliment as earlier ships.
- The space freed up by reduced propulsion systems and no plasma cannon as in D-4 is used for expanded crew and troop areas. There are many more and smaller crew/troop quarters, more common galleys, rec rooms and two deck tall training/assembly rooms than previous ships. While still spartan compared to Earth ships, it does not have the stifling mutiny prone lower decks of previous Klingon ships.
- A battle bridge is added for the first time.
- The missiles and launchers are more advanced but still based on nuclear warheads, not AM. The missiles are smaller and more are carried than previous ships.
- Duel navigational deflectors are still in the nose cones of the nacelles but for the first time subspace generators/transmitters are included in their function.
- The AM bottles are accessed and replaced via a hatch in the container cargo bay floor. The deuterium in the wings is in stronger, thinner walled high pressure tanks.
- There are still no long horizontal turbolift shafts. Walking is the only means of horizontal travel.
- The layout of the Grishor assault shuttle is show. It has structural/utility/support system crawlspaces at the top and bottom, a main deck for most of the troops, and a flight/gun deck above that has two retractable anti-personnel disruptor cannons on the sides to support troop deployment from either the ground or the air. The wings and tail fin have deuterium, other storage tanks, and control surfaces for atmospheric flight. A tokamak fusion impulse engine and multi-directional exhaust vanes are in the tail oval with plasma converters to power the disruptors just forward.
- I changed some features from Masao's online pictures but they were all minor.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 190%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1,300%
- Amount of deuterium: 8,000 M3, 1,574 MT
- LY range: 48.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,900 M3, M/AM open cavity of Klingon design
- AM bottles: 15
- Container cargo: 1,040
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,800 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 19.6 months
- Crew complement: 400: 300 crew, 100 troops
- Number/type of missiles: 84 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons: 3: 1 main disruptor cannon, 2 smaller disruptors in individual housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
CAPSIZE (Romulan) 2225, heavy cruiser
A larger and more advanced ship than Cracker:
- In addition to the offensive weapons compliment, Capsize carries up to 300 troops and equipment to maintain and land them. It has similar crew size to Cracker.
- Personnel transporters are included for the first time. They are of similar design to Earth's transporters introduced ten years previously. They are used for normal crew movement and also to land troops.
- This is the first Romulan ship to have cloaking capability, but there is no dedicated 'cloaking room'. Cloaking components are spread out in the general support system rooms and controlled from the existing command areas.
- The single warp/impulse fusion reactor is smaller than Cracker's but more powerful with longer range. Capsize still carries a large deuterium stock in the wings and internal tanks compared to M/AM ships but the tanks are stronger yet thinner walled than previous ships.
- There are two plasma accumulation chambers between the plasma cannon and warp reactor. The first one is associated with the reactor (also contains power converters) and is normally kept full. Plasma going to the warp nacelles passes through this chamber. The second one is downstream of the reactor's accumulator and is associated with the plasma cannon. This is only filled during battle conditions. However, if the ship is caught unaware with the second accumulation chamber empty, the plasma cannon can be fired almost immediately with the plasma from the reactor's chamber. When the reactor's chamber is empty, plasma can still be fed through it without being accumulated there so the warp nacelles still have power. Likewise, in battle conditions when both chambers are full, the plasma cannon can be fired twice in very short time without draining the reactor of plasma. Therefore the impulse drive is unaffected by firing the plasma gun and would only be affected if the accumulation chambers were filled extremely fast.
- The shuttle bay doors and size of the bay is increased to handle troop assault shuttles for landings where transporters are not feasible.
- Subspace transmitter capability is added with a transmitter generator feeding each of the two embedded navigational dishes to turn them into transmitters. As a result, no message torpedoes are carried which allows for more missiles. Romulans tend to favor a large missile compliment.
- There are two arboretums but they are rather small and only two decks tall.
- Cargo stores are increased allowing unresupplied missions of almost two years (assuming deuterium can be resupplied to match if the missions involve lots of travel). Previous post-war ships only carried ~one year supplies.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 240%
- Propulsion efficiency: 395%
- Amount of deuterium: 11,200 M3, 2,200 MT
- LY range: 26.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 3,100 M3, fusion tokamak
- Container cargo: 98
- Bulk/bin cargo: 3,400 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 22.6 months
- Crew complement: 470: 170 crew plus 300 troops
- Number/type of missiles: 178 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons: 3: 1 plasma cannon, 2 laser cannons in fixed housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
PACHYDERM CARGO 2225, military cargo carrier
Pachyderm is an example of a smaller more advanced military cargo carrier than Giant:
- Similar to Giant, three large shuttle bay doors (two on the top and one on the rear) all connect to the same large internal shuttle/cargo spaces. The rear shuttle doors are overly large at four decks tall, and they open into a large uninterrupted corridor that extends 3/4ths of the length of the entire ship. In this way Pachyderm can carry a fully assembled warp nacelle (without the outer casing though) loaded through the rear shuttle bay door. Part of this bay can be converted to a container cargo bay by extending the container grid mechanism which normally stores flat along the walls similar to Giant.
- Personnel and military passenger areas are located in the upper decks and the forward quarter of the ship.
- Extending out the belly of the ship are much smaller versions of the bulk cargo bay bulge similar to Ocean (mostly for zero-g storage), and the AM keel similar to Giant.
- The propulsion components are all grouped in a compact area in the lower rear part of the ship. A single midline cylindrical nacelle is partially buried in the very lower aft portion of the ship. Slightly higher and on either side of that are 'saddlebag' protrusions for the deuterium storage tanks similar to the arrangement on Giant. The
Bussard collectors mounted on the front of the deuterium tank protrusions. AM bottle storage with a connection to the AM keel is nestled in between the nacelle and deuterium tanks. Immediately forward of these components is the M/AM reactor which is a smaller more advanced version of Quetzalcoatl's reactor. Surrounding and connecting all these components are structural support and utility transfer corridors.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 103,200 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 140%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1895%
- Amount of deuterium: 6,000 M3, 1,180 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 5.3/6.5 WF
- LY range: 70.7 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,400 M3, M/AM SSWR-XI-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 68: 12 in main body, 56 in keel
- Escape pods: 40
- Container cargo: 2,722
- Bulk/bin cargo: 10,000 M3 bulk in main cargo bay, 8,600 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 188 months
- Crew complement: 335: 250 passengers in 142 cabins, 85 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 4 mini cargo/personnel, 4 micro personnel
PACHYDERM PASSENGER 2225, civilian passenger ship
This variant was built at the same time as the military cargo variant. It was not retrofitted from an existing cargo ship, but built from scratch as a passenger liner. Main differences and similarities from the military variant are:
- Areas left substantially unchanged are the lower and aft portions housing the M/AM reactor, midline nacelle, deuterium storage tanks,
Bussard collectors, internal AM bottles, the aft end of the shuttle bay, impulse engines and power converters. The forward decks of military passenger cabins are also largely unchanged and used for passengers.
- Additional crew quarters and common areas were added to the starboard side of the lower decks and in between the impulse engines. Some cargo transporters were removed from the lower decks.
- The lower bulk cargo bay bulge and AM keel have been removed. The biggest departure from standard ship design is the location of the bridge, main computer and other command functions in the belly of the ship where the cargo bay bulge and AM keel were.
- The remainder of the ship which was various bulk and container cargo and crew quarters in the military variant is now passenger areas from for to aft containing:
- Three clusters of passenger stairs/turbolifts spaced throughout. The turbolift shafts are horizontally connected and extend into crew only areas but passengers don't have access to travel horizontally or into crew only areas.
- The main eight deck tall passenger atrium on the starboard side with a large 'ballroom' area at the top and common passenger areas looking out onto it on each floor. A huge window arcs up the starboard side and over the top of the ship. Personnel transporters open onto the atrium's first floor (which also serve the crew) and a single passenger airlock.
- At the top center is a 'crows nest' passenger lounge with a large transparent bubble dome.
- Escape pods and more passenger cabins extend down the port side.
- A two deck tall restaurant with a large overhead window and attached main kitchens.
- A two deck tall fitness area.
- A three deck tall arboretum with swimming pool and a large window out the port side.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 92,600 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 140%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1895%
- Amount of deuterium: 6,000 M3, 1,180 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 5.3/6.5 WF
- LY range: 78.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,400 M3, SSWR-XI-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 12
- Escape pods: 45
- Container cargo: 232
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,500 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 22 months
- Crew complement: 425: 300 passengers in 205 cabins, 125 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 3 mini cargo/personnel, 5 micro personnel
VALLEY FORGE 2227, heavy cruiser
An evolutionary heavy cruiser that uses more of the advanced manufacturing techniques first tested in Asia:
- The phaser design is new with duel emitters right next to each other powered by the same phaser generator.
- The photon torpedo deck is a new design. Instead of the AM permanently loaded in all the torpedoes stored in space hogging cradles, all AM is stored in just a few AM bottles. The empty torpedo cases can be stored much more compactly and are loaded with AM just before firing. The torpedo launchers are also longer and capable of very high speed launches.
- The main computer is a new design.
- The subspace communicator generator has been reduced in size so much it no longer needs a dedicated room. Several generators are contained within the bridge, command & control, and computer core equipment. The subspace communicator transmitter function is still combined in the navigation dish for very long range transmissions. For shorter ranges, the normal sensor pallets now also have this function.
- Crew quarters continue to become smaller in size and more numerous affording more single and double quarters and fewer that hold three or more crew.
- The impulse reactors are a new design. Several smaller spherical reactors in combinations of parallel and series power the drives instead of a larger tokamak or rectangular reactor. The small fusion reactors can be more easily swapped out through overhead hatches and if one of them goes offline, the others can still function with the plasma routed through the non-functioning reactor.
- Four new design personnel transporters are in the lower primary hull. Four cargo transporters are in the deck just below the personnel transporters. This is becoming the standard placement of transporters in the primary hull.
- The primary hull can be separated and operated independently of the secondary hull/nacelle assembly. The primary hull has all the phasers and torpedoes, the fusion reactors to power them, a small supply of deuterium, most of the cargo, most of the escape pods, and all the transporters. The only functions it lack are warp, tractor beam and shuttles.
- The M/AM warp reactor is mounted high in the secondary hull with a blow away panel for emergency reactor ejection above it. The AM bottles are just behind the reactor and one deck down.
- All AM bottles and containment generators throughout the ship are a new design. The bottles come in several different sizes to fit the room including the current size but also some smaller designs. The containment generator and transfer lines are smaller.
- The TOS canon shuttle is introduced classified as a 'small' size shuttle when compared to other SM shuttles. This is the first warp capable shuttle. Very small vehicles could previously travel at warp, such as missiles, but living beings could not survive in them until some improvements in warp fields were made. Smaller non warp capable micro shuttles are still included.
- The deuterium storage tanks are a thinner walled yet stronger.
- I changed window location and added reaction control thrusters to Masao's online pictures.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 350%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2995%
- Amount of deuterium: 2,600 M3, 511 MT
- LY range: 80.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.2 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 970 M3, SSWR-XI-A, M/AM open cavity refit to SSWR-XIII-A
- AM bottles: 8
- Escape pods: 52
- Container cargo: 136
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,350 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 25.5 months
- Number/type shuttles: 6: 2 small TOS, 4 micro personnel
BELLEAU WOOD 2230, troop assault transport
A troop assault transport based on Valley Forge. Major changes from that ship are:
- The upper saucer dome is compressed to one deck tall (not counting the bridge) and the phasers and torpedoes removed. This deck contains a command overbridge for coordinating planetary landings and other fleet wide operations.
- Two full decks were added to the saucer rim for a very large annular shuttle bay that raps 2/3rds of the way around the saucer perimeter. It has six shuttle bay doors for fast exit of the 20 small non warp assault shuttles. These can carry most of the 1000 troops in light armor or a smaller number in heavier armor. Large armories/ready rooms at the ends of the shuttle bay contain troop arms and armor.
- An additional bank of four personnel transporters in the expanded saucer rim decks brings the total to eight. These can beam a large number of troops to the surface if necessary.
- The rest of the expanded saucer decks are filled with additional crew and troop quarters and common crew rooms.
- Banks of individual crew quarters on all saucer decks were merged into barracks style quarters for when the troop complement is at its maximum.
- There are not enough escape pods for the full complement of troops. Most of them would have to emergency exit via their assault shuttles (which they drill to be able to do very quickly regardless).
- The lower saucer dome is identical to Valley Forge except the laboratories and offices were replaced with additional sickbay facilities doubling the sickbay capacity.
- The primary hull can still separate from the rest of the ship in an emergency. The neck is wider with more structural support for the heavier primary and secondary hulls.
- Most of the very large secondary hull is devoted shuttle and storage bays for eight medium assault shuttles, armories to hold combat vehicles, mechanized walker suits, and additional maintenance bays. Larger cargo transporters in the armories facilitate moving the gear around internally, loading the shuttles, or can beam it directly to the ground.
- A secondary hull aft shuttle bay caries a standard compliment of TOS warp and micro shuttles.
- Because Belleau Wood has the same impulse and warp reactors as Valley Forge but is considerably larger, warp and impulse performance suffers. This is acceptable since its role is not a frontline ship, but will always be part of a well armed task force.
- I changed window location and added reaction control thrusters to Masao's online pictures.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 260%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2995%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,700 M3, 924 MT
- LY range: 75.6 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 970 M3, SSWR-XI-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 10
- Escape pods: 56
- Container cargo: 136
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,850 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 31.3 months for crew only, 7.3 months with full troop complement
- Number/type shuttles: 35: 8 medium assault, 20 small assault, 2 small TOS, 5 micro personnel
PENGUIN 2230, fighter
Penguin was the first fighter with a true M/AM warp reactor that did not rely on M/AM fuel cells with the following internal arrangement from front to rear:
- The nose cone contains the navigational deflector/sensor/subspace transmitter assembly. Subspace transmission technology has advanced enough to be incorporated into a ship this small.
- Behind the nose cone, the structural support and utility core starts, running down the center of the ship in a flat plane just below the ship's centerline all the way to the impulse drive.
- Above and below the utility core are reaction control thrusters.
- Behind the RCS and above the core is misc support systems.
- Behind the RCS and below the core is the start of the Blue Meanie torpedo bay which continues under the cockpit. The Blue meanie torpedoes are released laterally out the bay doors before they engage their onboard warp drives. There are no Blue Meanie launchers.
- Behind the misc support systems is the cockpit. The upper forward part of the hull including the cockpit is more heavily armored than the rest of the ship. The control panel/main computer is on the forward cockpit wall. Behind the cockpit is a narrow hallway to the overhead personnel hatch. On either side of the hallway is a small storage room and crew room/head. The entire cockpit including hallway & small rooms on either side can be ejected.
- The port wing contains the phaser cannon in the wing root with a small AM bottle behind the phaser. The rest of the wing contains deuterium. Penguin has a lot of deuterium for a ship this size to be used for impulse maneuvers and a LY range sufficient to travel between two stars if necessary if they are very close together.
- The starboard wing contains the mini photon torpedo launcher in the wing root and the AM containment generator behind the launcher. The rest of the wing contains the mini torpedoes. Lines connect the AM containment generator with the AM bottle, the Blue Meanie torpedoes and the mini torpedoes through the utility core.
- Behind the cockpit is the flat cylindrical M/AM reactor that powers warp, impulse, and the power converter.
- The warp nacelle is below the reactor and sticks out the back of the ship. The power converter is below the forward half of the nacelle.
- The impulse drive is behind the reactor.
- Above the impulse drive are two small atmospheric maneuvering fins that also have imbedded sensors.
- Below the impulse drive on either side of the nacelle are the rear landing legs. There is no front landing leg as the ship rests directly on its belly.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 125%
- Propulsion efficiency: 900%
- Amount of deuterium: 10 M3, 2 MT
- LY range: 3.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 0.2 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 60 M3, SSWR-XII-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 1 small bottle
- Number/type of missiles: 7: 2 Blue Meanie photon torpedoes, 5 mini-photon torpedoes
AL-BURAK 2231, fighter carrier
A fighter carrier based on Belleau Wood. Major changes from that ship are:
- The overbridge in the upper saucer dome was removed and replaced with a single phaser. Most of the crew areas of this deck were converted to quarters.
- A small deck was added on top of the impulse deck to house AM bottles and a containment generator for Penguin's torpedo compliment and onboard AM bottle. An AM line runs down a deck to the torpedo armories in the saucer. In an emergency, the bottles can be ejected through rear hatches. There are more bottles than needed for just the torpedoes because the secondary hull has fewer bottles than required due to its very small size. If necessary, bottles can be swapped between the two locations.
- Two port and starboard fighter bays which are a full four decks tall take up over half of the primary hull rim decks. Each bay holds five Penguin fighters. A compliment of TOS and micro shuttles is along the inner annular wall of the bays under a two deck tall overhang. The shuttles must roll under the wings or around the fighters to reach the bay doors.
- The duel armories are centrally located on the same level as the 4th deck of the fighter bay. The mini and Blue Meanie torpedoes are loaded with AM, carried above the Penguins on a rack and lowered to them. The armories also have spare empty small Penguin AM bottles. These can be filled in the armories and swapped out in the Penguins for empty ones.
- Wedges of standard decking at the fore and aft saucer rim and at the very center contain the rest of the typical primary hull facilities such as crew quarters and common areas, main computers, the impulse deck and power converters, various sensors, support systems and maintenance bays. There are fewer crew quarters and common areas and no barracks quarters. The primary hull saucer decks also contain all deuterium in two large cylindrical tanks on either side of the impulse deck.
- The lower saucer dome was compressed to two decks tall (not counting the lower sensor dome). It contains most of the escape pods, all the personnel and cargo transporters, and all the container and bin cargo. Some of the lab area on this deck was converted to crew quarters. The sick bay, security complex and deuterium were moved to other locations in the saucer.
- The very compact secondary hull contains the M/AM warp reactor, AM bottles and containment generator, navigational dish, some escape pods, support systems and maintenance. The M/AM reactor cannot be ejected. It is buried too deep in the secondary hull under the neck. In an emergency the primary hull can separate from the secondary hull & nacelles. Any crew still in the secondary hull would evacuate via escape pods or be beamed out.
- A had to make a major change to Masao's online pictures: The upper and lower saucer dome & bridge were moved back to the center of the saucer instead of closer to the leading edge. The upper AM bottle compartment is also shorter. I also changed window location and added reaction control thrusters.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 250%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2995%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,700 M3, 924 MT
- LY range: 91.3 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.2 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 970 M3, SSWR-XII-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 18: 12 for photon torpedoes, 6 for M/AM reactor
- Escape pods: 38
- Container cargo: 84
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,850 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 21.1 months
- Number/type of missiles: 168: 48 Blue Meanies, 120 mini photon torpedo all for the Penguins
- Number/type shuttles: 16: 10 Penguin fighters, 2 small TOS, 4 micro personnel
SIEGFRIED 2235, Dreadnaught
A three nacelle 'super beam' weapon ship based on Belleau Wood. Major changes from that ship are:
- The overbridge in the upper saucer dome was removed and three phasers installed.
- The centrally mounted impulse drive deck was removed and replaced with two offset drives each with two fewer impulse reactors. The power converters were moved to in between and outboard of both impulse drives and their number increased.
- The large primary hull shuttle bay was shrunk to two port and starboard bays. One bay holds the typical shuttle compliment and the other holds a wing of non-warp fighters.
- A large torpedo deck with four launchers was installed at the front of the saucer rim.
- The navigational dish was moved to the front of the saucer rim.
- The duel computer cores were doubled in size from two to four decks tall to handle the increased computing needed to manage three warp nacelles instead of two and additional backup in case of damage due to the heavy combat role.
- Extra support systems were installed in the saucer for more shielding and environmental backup systems.
- Crew quarters were reduced and there are no barracks quarters.
- The lower saucer dome is identical to Valley Forge.
- The secondary hull is taken up mostly by the Kaminari II beam weapon and the much larger M/AM warp reactor to power it and the three nacelles. It also has more deuterium, more AM, an aft navigational dish, duel tractor beam emitters, support systems, maintenance bays, a few common crew areas and escape pods. There is no shuttle bay. The warp reactor is not able to be ejected.
- I changed window location and added reaction control thrusters to Masao's online pictures.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 240%
- Propulsion efficiency: 3270%
- Amount of deuterium: 3,000 M3, 590 MT
- LY range: 47.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,000 M3, SSWR-XIII-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 15
- Escape pods: 56
- Container cargo: 136
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,800 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 25.2 months
- Number/type shuttles: 14: 4 small TOS, 6 mini fighters, 4 micro personnel
CAPELLA 2239, light survey/science ship
A small shorter range survey/science ship.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 70,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 240%
- Propulsion efficiency: 3215%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,350 M3, 266 MT
- LY range: 55.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 680 M3, SSWR-XIV-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 8
- Escape pods: 20
- Container cargo: 24
- Bulk/bin cargo: 970 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 28.3 months
- Crew complement: 115
- Number/type of missiles: 0
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 phasers
- Number/type shuttles: 4: 1 small TOS, 3 micro personnel
STARMASTER/DESERT TENDER 2240, military tender ship
This version is a top of the line starship tender. It has the maintenance capabilities of a small starbase but portable. It can perform everything from resupplying up to a task force size fleet (container cargo, bulk cargo, deuterium, AM, additional shuttles/fighters), routine maintenance up to carrying and swapping out an entire nacelle and M/AM reactor, even extensive battle damage repair, evacuate, care for and transport other crew. Main design features are:
- A long shuttle/bulk storage bay runs down the center of almost the entire length of the ship. It can transport large cargo such as an entire replacement warp nacelle loaded through the rear shuttle bay doors, or a full complement of Penguin fighters. Below this is another smaller bulk cargo bay that can be converted to additional container cargo storage, cargo transporters, and a large container cargo bay.
- Quarters for temporary military passengers are in the upper front/mid sections on either side of the long shuttle/bulk storage bay and includes large common areas for them. Regular crew quarters are just under the bridge and in the forward area under the temporary quarters.
- Escape pods are close to the temporary passenger quarters and are double capacity of normal pods in extra long escape pod bays.
- A five deck tall maintenance hangar bay is accessible through large doors under the nose. Large ship components can be brought inside for extensive maintenance including the largest M/AM reactors of the era. Additional smaller maintenance hangars, spare parts storage areas, workerbees, and cargo transporters line the main maintenance hangar bay.
- A total of eight personnel transporters can quickly evacuate other ships if necessary. A large sick bay close to the transporters can care for evacuated crew.
- A forward deuterium tank is behind the nose for refueling capacity.
- The lower aft hull contains the warp reactor with the central nacelle directly behind and main oval deuterium tank below, impulse engines and power converters, internal AM supply, personnel transporters, offices, maintenance areas and tractor beams.
- An ejectable AM 'keel' at the very bottom center section is for refueling other ships.
- Bulk cargo bins of various sizes are spread throughout odd shaped & inaccessible areas of the ship.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 169,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 135%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2140%
- Amount of deuterium: 18,200 M3, 3,580 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 5.2/5.5 WF
- LY range: 142.7 LY, if uses all deuterium
- Months of deuterium: 12.2 months, if uses all deuterium
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,900 M3, SSWR-XIII-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 124, 40 in main body, 84 in keel
- Escape pods: 38 double sized pods
- Container cargo: 3,410
- Bulk/bin cargo: 8,000 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 129 months
- Crew complement: 335 regular crew plus 315 military passengers, more in an emergency
- Number/type shuttles: 22: 2 small TOS, 2 mini cargo/personnel, 10 micro personnel, 8 workerbees
STARMASTER/DESERT CARGO 2240, military cargo ship
This version is a standard military cargo transporter. It can carry container, bulk cargo, shuttles and other smaller craft and other large/odd shaped cargo. It can also transfer military personnel. Main changes from the military tender version are:
- The forward deuterium storage tank was removed and replaced with military passenger areas and the escape pods. The crew and escape pods in the middle aft section of the ship were replaced with more container cargo space.
- The extensive maintenance hangar facilities under the nose were converted to a large bulk cargo bay and bins. Some crew areas in mid ship were replaced with more passenger areas and bulk cargo bins. Some personnel transporters and other maintenance shops lower in the ship were removed and replaced with regular crew areas.
- The rest of the ship remained largely unchanged.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 169,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 135%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2140%
- Amount of deuterium: 10,400 M3, 2,046 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 5.2/5.5 WF
- LY range: 81.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,900 M3, SSWR-XIII-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 124, 40 in main body, 84 in keel
- Escape pods: 60
- Container cargo: 4,453
- Bulk/bin cargo: 22,050 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 258 months
- Crew complement: 540: 440 passengers, 100 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 14: 2 small TOS, 2 mini cargo/personnel, 10 micro personnel
STARMASTER/DESERT PASSENGER 2240, civilian passenger ship
Despite being named a passenger ship, over half the available space is for various types of cargo. While it carries almost the same amount of passengers as other similar size liners, the passenger common areas have been scaled down. Main design changes from the military cargo version are:
- The upper forward half of the ship is for passengers. The sensor fin has been removed. Behind the escape pods in the nose, passenger cabins line the outer hull with the passenger common areas in a central mall with a large overhead window. From top to bottom, the central common areas include an atrium with personnel transporters and airlocks on its bottom deck, a two deck fitness area, and two deck restaurant. Various shops and smaller common areas are spread throughout the central mall. To port and starboard of the central utility core is a multi-level swimming pool and arboretum.
- The upper aft half of the ship is for cargo. A container cargo bay with attached cargo transporters surrounds a convertible cargo bay that can hold large bulk items or more container cargo. Bulk cargo bins are on the top decks.
- The lower forward half of the ship has the bridge, central computer, and officer areas just under the main utility core. On either side and below is bulk cargo bins and bulk liquid cargo tanks. The AM keel has been removed.
- The lower aft half of the ship is mostly unchanged except for most of the crew quarters were relocated here.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 159,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 135%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2140%
- Amount of deuterium: 10,400 M3, 2,046 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 5.2/5.5 WF
- LY range: 86.7 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,900 M3, SSWR-XIII-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 40
- Escape pods: 60
- Container cargo: 4,858
- Bulk/bin cargo: 34,500 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 339 months
- Crew complement: 530: 385 passengers in 126 cabins, 145 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 2 mini cargo/personnel, 6 micro personnel
D-6 (Klingon) 2241, heavy cruiser
An evolution of the D-5 cruiser into a smaller and sleeker ship designed for fast attack missions. Speed, power, and agility are emphasizes over range and multi-role capability. Anything not necessary for the fast attack role was removed to reduce ship mass. The general layout is similar to D-5, but main changes are:
- Components that use transporter manufacturing technology are being integrated into Klingon ships. This allows for smaller, stronger and more powerful components.
- The main computer is still the tall cylinder design immediately under the bridge, but it is smaller and more powerful. It does not extend through the command 'hat brim', but stops at the base of the command head cylinder.
- The disruptors under the hat brim are larger and more powerful than D-5's. The main disruptor is about the same size as D-5's but also more powerful.
- There are no missiles on board. Federation shields had been getting stronger to the point where nuclear missiles were ineffective, and Klingons had not yet perfected the high yield AM photon torpedo despite the Federation having done so over 30 years earlier. So the missile bays were removed which allowed the command head to be downsized.
- There are no personnel airlocks. Personnel airlocks on earlier Klingon ships are associated with sturdy docking latches for large troop shuttles to big to fit in the shuttle bay. Since D-6 does not carry troops and few normal crew transfers occur by personnel airlocks, none were included. This trimmed a lot of weight from the ship.
- Klingons finally perfected personnel transporters and they are included for the first time in D-6. This more than offsets the lack of personnel airlocks. So ship access is via transporters or the shuttle bay.
- The M/AM reactor, nacelles and impulse drive are very powerful and compact, but at the expense of efficiency. To compensate, the amount of deuterium carried in the wings is almost as much as D-5. It has a reasonable range at normal cruising speed. In 'super cruise' mode (maximum sustainable speed without sustaining reactor damage), range is cut by almost 2/3rds, but is still sufficient to travel one to two star systems which fulfills the fast attack role.
- To save mass and space, the container cargo bay and shuttle bay are combined into the same bay. Container cargo is stored on the lower deck of the bay on either side of the shuttle door with easy access to the cargo transporters immediately forward. Shuttles are parked on the upper deck above the cargo. The amount of cargo and shuttles are reduced to save mass with the downside that D-6 needs to be resupplied more often than D-5.
- The outer hull is not as thick as D-5 but is just as strong. It is now of comparable thickness to Starfleet hulls. The command head, neck and engineering hull are no longer divided by thick internal bulkheads, although the deuterium in the wings is still isolated from the engineering hull by internal bulkheads.
- The structural support & utility transfer areas, while still substantial, are reduced from D-5. The 'shoulder' area is still the strong point of the ship with a thick vertical and lateral corridor of structural support area. A corridor from the lower deck of the shoulders extends out the neck to the command head. Corridors from the middle shoulder decks extend out the leading edges of the wings to the nacelles. A final corridor from the top shoulder deck extends aft under the impulse engine.
Ship stats and specs:
D-6 (Klingon) MISSILE VARIANT 2241, heavy cruiser
A missile launcher is installed in place of the main disruptor. The back half of the disruptor bay and some crew quarters and support systems on either side were converted to missile storage. A D-6 battle group consists of a mix of standard D-6's and missile variants.
Ship stats and specs if different from the standard D-6:
- Months of container/bin cargo: 13.9 months
- Crew compliment: 245
- Number/type of missiles: 74 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 smaller disruptors in individual housings
PYOTR VELIKIY 2241, heavy cruiser
A heavy cruiser designed in the flat Andorian style using the same improved components of Constitution (see that section for complete list) with one major exception: the warp reactor. Design features are:
- Functionally, the warp reactor is a scaled up version of the older open cavity design Valley Forge reactor with an external look of Capella with two 'wings' instead of four. To achieve the power output necessary, the scaled up reactor is the largest since the first generation M/AM reactors of the Romulan War era! Due to its size, it is located in a dedicated secondary hull on a stalk behind the primary hull.
- Even though Pyotr Velikiy and Constitution were designed at the same time and for similar mission profiles, Pyotr Velikiy has more internal space. This is because it was not expected to be a frontline ship for very long. The extra internal room allowed for more flexible conversion to other roles.
- Pyotr Velikiy uses a similar primary hull saucer design as Constitution but with a smaller diameter. The structural support & utility transfer central core, hallway, turbolift, and stair layouts in the two rim decks are similar to Constitution. Placement of components in the primary hull such as computer cores, emergency bridge, and personnel transporters are similar. The bridge and command blister are the same. Because the upper and lower saucer bulges are much larger than Constitution's and also because the upper one is offset from the saucer centerline, they have different internal layouts.
- Phasers are not in entirely traditional placement areas. The upper lateral phasers are not on the main primary hull bulge, but on the outer rear of the crescent shaped prominaries to give them better aft facing fields of fire. The forward lower phasers are on the large bulge that contains the main navigational dish.
- There are two shuttle bays with external doors on the aft edge of the primary hull. Two container cargo bays extend forward of the shuttle bays to the center of the saucer. The cargo transporters are in the secondary hull neck.
- The online pics were redesigned to reduce the saucer thickness. The original was too thick indicating it was three decks tall which was not the intention. Other minor changes were some subtle adjustment of lines and interfaces between external surfaces, relocated window and airlock placement, and subtle lines for the phaser and AM bottle ejection hatches and removing the secondary hull shuttle door.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 230%
- Propulsion efficiency: 2,730%
- Amount of deuterium: 12,600 M3, 2,478 MT
- LY range: 114.3 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 7,500 M3, SSWR-XIII-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 25: 19 for warp reactor, 6 for torpedoes
- Escape pods: 58
- Container cargo: 986
- Bulk/bin cargo: 4,500 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 65.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 54 photon torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 2 small TOS, 6 micro personnel
CONSTITUTION 2245, heavy cruiser
WARNING! DISCLAIMER: This is not simply the canon interior by the Master, Franz Joseph or true to every detail seen in TOS! It does have some of those features as well as some refit Enterprise features. But most of all, it is based on the Starfleet Museum design lineage. It uses the same types of components that take up significant internal space. It uses similar hallway & turbolift layout styles as past SM ships. It uses similar cargo/shuttle bay/fuel/etc. placement and amounts. It is based around a central continuous structural support and utility transfer core like all SM interiors. So don't be upset that it doesn't have an exact TOS engine room or transporter room or shuttle bay! Main features are:
- The revolutionary warp reactor is a tall narrow cylinder with dilithium crystal controlled M/AM reaction and makes the Constitution the powerful new ship she is. This design first appeared outside SM in the refit Enterprise. In SM, this design had not been used in a frontline ship since the test ship Asia. As in Asia, a deuterium fusion reactor at the top of the warp reactor generates a plasma matter stream. Due to Constitution's overly thin neck, the matter fusion reactor is detached from the top of the warp reactor, offset a little, and placed in the center of the impulse engine room. It connects to the warp reactor by a typical plasma conduit. In case of emergency hull separation, the matter fusion reactor remains in the primary hull rendering the warp reactor inoperable. At the bottom of the warp reactor is an AM fusion reactor to generate the plasma AM stream. The two plasma streams are compressed and accelerated towards one another and meet at the center of the reactor cylinder where the dilithium crystal regulates the reaction.
- The duel main computers are the same design introduced in Valley Forge that resembles the cylinders of TNG and other canon eras, but are taller at three deck tall instead of one to two. The computers are not at the centerline because the main vertical structural support & utility transfer corridor is located there.
- An emergency bridge is located deep in the saucer, but it is not at the centerline.
- The phasers are large boxy designs similar to previous SM versions. They take up significantly more space than many canon phasers which seem to be in a room no bigger than a closet! Phaser placement is in the canon locations of refit Enterprise. But in keeping with TOS canon of no external phaser bumps, the phasers are behind doors. While not an ideal design, the phaser emitters do not extend after the doors open, but rather the doors are large to give an acceptable firing arc.
- Duel photon torpedo launchers are at the base of the saucer lower bulge just above the lower sensor dome. TOS often showed them firing from roughly this spot. They are not under the bridge as sometimes depicted in designs outside SM. The torpedoes themselves and AM storage are on the deck above the launchers.
- Most escape pods are located in the bottom rim saucer deck with a few in the secondary hull. There are three short stairwells in the saucer rim to provide quick access to the escape pods.
- Personnel transporters are in a traditional canon spot in a grouping of four near the center of the saucer.
- The main crew lounge, as in refit Enterprise, is located in a ~2 deck tall section of the aft starboard saucer rim. But the design takes into account the saucer undercut reducing the floor to ceiling height of most of the room, contrary to some canon designs and movie sets which do not take this into account! The lounge also extends into a 3rd deck in the upper saucer bulge.
- The impulse reactors are based on similar SM designs (and TNG era designs) of several interchangeable spherical fusion reactors in a row connected to the impulse drive. The impulse engine room has two spare fusion reactors to swap out during repairs. Part of the floor of the engine room raised due to the saucer undercut making the full height a little less than two decks.
- The area that the saucer undercut takes out of the bottom deck of the saucer is deuterium storage tanks, misc support systems, and some bulk container bins. While the undercut looks nice from the outside, it makes terrible use if internal ship space!
- Although it looks graceful, the neck has always been overly thin for a practical strong design. There is barely room for the tall narrow warp reactor and turbolift/ladder pass-through's. There is not enough room for a stairway. The leading and trailing edges of the neck are structural support & utility transfer areas for strength. There are no crew areas as shown in some designs outside SM, although a small section of hallway has some observation windows. The rest is bulk cargo bins.
- The shuttle bay is four standard decks tall with a partial level almost two decks off the floor instead of one large two deck tall space as in canon designs. There is no separate lower deck below the bay for shuttle storage and maintenance per some canon designs. All storage and maint is done in the main shuttle bay. The spherical shuttle doors have space between them and the internal force field emitter that can hold a standard size shuttle. This feature was incorporated in past SM ships. It allows the shuttle doors to function as a standard '2 door' airlock and not solely rely on a 'semi-permeable' force field that a shuttle can pass through while still holding in the air.
- Immediately forward of the shuttle bay is the container cargo bay with cargo transporters. The container cargo bay extends aft under the shuttle bay. The lower primary hull also has a small container cargo bay and some cargo transporters.
- There is no swimming pool or bowling alley in the secondary hull as in some designs outside SM! This area is cargo. There are two small two deck tall arboretums and some other two deck tall common rooms in the forward secondary hull.
- There is more deuterium than other designs outside SM, most of which is in the lower secondary hull aft of the bottom of the warp reactor beneath the container cargo bay. There is some deuterium in the saucer undercut area to power the impulse engine in case of emergency separation. The AM bottles are forward of the bottom of the warp reactor which is a similar location to canon designs.
- The exterior is canon except for window placement, personnel airlocks, and subtle lines for the phaser and AM bottle ejection hatches. Some of the observational lounges in the lower saucer bulge and neck are included although the windows are not in the exact same spot. It is as similar to canon as possible!
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 290%
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,130%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,700 M3, 924 MT
- LY range: 119.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 335 M3, SSWR-XV, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 17: 12 for warp reactor, 5 for torpedoes
- Escape pods: 52
- Container cargo: 658
- Bulk/bin cargo: 4,250 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 59.1 months
- Number/type of missiles: 54 photon torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 2 small TOS, 6 micro personnel
PYOTR VELIKIY CARGO 2246, heavy cargo tug
Many Pyotr Velikiy class ships were refitted because they were not expected to be front line ships for very long. The extra internal space vs. Constitution allowed for easy conversion to many different variants such as a large science/research ship, hospital ship, cargo or troop transporter, or even fighter carrier. This is an example of a cargo tug version suitable for service in a combat area. Changes from the original are:
- The ship was designed so the entire secondary hull and large warp reactor could be easily removed and the much smaller dilithium controlled reactor of Constitution installed when it became available. The new reactor along with the AM bottles are in the remaining 'stump' of the secondary hull neck with the reactor extends somewhat into the original shuttle/cargo space.
- Hardpoints were added on the bottom aft of the primary hull for attachment of two standard Starfleet cargo pods. The hardpoints include stairwell, turbolift and container cargo access and extend up to the main horizontal utility cores in the crescent shaped prominaries.
- The two container cargo bays were doubled by removing crew area. Part of this space is taken up by the cargo transporters since they are no longer in the secondary hull neck.
- Some escape pods were removed and some repositioned to account for a smaller crew size and to not interfere with external cargo pods when mounted.
- The photon torpedoes and associated AM bottles were removed. All phasers were left in place.
- The upper and lower saucer bulges along with the impulse reactors are mostly unchanged. Most of the extensive lab space in the crescent shaped prominaries has been repurposed to common crew areas but can be further repurposed to visitor quarters as necessary.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 229,600 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 235%, without external cargo pods
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,130%
- Amount of deuterium: 9,350 M3, 1,839 MT
- LY range: 159.9 LY, without external cargo pods
- Months of deuterium: 8.9 months, without external cargo pods
- Warp reactor size/type: 335 M3, SSWR-XV, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 20
- Escape pods: 36
- Container cargo: 1,601
- Bulk/bin cargo: 3,400 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 131 months
- Crew complement: 320
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 2 small TOS, 6 micro personnel
D-7 (Klingon) 2250, heavy cruiser
This is not simply a canon-like interior that you might find on other internet sites. It is based on the Starfleet Museum design lineage. It uses the same types of components that take up significant internal space and similar hallway & turbolift layout styles as past SM Klingon ships. It uses similar cargo/shuttle bay/fuel/etc. placement and is based around a central continuous structural support and utility transfer core like all SM interiors. Main features are:
- The command head contains the bridge, main computer, all weapons systems, all officer areas, two personnel transporters, forward and lateral sensors, and assorted bulk cargo bins in odd shaped spaces.
- The cylinder and oval on top of the command head were shrunk and switched orientation from past Klingon ships. The bridge was moved from the top of the cylinder to the top of the oval. The cylinder now contains only the smaller diameter computer core.
- The only energy weapons are disruptors in blisters under the command hat brim. The centrally mounted weapon system in the lower command head is a new Klingon style photon torpedo launcher. Like current Starfleet systems, the torpedo casings are stored empty and loaded with AM from dedicated bottles immediately before firing.
- The over-thin neck manages to have an entire deck dedicated to structural support & utility transfer and an additional deck for crew space and hallway access between hulls. Various odd shaped spaces contain misc support systems.
- Deck 7 in the command head and engineering hull is a half-height deck dedicated mostly to horizontal structural support & utility transfer corridors (which drops down to the full-height deck 8 in the neck). Some space along the edges of deck 7 are bulk storage bins. Other 'cutouts' add some ceiling height to decks above or below.
- The leading face of the engineering hull is almost entirely a narrow vertical structural support & utility transfer corridor. It is pierced by various hallway access and the duel navigational deflector dishes. The nacelle nose cones are no longer large enough to hold the navigational dishes as on past Klingon ships.
- Duel M/AM reactors are mounted side by side in the upper decks of the engineering hull with a narrow central connector for the single plasma feed exit. This lateral dumbbell shaped arrangement is the main reason for the very wide engineering hull. The reactors vertically straddle the half-height deck 7 so the plasma conduit to the nacelles can feed into the utility corridor on this deck. Dedicated AM bottles and containment generators are directly aft of each reactor. The bottles are tightly stacked in the 1.5 deck tall space and can be replaced through a pass-through connector into the shuttle bay which is aft and below the AM bottle room.
- The engineering hull also contains a large amount of crew space, four personnel transporters and associated armories for transporter troop deployment, a combined shuttle/container cargo bay with cargo transporters (this arrangement worked well in D-6), and a separate shuttle storage/maintenance facility under the shuttle bay accessed via shuttle elevator and maintenance facilities. On top of the engineering hull is a powerful yet compact impulse deck with
Bussard style collector and plasma reflux tunnels. The power converters are in the impulse deck room. The bottom deck of the engineering hull is a very large 1.5 deck high misc support systems room.
- As with all Klingon ships, there are minimal turbolift shafts and no horizontal runs. There are no personnel airlocks. Access to the ship is either by transporter or shuttle bay. Any troops are deployed by transporter, not by dedicated externally docked assault shuttles as on D-5 and earlier ships.
- The leading edge of the wings contain waste heat radiators and structural support & utility transfer corridors out to the nacelles. The rest of the wings contain deuterium storage tanks.
- Even though the exterior is canon, the views were not very consistent. The wings and nacelles were raised quite a bit on the side view. Other 'edges' were trimmed or surface features readjusted so they were consistent among all views. These problems occur to various degrees with all exterior schematics, not just on the SM site. Window placement was kept as close as possible to canon. The main departure from canon was a redesign of the central aft view. The impulse exhausts were split into duel openings and moved above the shuttle bay door high up between the rectangular plasma reflux tunnels. The shuttle bay door was moved from high on the impulse deck to the center of the engineering hull. This is consistent with past SM Klingon ships.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 200%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1,500%
- Amount of deuterium: 7,400 M3, 1,465 MT
- LY range: 72.4 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 780 M3 each, duel M/AM open cavity of Klingon design
- AM bottles: 12: 10 for warp reactor, 2 for photon torpedoes
- Container cargo: 736
- Bulk/bin cargo: 2,100 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 14.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 44 photon torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 disruptors in individual housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
AVENGER 2252, medium cruiser
A small but powerful medium cruiser (i.e. destroyer) based on Constitution era technology. Main features are:
- The bridge is set forward of the saucer center and buried half way into deck 2. Deck 2 is a half height deck except for the shuttle bay. The half height area contains misc support systems such as water tanks and other short equipment.
- Torpedo casings are stored in stacks of two in the low ceiling area at the leading edge of the torpedo bay.
- The phasers are behind long retractable hatches as on Constitution so there are no permanent phaser blisters on the outer skin.
- The long shuttle bay is attached to a container cargo bay with a semi-circular cargo grid on either side of the shuttles and cargo transporter in the center. The cargo grid extends one deck down where there is another cargo transporter. As in Constitution, there is space between the shuttle door and force field emitter for a shuttle to allow the shuttle doors to function as a standard '2 door' airlock if necessary.
- Duel three deck high computer cores, two personnel transporters, emergency bridge, and escape pods are in typical locations in the saucer for a ship of this era.
- The impulse engine room is a very compact three deck high compartment with six Constitution size spherical fusion reactors packed very close together. It gives excellent impulse performance. If any of the spherical reactors needs to be removed, they can be extracted through a hatch into the shuttle bay above.
- The lower saucer dome contains all the deuterium and most of the bulk cargo bins.
- Deck 7 is another half height deck containing the main horizontal structural support & utility transfer corridor. It runs in a narrow strip through the navigational dish cowling connecting to the vertical utility core up the center of the saucer to the bridge, through the neck under the impulse engines and above the warp reactor. Narrow corridors run down along each side of the warp engine room into the secondary hull and out the nacelle struts and also connects to the phaser cannon lower in the secondary hull.
- The horizontally mounted dilithium crystal controlled M/AM warp reactor is in the base of the neck. The engine room takes up the entire width of the neck except for narrow structural support & utility transfer corridors on either side. The turbolift network ends at the forward end of the engine room and does not continue into the secondary hull. To get to the secondary hull, you must walk through the engine room. Due to this limited egress, all compartments in the secondary hull connect to a short corridor/ladder network that leads to escape pods in the secondary hull in case of emergency where transporters cannot evacuate everyone.
- There is a full stairwell in the center of the saucer, and two short stairwells near the saucer rim to provide quick access to the escape pods. There is a ladder near the back of the saucer that goes down through the neck and ends at the front end of the warp engine room. The secondary hull only has a ladder between decks.
- The small secondary hull contains one standard phaser facing aft, a phaser cannon facing forward, AM bottles and containment generator, three escape pods, a lower warp engine room containing the plasma conduits going to the warp nacelles, and misc support systems. The AM bottle ejection hatches are covered with a cowling that maintains the shape of the trailing edge of the secondary hull.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 310%
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,150%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,000 M3, 197 MT
- LY range: 69.4 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 129 M3, SSWR-XVIII-A, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 9: 6 for warp reactor, 3 for photon torpedoes
- Escape pods: 23
- Container cargo: 160
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,200 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 35.0 months
- Number/type of missiles: 28 photon torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 5 phasers in individual housings, 1 phaser cannon
- Number/type shuttles: 4: 1 small TOS, 3 micro personnel
PREDATOR 2252, medium cruiser
A smaller, slightly less powerful but even more agile cruiser than Avenger. Main features are:
- The primary hull is almost identical to the Avenger. The only difference is a few more misc support system compartments and a few less crew areas. See Avenger notes for additional saucer details.
- Since the impulse engine is the same as Avenger but the ship has much less mass, it has exceptional impulse performance.
- The neck is the same as Avenger down through the front half of the warp engine room on deck 8. The back half of the warp reactor and engine room are shorter.
- There is only one deck in the secondary hull which contains the lower warp engine room with plasma conduit going to the single nacelle directly below this deck, two escape pods, and structural support & utility transfer corridors connecting the warp nacelle.
- Just like Avenger, the turbolift network does not continue into the secondary hull. To get to the secondary hull deck, you must walk through the warp engine room and go down a ladder. The two escape pods on the secondary hull deck are to address this limited egress. There is no rear facing phaser in the secondary hull as in Avenger. It uses its superior impulse speed and maneuverability to address this blind firing arc.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 320%
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,120%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,000 M3, 197 MT
- LY range: 95.3 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 113 M3, SSWR-XVIII-B, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 7, 4 for warp reactor, 3 for photon torpedoes
- Escape pods: 22
- Container cargo: 160
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,200 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 37.4 months
- Number/type of missiles: 28 photon torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 4 phasers in individual housings
- Number/type shuttles: 4: 1 small TOS, 3 micro personnel
CRICKET (Romulan) 2255, heavy cruiser
Cricket contains many features of the previous ship, Capsize, but with many changes and improvements:
- The computer is expanded to three decks tall, still situated just below the bridge.
- A ring of spacious ~1.5 decks tall crew quarters includes portholes in the ceiling. The arboretum was expanded back to three decks tall for the first time since moving to a horizontal deck layout after Clavicle.
- There are duel identical large tokamak fusion reactors that power all ships systems along the centerline of the ship. The aft reactor powers the impulse drive and primary power converters directly attached to the forward lobe of the reactor. The forward reactor powers the plasma cannon and additional power converters and plasma superluminal boosting systems attached to the forward lobe of that reactor. There is no longer a need for a plasma accumulation chamber for the plasma cannon. The reactors are connected by a thick plasma conduit so each reactor can feed other as needed. Plasma conduits to the warp nacelles attach to this thick central plasma conduit so can be powered by either reactor. This setup provides maximum flexibility to fire and recharge the plasma cannon balanced with keeping impulse and warp capabilities.
- Cricket uses transporter manufacturing technology (see Asia notes) to greatly boost the quality and strength of its' components allowing higher energy plasma production and other system improvements. Due to this, the efficiency and power output of the total propulsion system (reactor & nacelles) exceeds first generation M/AM Federation ships despite it still being fusion based.
- The number of missiles was reduced significantly from pervious ships and now relegated to a secondary weapons system. Since Romulans do not employ anti-matter, they have no photon torpedoes. Older technology fusion missiles have lost some of their effectiveness as shield technology has advanced.
- There are no laser emitters mounted on either side of the plasma cannon as in Capsize. The superluminal plasma cannon is the only energy weapon.
- All the deuterium tanks are moved to the wings. There is none in the main body. There is less deuterium than Capsize, but engine and nacelle efficiency improvements still increase the range. The range is about half of current Federation ships but still sufficient for its' missions.
- There are long but narrow horizontal and vertical structure and utilities corridors cutting through the ship both fore-to-aft and port-to starboard pierced by hallways for continuous personnel access across them. All major components are attached to these.
- Two personnel airlocks are on the aft end of the ship on either side of the impulse exhausts.
- Cricket still serves a duel role as troop landing ship carrying troops for long distances or more over short distances. It can insert them in battlefield conditions either with the four personnel transporters or with assault shuttles from the duel shuttle bays.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 290%
- Propulsion efficiency: 800%
- Amount of deuterium: 5,850 M3, 1,151 MT
- LY range: 39.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,300 M3, fusion tokamak
- Container cargo: 200
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,640 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 29.4 months
- Crew complement: 440: 160 crew plus 280 soldiers
- Number/type of missiles: 54 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons: 1 plasma cannon
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
ENTERPRISE (Constitution refit) 2271, heavy cruiser
WARNING! DISCLAIMER: This is not a canon interior true to the movies! It does have some of those features, but mostly it is based on the Starfleet Museum design lineage.
Even though there is not an online article on the refit Enterprise in the SM, this deckplan was done as a basis for Furious/Spectre which are based on a refit type design. As much of the Constitution deckplan as possible was kept the same to stay true to the idea this was a refitβ¦even though the external changes stretch the plausibility of a refit but look more like a brand new ship design! The deckplan keeps the same canon refit exterior except for minor surface details such as window & airlock location. Major refit changes and similarities from the original are:
- The saucer modifications were extensive, but it is plausible the original saucer was reused:
- The new bridge module sits slightly higher above deck 2 vs. the original. A personnel airlock and small officer areas were added aft of the bridge.
- Most of decks 2-9 including hallways, room layout, turbolifts, phasers, main computers, transporters, emergency bridge, and cargo container bay were left mostly unchanged and in their original locations.
- The officer lounge on the back of decks 2-3 was enlarged.
- The hull plating on the upper and lower saucer bulges including the saucer undercut was redesigned to give the curves a slightly different shape. This subtly affected the outer edge of some of the internal rooms and the phaser equipment placement within the same phaser rooms.
- The saucer diameter was increased adding another circular hallway and ring of rooms.
- The separation plane between saucer and neck was moved down one deck making the top deck in the neck part of the saucer.
- The separation plane between the neck and saucer was moved aft to stay at the back edge of the saucer. This means the entire rest of the ship (neck, secondary hull, nacelles) was moved back in relation to the saucer.
- The airlock on the starboard saucer rim was removed. The port airlock was replaced with a square gangway airlock opening.
- The old style escape pods of nine capacity were replaced with a new escape pod system of mini 'cubes' that have two capacity each. The escape pod placement is similar near the outer edge of deck 7 but many more of them.
- The new style impulse engine was installed and the main fusion reactor (under the impulse crystal) now feeds the impulse drives and the new warp reactor. The impulse reactor is now an integral part of the warp reactor as it provides the matter plasma stream for the warp reactor. Some water and deuterium tanks were moved to accommodate the different shape of the impulse engine. The amount of deuterium in the saucer was reduced.
- The photon torpedoes on decks 10-11 were removed and replaced with an expanded directional sensor array and sensor dome.
- Redesign of the neck was so extreme it is likely completely new:
- The shape of the neck is different both in side profile and cross section at every deck (although the decks still line up). This is too extreme to be accounted for by simply replacing hull plating. All structural members would need complete redesign so it is unlikely the original neck was reused.
- The turbolift shaft still runs down the leading edge of the neck, but takes a slightly different path on decks 9-10.
- The warp core was moved forward to be directly under the impulse reactor and the ladder well was moved from forward of the warp core to aft of it.
- All bulk cargo bins were removed replaced with crew habitable areas.
- Decks 13-14 were widened to hold the torpedo launch tubes, two airlocks which are between decks 13-14, some crew habitable rooms, and structural support & utility transfer areas in the ceiling area above the torpedo tubes extending aft to connect with the top of the secondary hull at the back of the neck.
- The base of the neck is very crowded with a lot of systems and components vying for limited space. Because of this, decks 11-14 do not have turbolift access but only ladder access. The warp core completely blocks the turbolift shafts passing through these decks from having an exit.
- The secondary hull also had extensive modifications, but it is plausible it was reused:
- The hull plating of the entire secondary hull was removed and additional superstructure added to increase the diameter and give it a different rounded shape instead of a simple tapering cone.
- Most of decks 17-23 including hallways, room layout, container cargo bay, shuttle bay and deuterium storage tanks were left mostly unchanged and in their original locations.
- The torpedo AM storage/loading and empty torpedo casing storage were moved to decks 15-16 just below the launchers. Decks 15-16 still contains large structural support & utility transfer areas going to the nacelle struts.
- A new warp engine was installed. There is continuous ladder access inside the engine room decks from the impulse engine through every deck of the warp engine down to the AM bottles at the bottom.
- The plasma conduit from the warp engine to the nacelles was moved from deck 17 to 16 because the redesigned nacelle struts attach to the secondary hull one deck up and further forward.
- The turbolift path was changed. It no longer goes straight down from where it exits the neck. But it moves aft on deck 17 then descends in port and starboard shafts in the middle of the secondary hull.
- A new enclosed navigational/sensor/subspace transmitter dish was installed. The vertical structural support and utility transfer corridor just behind the dish was moved aft. The main stairwell was moved forward and to port up against this corridor.
- The personnel airlocks on deck 20 were moved aft.
- On decks 19-22, the new two man escape pod system was installed further aft of where the old pods were replacing some bulk cargo bins.
- The shuttle bay was reduced from four to three decks tall due to better tractor beam control requiring less headspace. This frees up area at the aft end of deck 17 for crew areas and the new aft phasers. Because of the wider diameter hull, the bay holds two more shuttles. The shuttles are also a new design.
- The aft end of the secondary hull was extended to make the shuttle bay a little longer and a new shuttle door system was installed.
- A two deck tall arboretum was installed across the width of decks 23-24. This replaced two much smaller arboretums in decks 21-22.
- The AM bottle room was moved from decks 24-25 to a single longer room on deck 25 below the arboretum.
- The forward compartment of the secondary hull deuterium storage tank was converted to part of the arboretum and the AM storage room. However the remaining tanks still hold the same amount because of the larger diameter hull.
- Some bulk cargo bins were added to the 'bilge' deck 26 which did not exist before the refit.
- Emergency storage cabinets were added along one or both walls in all hallways throughout the ship freeing up other compartments that would otherwise have held them. This makes it a little more difficult to pass in the halls but gives the distinctive angled walls seen in the movies.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 200,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 290%
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,465%
- Amount of deuterium: 6,100 M3, 1,200 MT
- LY range: 160 LY
- Cruising/max speed: 8.9/12.3 WF (new scale)
- Months of deuterium: 2.7 months (based on new scale WF so this errors low)
- Warp reactor size/type: 765 M3, SSWR-_____, M.AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 18: 12 for warp reactor, 6 for photon torpedoes
- Escape pods: 227
- Container cargo: 661
- Bulk/bin cargo: 4,400 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 60.3 months
- Crew complement: 430
- Number/type of missiles: 54 photon torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 14 phasers: 12 in duel housings, 2 in individual housings
- Number/type shuttles: 10: 4 mini personnel, 6 micro personnel
FURIOUS 2296, heavy cruiser
A 'deep-reaction penetrator':
- Has a heavily modified & Enterprise refit type saucer primary hull:
- The core decks of the saucer have an identical layout to Enterprise including many hallways & compartments, turbolift network, main computers, emergency bridge and personnel transporters.
- The saucer diameter was reduced to contain only three ring hallway instead of five.
- A large arrowhead shape weapons overhull was mated to the forward center part of the saucer. The upper and lower decks of the overhull constitute the major portions of the saucer bulges. The overhull contains four photon torpedo launchers, four phaser cannons, a long range high resolution targeting sensor array in the pointed nose, extensive support systems in the upper overhull decks and all the deuterium in the lower overhull decks.
- The bridge and two command decks below it were moved aft and down one deck so they didn't sit atop the overhull.
- The leading and trailing saucer rim edges were extended. The leading edge blends in with the overhull silhouette. The trailing edge was extended and squared off to hold the two offset impulse engines.
- The duel impulse reactor and drive assemblies are the same as used in refit Enterprise but have large compartments forward of them to contain the many power converters needed for the phaser cannons.
- The hull undercut was eliminated and filled in with a full height deck. The support systems that were in the half height deck area on Enterprise were moved to the upper overhull and various other full height decks throughout the saucer.
- There are two lateral two deck high container cargo bays in the saucer.
- The lower sensor pod was moved up a deck mated against the lower overhull bulge.
- The escape pods were moved from the 5th ring hallway to the 2nd and 3rd ring hallways to exit out the top and bottom of the saucer.
- Extensive saucer crew facilities include a large crew lounge starboard aft and an arboretum port aft both with large floor to ceiling external windows.
- The neck and secondary hull are a compact new design. They contain the warp reactor, AM bottles, nacelle strut attachment, shuttle/fighter bay, fighter armories, cargo bay, escape pods, a small navigational dish, and two aft firing torpedo tubes and a phaser. The shuttle door is a simple flat pocket door instead of the clamshell. The neck is very short and wide such that part of the secondary and primary hulls touch.
- I made several more significant modifications to Masao's online pics in addition to the more modest window & airlock placement usually made:
- Moved the weapons in the overhull further back and in different Y&Z axis locations so the pointy nose can hold the weapons targeting sensor array.
- Increased the size of the phaser cannons to two decks high to match those on Spectre and Avenger.
- Moved the aft edge of the saucer forward a little so the impulse engines stick out the same amount as on refit Enterprise.
- Moved the secondary hull undercut back to make room for the aft torpedo bay.
- Added the boxy shape seen on the on the bottom of the nacelle in the front & back views.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 260%
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,000%
- Amount of deuterium: 3,800 M3, 750 MT
- LY range: 100 LY
- Months of deuterium: 1.4 months (based on new scale WF so this errors low)
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,225 M3, SSWR-____, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 20: 12 for warp reactor, 8 for photon torpedoes
- Escape pods: 176
- Container cargo: 486
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,500
- Months of container/bin cargo: 35 months
- Crew complement: 339: 259 crew + 80 marines
- Number/type of missiles: 121 photon torpedoes/'Brilliant' M/AM munitions
- Number/type energy weapons: 14: 8 phasers in duel housings, 2 phasers in individual housings,
- 4 phaser cannons
- Number/type shuttles: 4 mini fighters, 2 micro personnel, 4 micro assault landing
SPECTRE 2296, medium cruiser
A 'stealth penetrator' with a blunt dorsally streamlined arrowhead shaped primary hull and very small secondary hull directly attached to it:
- Many of the ship's systems straddle the centerline of the ship: warp & impulse engines, bridge & emergency bridge, deflectors and weapons targeting array, central sensor spine, both computer cores, container cargo bay with cargo transporters, shuttle bay with drop door opening on the bottom of the ship, deuterium and AM bottles, aft torpedo tubes, and two of the phasers. There is no hallway running down the exact centerline of the ship but one on either side of the above systems.
- There are two stairwells and a small turbolift loop with almost no horizontal movement at the center of decks 2-8. Horizontal movement in the ship is by hallways. Hallways on each deck are laid out in a square pattern with the nexus at the stairwell/turbolift cluster.
- The impulse reactor is a similar design as refit Enterprise with the same torus diameter but the central sphere and torus height are larger. The impulse drive unit directly behind the reactor is the same design as refit Enterprise.
- The container cargo bay is directly above the shuttle bay with a small hatch opening directly over the drop door. Probes stored in the cargo bay can be dropped from the cargo bay directly out of the ship.
- The systems that do not straddle the centerline of the ship are the phaser cannons and forward torpedo tubes, four lateral phasers, four lateral sensor spines, personnel transporters, and the escape pods.
- The crew areas on decks 2-6 are also on either side of the centerline of the ship. These includes facilities for the marines and the higher number of personnel transporters relative to crew size for quick movement of them.
- The escape pods are in two large groupings on deck 7 and exit out the bottom of the ship.
- The misc support systems and maint areas are on deck 1 and on the forward and aft ends of decks 2-7. These include many special systems for blinding enemy sensory, a type of cloaking device, and creating a sensor ghost.
- Some modest changes to Masao's online pics were made. Phaser, airlock and the sensor and navigational covers were moved a little. The impulse crystal was moved forward a little and the drive exhaust was moved back a little. The cowlings around the phaser cannons and forward torpedo tubes were modified a little.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 315%
- Propulsion efficiency: 4,000%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,000 M3, 197 MT
- LY range: 60.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 0.7 months (based on new scale WF so this errors low)
- Warp reactor size/type: 845 M3, SSWR-15-D4, M/AM linear dilithium controlled
- AM bottles: 10: 4 for warp reactor, 6 for photon torpedoes
- Escape pods: 110
- Container cargo: 126
- Bulk/bin cargo: 600
- Months of container/bin cargo: 18.9 months
- Crew complement: 190: 150 crew + up to 40 marines
- Number/type energy weapons: 8 phasers in duel housings, 2 phaser cannons
- Number/type shuttles: 4: 2 micro personnel, 2 micro assault landing
Credits: All
text by Allen Rolfes

Last modified: 21.05.14