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Starship Design Notes, Part 2


I stumbled on the Starfleet Museum site by accident. This site rekindled a childhood urge to design make-believe ships, although none I did were as good as Masao's exteriors and excellent back stories. I asked Masao if I could design the insides. Masao has critiqued all the layouts and has been a huge help. These notes detail and contrast how the internal designs change with time, technology, and species and my own design philosophy.

Allen Rolfes


Notes on Each Ship, since 2200

After each ship title is the lead ship launch date and type/function. They are in Masao's Star Trek universe chronological order, but not necessarily the order I designed them. Notes for each ship apply to future ships of the same type until the technology changes. The first ship has more notes since it describes the systems and technology for the first time, then how technology and design differs from the ships before is noted, and also design differences between species. I describe any significant deviations from Masao's exteriors & specs, then list those stats and specs that differ:


CRACKER (Romulan) – 2201, heavy cruiser

An evolutionary improvement from Cataract over a quarter century earlier:

Ship stats and specs:


PUFFIN – 2203, fighter

Puffin was the most advanced M/AM fuel cell warp fighter of the era with the following internal arrangement from front to rear:

Ship stats and specs:


ASIA – 2204, heavy cruiser

Using the transporter to move cargo was only its first use, and even this had large implications in ship design first realized in Hyperion. But Asia was a test ship for new designs and fabrication methods that used the transporter not to move materials but to manufacture them.

Canon Star Trek hints at using transporters in manufacturing but never details the impact it could have. Food synthesizers often seen are mentioned as based on transporter technology that take basic molecular organic building blocks from bulk storage and assemble them into the desired food. In a sense, food is 'manufactured' by the transporter on a molecular level. This was also done with non-organic components: In one episode, Worf was looking for a gift. He had a device that looked like a tabletop food synthesizer 'manufacture' a crystal goblet. Apparently it took non-organic components from bulk storage (silicon, carbon, lead etc.) and assembled them on a molecular level into the goblet. This hints that transporters could manufacture almost any item from its base elements on a molecular level.

The application of transporters for manufacture should come about very soon after they are used to simply move material. Since a transporter assembles items on the molecular level, items can be designed on the molecular level. For example, metal alloys, carbon composites, and other materials can be combined on the molecular level to give composite materials with strengths, weights, and other properties far superior to any composite materials traditionally manufactured. Even materials that are 100% metals can be made far stronger. The atomic metal crystal size, shape and orientation can be precisely designed. Even today it is realized that if the crystal structure of metals could be precisely controlled, metals could be an order of magnitude stronger, or more flexible, or both than they currently are. Starship components could be designed that are far stronger, lighter, and smaller than ever possible before. Everything from the structural supports, warp and impulse reactors, support systems, plasma conduits, warp nacelles could be built with parts that are far superior to anything before.

Of course, first generation transporter manufactured components would be far from optimum and expensive to design and make. This would prevent their immediate and widespread use and was the reason Asia was so expensive and so few were built. Decades of refinement would follow as these components became better and cheaper and gradually worked their way into mainstream manufacturing. But Asia was the test bed.

Design changes in Asia mostly due to transporter manufacture:

Other systems were upgraded using transporter manufacturing technology:

Ship stats and specs:


LANCASTER – 2205, heavy cruiser

A large ship based on the now familiar saucer/neck/cylinder hull configuration:

Ship stats and specs:


Horizon – 2206, explorer/research

A long range explorer/research ship with design lineage from Lancaster:

Ship stats and specs:


D-4 (Klingon) – 2207, heavy cruiser

The largest and most 'clunky' Klingon ship with upgrades from D-3:

Ship stats and specs:


SWORDFISH – 2207, fighter carrier

A heavily modified Lancaster. Changes from that are:

Ship stats and specs, original configuration of single midline oval nacelle:


GIANT CARGO – 2207, military cargo carrier

Giant is the largest military transport since the Bisons. It is designed to carry a mix of bulk and container cargo as well as military passengers but has a secondary function as a starship tender. The overall layout is similar to Ocean and Constellation:

Ship stats and specs:


GIANT PASSENGER – 2208, civilian passenger ship

This variant was built at the same time as the military cargo variant. It was not retrofitted from an existing cargo ship, but built from scratch as a passenger liner. The overall layout is similar to Constellation passenger liners but did share the same ship's function placement as the Giant military variant. Main differences and similarities from the military variant are:

Ship stats and specs:


QUETZALCOATL – 2215, semi-dreadnaught

A semi-dreadnaught:

Ship stats and specs:


WASP CARGO – 2220, civilian cargo ship

A decommissioned military Wasp resold and converted to a civilian cargo ship. Since this was done almost 50 years after Wasp's introduction, technology had advanced considerably. Transporter technology was used in manufacturing which allowed more extensive modifications than would have been economically feasible without it. Changes from the original version:

Ship stats and specs:


ARYABHATTA – 2222, explorer/research ship

An explorer/research ship of Andorian design with nacelles embedded directly in the wingtips of a thick crescent shaped primary hull with a tapering oval secondary hull directly behind:

Ship stats and specs:


KESTREL – 2223, light cruiser/patrol ship

A militarized version of Aryabhatta, not converted from existing Aryabhattas, but built form the keel up as a military ship. But most of the layout and components are the same. Differences from Aryabhatta:

Ship stats and specs:


D-5 (Klingon) – 2224, heavy cruiser

A more advanced ship with more Klingon designed components:

Ship stats and specs:


CAPSIZE (Romulan) – 2225, heavy cruiser

A larger and more advanced ship than Cracker:

Ship stats and specs:


PACHYDERM CARGO – 2225, military cargo carrier

Pachyderm is an example of a smaller more advanced military cargo carrier than Giant:

Ship stats and specs:


PACHYDERM PASSENGER – 2225, civilian passenger ship

This variant was built at the same time as the military cargo variant. It was not retrofitted from an existing cargo ship, but built from scratch as a passenger liner. Main differences and similarities from the military variant are:

Ship stats and specs:


VALLEY FORGE – 2227, heavy cruiser

An evolutionary heavy cruiser that uses more of the advanced manufacturing techniques first tested in Asia:

Ship stats and specs:


BELLEAU WOOD – 2230, troop assault transport

A troop assault transport based on Valley Forge. Major changes from that ship are:

Ship stats and specs:


PENGUIN – 2230, fighter

Penguin was the first fighter with a true M/AM warp reactor that did not rely on M/AM fuel cells with the following internal arrangement from front to rear:

Ship stats and specs:


AL-BURAK – 2231, fighter carrier

A fighter carrier based on Belleau Wood. Major changes from that ship are:

Ship stats and specs:


SIEGFRIED – 2235, Dreadnaught

A three nacelle 'super beam' weapon ship based on Belleau Wood. Major changes from that ship are:

Ship stats and specs:


CAPELLA – 2239, light survey/science ship

A small shorter range survey/science ship.

Ship stats and specs:


STARMASTER/DESERT TENDER– 2240, military tender ship

This version is a top of the line starship tender. It has the maintenance capabilities of a small starbase – but portable. It can perform everything from resupplying up to a task force size fleet (container cargo, bulk cargo, deuterium, AM, additional shuttles/fighters), routine maintenance up to carrying and swapping out an entire nacelle and M/AM reactor, even extensive battle damage repair, evacuate, care for and transport other crew. Main design features are:

Ship stats and specs:


STARMASTER/DESERT CARGO – 2240, military cargo ship

This version is a standard military cargo transporter. It can carry container, bulk cargo, shuttles and other smaller craft and other large/odd shaped cargo. It can also transfer military personnel. Main changes from the military tender version are:

Ship stats and specs:


STARMASTER/DESERT PASSENGER – 2240, civilian passenger ship

Despite being named a passenger ship, over half the available space is for various types of cargo. While it carries almost the same amount of passengers as other similar size liners, the passenger common areas have been scaled down. Main design changes from the military cargo version are:

Ship stats and specs:


D-6 (Klingon) – 2241, heavy cruiser

An evolution of the D-5 cruiser into a smaller and sleeker ship designed for fast attack missions. Speed, power, and agility are emphasizes over range and multi-role capability. Anything not necessary for the fast attack role was removed to reduce ship mass. The general layout is similar to D-5, but main changes are:

Ship stats and specs:  


D-6 (Klingon) MISSILE VARIANT – 2241, heavy cruiser

A missile launcher is installed in place of the main disruptor. The back half of the disruptor bay and some crew quarters and support systems on either side were converted to missile storage. A D-6 battle group consists of a mix of standard D-6's and missile variants.

Ship stats and specs if different from the standard D-6:


PYOTR VELIKIY – 2241, heavy cruiser

A heavy cruiser designed in the flat Andorian style using the same improved components of Constitution (see that section for complete list) with one major exception: the warp reactor. Design features are:

Ship stats and specs:


CONSTITUTION – 2245, heavy cruiser

WARNING! DISCLAIMER: This is not simply the canon interior by the Master, Franz Joseph or true to every detail seen in TOS! It does have some of those features as well as some refit Enterprise features. But most of all, it is based on the Starfleet Museum design lineage. It uses the same types of components that take up significant internal space. It uses similar hallway & turbolift layout styles as past SM ships. It uses similar cargo/shuttle bay/fuel/etc. placement and amounts. It is based around a central continuous structural support and utility transfer core like all SM interiors. So don't be upset that it doesn't have an exact TOS engine room or transporter room or shuttle bay! Main features are:

Ship stats and specs:


PYOTR VELIKIY CARGO – 2246, heavy cargo tug

Many Pyotr Velikiy class ships were refitted because they were not expected to be front line ships for very long. The extra internal space vs. Constitution allowed for easy conversion to many different variants such as a large science/research ship, hospital ship, cargo or troop transporter, or even fighter carrier. This is an example of a cargo tug version suitable for service in a combat area. Changes from the original are:

Ship stats and specs:


D-7 (Klingon) – 2250, heavy cruiser

This is not simply a canon-like interior that you might find on other internet sites. It is based on the Starfleet Museum design lineage. It uses the same types of components that take up significant internal space and similar hallway & turbolift layout styles as past SM Klingon ships. It uses similar cargo/shuttle bay/fuel/etc. placement and is based around a central continuous structural support and utility transfer core like all SM interiors. Main features are:

Ship stats and specs:


AVENGER – 2252, medium cruiser

A small but powerful medium cruiser (i.e. destroyer) based on Constitution era technology. Main features are:

Ship stats and specs:  


PREDATOR – 2252, medium cruiser

A smaller, slightly less powerful but even more agile cruiser than Avenger. Main features are:

Ship stats and specs:


CRICKET (Romulan) – 2255, heavy cruiser

Cricket contains many features of the previous ship, Capsize, but with many changes and improvements:

Ship stats and specs:


ENTERPRISE (Constitution refit) – 2271, heavy cruiser

WARNING! DISCLAIMER: This is not a canon interior true to the movies! It does have some of those features, but mostly it is based on the Starfleet Museum design lineage.

Even though there is not an online article on the refit Enterprise in the SM, this deckplan was done as a basis for Furious/Spectre which are based on a refit type design. As much of the Constitution deckplan as possible was kept the same to stay true to the idea this was a refit…even though the external changes stretch the plausibility of a refit but look more like a brand new ship design! The deckplan keeps the same canon refit exterior except for minor surface details such as window & airlock location. Major refit changes and similarities from the original are:

Ship stats and specs:


FURIOUS – 2296, heavy cruiser

A 'deep-reaction penetrator':

Ship stats and specs:


SPECTRE – 2296, medium cruiser

A 'stealth penetrator' with a blunt dorsally streamlined arrowhead shaped primary hull and very small secondary hull directly attached to it:

Ship stats and specs:


Credits: All text by Allen Rolfes


Last modified: 21.05.14