Starship Design
Notes, Part 1

I stumbled on the Starfleet Museum site by accident. This site rekindled a childhood urge to design make-believe ships, although none I did were as good as Masao's exteriors and excellent back
stories. I asked Masao if I could design the insides. Masao has critiqued all the layouts and has been a huge help. These notes detail and contrast how the internal designs change with time, technology, and species and my own design philosophy.
Allen Rolfes
Design Principles

I approached the layouts from an engineering point of view, since I'm an engineer, to make something that could be a functioning interior, at least in the Star Trek universe. I started with Earth Romulan War era ships, then early Romulan and Klingon ships, then filled in earlier earth ships then all later ships. I came up with a design philosophy that carried throughout all of them:
- I originally wasn't interested in designing every square inch down to every toilet but only main systems. The layouts are color coded into general areas (crew, command, weapons, propulsion, storage, support systems, structure & utility corridors, etc.) with additional letter codes for specific rooms. Each layout has a key.
- I show the door location into a hallway for each compartment, but these are estimates that may differ in a detailed design. Where possible, the hallway and main bulkhead configuration is identical between decks making it possible to make high bay compartments as necessary. In high bays, any catwalk are not shown. Compartments may have internal bulkheads that aren't shown.
- Layouts by others I have seen often ignore or minimize structural support and utility transfer corridors. These must be a continuous network throughout the ships just like turbolifts. Any large modern structure such as buildings & naval ships cannot exist without them. Futuristic space ships must also have them. My layouts have them as a central cores, 'keels', headspaces on each deck, etc. In early ships they are large and gradually decrease in size as technology improves, but they are always continuous throughout the ship.
- Layouts by others I have seen often have little or no space for machinery needed to make a ship function. Most or all of the space is crew areas. My layouts have a lot of space for support systems, reactors, weapons, etc.
- The outside shape of the ship is dictated by the internal components and function. As the shape of the ship changes along any axis, it means internal components & purpose changes. For example when the primary hull cylinder changes to the secondary hull sphere in Earth Romulan War ships, the purpose also changes from crew areas to maintenance/deuterium/warp reactor. Specialized bulges, fins, etc must have a specific purpose and equipment inside the hull besides looking cool from the outside.
- Types of Earth shuttles in decreasing size is:
- Medium: A cargo shuttles holding 20 standard cargo containers or an assault landing craft for troops and medium size vehicles.
- Small: A cargo shuttles holding eight standard cargo containers, a personnel shuttle, or an assault landing craft for troops and small vehicles. When TOS canon shuttles are introduced, they are approximately this size.
- Mini: A cargo shuttle holding two standard cargo containers, a personnel shuttle, or an assault landing craft for troops.
- Mini fighter: Sublight, atmospheric/space fighters which are the same approximate size as the mini shuttle.
- Micro: Various very small shuttles and transfer pods as shown in TMP era. Can barely fit in one standard deck height.
- The amount of supplies and other design specs are determined by calculations that are consistent for all ships and with Masao's history. This produces ships with amounts of supplies and specs that change and make sense between ships based on the technology improvements and purpose of the ship. For example:
- Deuterium amount is based on ship's range and fuel efficiency (deuterium per LY). Efficiency determined by the ship size and efficiency ratings on the warp reactor, nacelles,
Bussard collectors, and overall shape of the ship (subspace drag). The warp reactor efficiency made huge increases from fusion to M/AM. The other efficiency ratings would also change over time as technology improved.
- Cargo amount is based on the crew size, mission length, and onboard recycling efficiency. Most cargo is consumables (food, spare parts, other raw materials, etc). The amount of cargo shrinks as mission length shrinks due to faster ships and improved onboard recycling efficiency.
- Warp reactor size jumps as M/AM replaces fusion, then gradually shrinks over time as M/AM technology improves consistent with Masao's history.
- Habitable volume on each ship is ratioed to crew to make sure the crew size makes sense. Habitable volume was the total ship volume minus nacelles, deuterium, and any specialized large non-habitable spaces like extra cargo bays on cargo carriers and fighter bays on fighter carriers.
- The factors are also all inter related. Mission length used for to determine amount of cargo needed is itself based on the ship range and cruising speed. Ship range goes into the deuterium calculation. The crew size is used for the cargo calculation and also the number of escape pods.
- I stayed true to Masao's exteriors and specs as much as possible. The most common deviations were changing small external details like window, airlock & weapons placement, and specs like warp reactor size (if given), crew size, number of missiles, and number of shuttles. On rare occasions there was a more extensive redesign of part of an exterior. All with Masao's approval.
on Each Ship, until 2200

After each ship title is the lead ship launch date and type/function. They are in Masao's Star Trek universe chronological order, but not necessarily the order I designed them. Notes for each ship apply to future ships of the same type until the technology changes. The first ship has more notes since it describes the systems and technology for the first time, then how technology and design differs from the ships before is noted, and also design differences between species. I describe any significant deviations from Masao's exteriors & specs, then list those stats and specs that differ:
- Ship size: Metric tons. Used to calculate LY range and many other specs.
- Subspace efficiency: How 'streamlined' the ship is at warp. Higher numbers mean lower deuterium usage. 100% is defined as Amarillo. Used to calculate LY range.
- Propulsion efficiency: Deuterium efficiency in warp reactor, nacelles, Bussard collector and plasma accelerator. Higher numbers mean lower efficiency. 100% is defined as Amarillo. Used to calculate LY range.
- Amount of deuterium: In cubic meters and metric tons. Used to calculate LY range.
- Cruising/max speed: Cruising and maximum warp factor. Cruising speed used to calculate many fuel related specs.
- LY range: Range at cruising speed from one tank of deuterium.
- Months of deuterium: Months to consume deuterium if operated continuously at cruising speed.
- Warp reactor size/type: Fusion or M/AM reactor, size in cubic meters.
- AM bottles: Number of AM bottles if ship has any. This does not impact range.
- Escape pods: Number of escape pods if ship has any.
- Container cargo: Number of standard cargo containers. Used to calculate cargo duration.
- Bulk/bin cargo: Cubic meters of bulk or bin cargo spaces if ship has any. Bin cargo used to calculate cargo duration.
- Months of container/bin cargo: Months the consumable cargo will last the crew.
- Crew complement: If different from main writeup. Used to calculate cargo duration.
- Number/type of missiles: If different from main writeup.
- Number/type energy weapons: If different from main writeup.
- Number/type shuttles: If different from main writeup.
BISON CARGO – 2148, civilian cargo ship
Based on the 'Nakajima Maru' side profile picture. Features are:
- A cylindrical primary hull with half spherical nose cap and fully spherical secondary hull. Deck configuration is vertical stacked along the long axis of the ship so the cross section of each deck is a circle. The generic layout of all Bison based ships from nose to tail, civilian and military, is:
Primary hull:
- Navigation dish & sensors in the nose cone.
- Bridge, command & control areas & some offices, reaction control thrusters.
- Main computer, more officer & crew areas, officer quarters and some common areas.
- There may be several personnel airlocks in these forward sections.
- Military ships may have missile bays next. Civilian ships may have more crew areas next.
- Shuttle bay and container cargo bays.
- The next area is specialized per the type of ship: cargo, deuterium tanks, more crew/weapons, fighter bays, etc.
- Most decks have some support equipment areas and small emergency storage areas. Some decks may have maint areas or personnel airlocks.
- All decks have the structural support & utility transfer corridor, turbolifts
and personnel stairs at the center and a ~2 foot ceiling crawl space for structural/utilities. .
- Groups of escape pods are spread throughout oriented to exit at either the top or bottom of the ship.
Secondary hull:
- Some residual crew areas and large support systems areas.
- Next is the warp engine with maint areas, support systems and maybe 'saddle bag' deuterium tanks and weapons in the annular areas.
- Above & below the warp reactor are decks to move the structural/utility core, turbolifts & stairs around the reactor.
- Next is anti-matter bottles if the ship has them.
- Next is the impulse reactors and drives. In between the drives are more crew spaces, usually barracks style quarters and other common areas for lower ranking crew.
- Depending on how the aft end is configured, there may be more support systems, maintenance, deuterium tanks, midline nacelle.
- Again groups of escape pods are spread throughout. All decks have the structural/utility core, turbolifts & stairs are at the center and ~2' ceiling crawl space but ends before any deuterium tanks or midline nacelle at the tail.
- At the very aft are sensors and maybe reaction control thrusters.
- Just like modern day, the most efficient way to store large amounts of small miscellaneous cargo is in various standard size boxes which can be stacked with no wasted space between them. This cargo ship is designed to hold a lot of these containers the same way cargo is stacked on ocean iso container ships. The containers can be automatically moved around a cargo grid via micro motors mounted on the struts around the containers.
- There were no personnel or cargo transporters at this time. As a result, all habitable decks have personnel and cargo turbolift access.The halls and doors are wide to accommodate moving large loads. The smallest and most numerous size cargo container (a 6'x6'x10' box) can fit in the cargo turbolift and through the wide hallways and doors. Larger containers (a 12'x12'x20' or 12'x12'x30' box) must be moved only via shuttles and unpacked in the cargo bay.
- Six cargo shuttle doors on the primary hull are for medium cargo shuttles to dock and access the cargo grid without going through an airlock completely inside the ship. The shuttles dock belly first in these doors and the cargo containers are transferred to and from the ship from the cargo grid while staying mostly outside the ship.
- It carries six medium cargo shuttles. During interstellar flight, they are kept in a separate shuttle bay accessible through the normal shuttle bay doors.
- Since the hallways and turbolifts were wide, these networks throughout the ship were not that extensive or else they would have taken up too much internal room. Rather, the average compartment size was larger with more multi-purpose rooms or internal walkway spaces in the rooms to get to the areas far away from hallways and turbolifts.
- While at starbase or ports, most personnel transfers on and off the ship are via the personnel airlocks which can dock with special arms at the starbase.
- There are no force fields to hold back air across the shuttle bay doors so there is a large shuttle airlock just inside the doors.
- The shuttle/cargo bay is a donut shape that extends the full diameter of the ship with the central core passing through the middle.
- There are no tractor beams to guide shuttles into and around the bay. They move very slowly in the bay under their own power, but possibly by remote control from the shuttle bay control room, or roll on very small wheels. Gravity would be turned down or off to make shuttle maneuvering easier.
- Turbolifts are mostly in groups of 6.Personnel lifts take up one of the six
'spaces'. Cargo lifts takes up four spaces. Where space is limited, turbolifts are only in groups of 4. Personnel lifts are able to pass by cargo lifts in the 3x2 shaft so travel by them is quick and efficient. Since there are many decks stacked vertically, most personnel travel more than a few decks is done by turbolift.
- The personnel stairs are circular stairs not designed to move cargo. The stairs can be arranged so they open at slightly different radial angles on each deck. This is useful in design flexibility. Regular switchback stairs must open in the same direction on every deck.
- Each impulse drive has its own spherical fusion reactor engine. They are not powerful enough even if working in tandem to power the warp nacelles so there is no backup warp reactor.
- There is a large open area cargo hold for odd sized bulk items that extends the radius of the ship on several decks with large doors that open to space. The doors were widened from the original size shown online. The central core at the top (back) of it has a thick structural covering around it and can have moveable grappling arms attached like Yorktown.
- It carries a lot of deuterium for the fusion warp reactor.
- The rear midline nacelle is smaller than similar size military ships. Economical slow transport is the biggest factor, not speed.
- It has a skeleton crew and minimal maint areas as compared to military ships. It has no weapons. It has fewer misc support systems areas because civilian ships don't need robust and redundant systems as military ships do.
- The hull is thinner than the military ships because it does not need the thick hull plating.
- While the central core is the same size as military ships (this uses standard building components), it does not have as heavy a structural supports in it and the crawl space above each deck is narrower or omitted.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 495,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 108%
- Amount of deuterium: 60,300 M3, 9,793 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.2/2.5 WF
- LY range: 5.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.6 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 8,650 M3, 2N-13B and similar, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 41
- Container cargo: 18,224
- Bulk/bin cargo: 101,000 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 575 months, if consumed all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 225
- Number/type shuttles: 12: 6 medium cargo, 6 small cargo/personnel
BISON CARGO VARIANT – 2148, civilian cargo ship
This was built at the same time as the Bison cargo ship and is a sister ship to the Nakajima Maru. Differences from the Nakajima Maru are:
- The main bulk cargo hold was modified to stretch the entire diameter of the primary hull so it can carry much bigger items and ships.
- The central core was broken up into three narrow strips that run along the walls of the main cargo hold. These carry all the same functions as the original central core.
- The container cargo area was reduced.
- Moveable grappling arms can attach to structural support strips on the walls of the main cargo.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 495,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 108%
- Amount of deuterium: 60,300 M3, 9,793 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.2/2.5 WF
- LY range: 5.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.6 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 8,650 M3, 2N-13B and similar, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 41
- Container cargo: 7,860
- Bulk/bin cargo: 185,000 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 248 months, if consumed all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 225
- Number/type shuttles: 12: 6 medium cargo, 6 small cargo/personnel
BISON PASSENGER – 2148, civilian passenger ship
Based on the Lufthansa liner 'Mercator' side profile picture but lengthened to the standard cargo ship length:
- Passenger liners are designed for higher speed than cargo ships and catered to mostly passengers in the same style as today's cruise liners, but did also carry a small amount of container cargo that could needed faster transit time.
- The crew that ran the ship was less than half of the total crew. The rest tended to the passengers. Passengers outnumbered the crew two to one.
- Most of the ship was dedicated to passenger quarters and large common passenger areas including several multi deck open levels. Passengers enter the ship via airlock in the middle of the main atrium. This is the most impressive view the ship has to offer. Passengers can look up four decks and down four decks with an unimpeded view into open space through eight stories of huge windows. Balconies with more common areas ring the entire atrium. There is a four deck arboretum with trees growing up the center, a stream on the ground floor, and balconies ringing all decks. It is kept isolated from the rest of the ship because the temperature and humidity are much higher. It even rains inside! There are two bi-level restaurants. There are multiple one deck tall common areas.
- It is important to be able to transport passenger species that need special atmospheres, sometimes in large groups. Small groups stay in the 1st class rooms since each has its own airlock and ability to change to non standard atmospheres. Large groups travel in several special decks which are converted entirely to a different atmosphere. These decks include cabins, common areas with a four deck tall atrium, escape pods, personnel airlocks, and stairs between the decks. Most of the crew areas on these decks are standard atmosphere and have airlocks to enter the main deck areas. Those passenger support areas without standard atmosphere are for crew of the same species as the passengers who need special atmosphere. The decks use the same turbolift shafts which are airtight, with some dedicated cars of the proper atmosphere. Cars with standard atmosphere cannot stop on these decks. If these decks or the 1st class cabins are not needed for passengers with special atmosphere, they have standard atmosphere and are used like any other passenger area.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 452,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 95%
- Amount of deuterium: 62,000 M3, 10,069 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.3/2.6 WF
- LY range: 4.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 8,650 M3, 2N-13B and similar, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 193
- Container cargo: 6,376
- Months of container/bin cargo: 30 months, if consumed all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 1,525: 1,000 passengers in 244 cabins, 525 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 16: 4 medium cargo, 12 small cargo/personnel
BISON SLEEPER – 2148, civilian sleeper ship
An example of sleeper ship technology:
- Sleeper ships were used while warp technology was still limited by fusion power. Sleeper technology is simple and affordable enough that is it is practical, but still difficult and expensive enough that it is not used for very short trips. If it were used for very short trips, the standard passenger liner would not exist. For trips under six months, it was cheaper to keep passengers awake and simply load extra cargo, crew, and have facilities to tend to the awake passengers. On trips over six months this added cost is prohibitive and it is cheaper to sleep the journey.
- This sleeper ship can carry over five times the amount of passengers as the same size 'awake' ships.
- The passenger loading process works as follows:
- Passengers are divided into two classes, 1st class and coach. Coach makes up ~90% of the passengers. Coach passengers come on the ship first in groups. They prepare for sleep in the quarters (or maybe even at port facilities) and are then led to the sleeper pods. Many groups come on and are put in the pods over several days. A staff of medical technicians at port helps speed this process. Only a small group of med techs stays on the ship during the trip.
- The 1st class passengers come on the ship and it leaves port. They stay awake for the first week or so of the trip in their quarters and common areas. They are put in the pods in much smaller groups by the onboard med techs.
- The reverse process happens when arriving at port. The 1st class passengers are woken up in small groups before reaching port and might spend the last week or so awake. When the ship docks, they walk off. Coach passengers are then woken up with the help of port med techs the next few days after docking.
- The sleeper pods can be ejected if necessary. A crew member is onboard each pod if ejected.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 495,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 95%
- Amount of deuterium: 62,000 M3, 10,069 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.3/2.6 WF
- LY range: 4.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 8,650 M3, 2N-13B and similar, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 54, plus 114 ejectable sleeper pods
- Container cargo: 6,944
- Months of container/bin cargo: 210 months, if consumed all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 235 plus 3,420 sleeping passengers (not counted for cargo calcs)
- Number/type shuttles: 10: 4 medium cargo, 6 small cargo/personnel
BAIKAL – 2148, subspace communications ship
A civilian Bison cargo variant, with the large open cargo bay in the center that extended the diameter of the ship, was modified to carry the first generation ship mountable (however still extremely large) subspace communications array. While the modifications were extensive, they were kept to the minimum necessary to install and maintain the subspace array. Changes from the original Bison variant are:
- Standard military sensors, communications & control and computer core were installed in the nose decks. Control of the subspace communications was handled through these areas.
- The crew areas near the nose were tweaked a little, and the outboard nacelles removed.
- The right angle oriented cargo container handling grids throughout the ship were ripped out. A standard radial oriented container grid was installed in the shuttle bay and just above & below it. All medium cargo shuttles and their cargo docking ports were removed and replaced with a typical military compliment of small cargo/personnel shuttles.
- A large subspace generator was anchored to the central structural core at each end of the large open central cargo bay. The plasma conduits that ran to the outboard nacelles were rerouted to the subspace generators. The subspace generators were connected to the subspace transmitter array at the center of the bay and the large dish mounted outside the hull. The bulky components of the transmitter behind the dish necessitated a spherical bulge to the hull silhouette. The remaining space between the two generators and the transmitter was filled with additional deuterium tanks.
- The container cargo bay at the aft end of the primary hull was converted to maintenance areas, labs, offices, crew areas, escape pods, etc. for the small army of technicians needed to maintain the subspace array.
- The outboard nacelles were reattached to the secondary hull. Structural corridors and plasma conduits were run to them.
- Additional power converters were added around the impulse engines for emergency power and to augment the ancillary subspace system's needs, but the underlying civilian power and structural systems would not support weapons without a massive infrastructure upgrade.
- The midline nacelle and aft sensors were replaced with military models.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 80%
- Propulsion efficiency: 95%
- Amount of deuterium: 117,300 M3, 19,050 MT
- LY range: 5.7 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 8,650 M3, 2N-16E, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 123
- Container cargo: 1,390
- Months of container/bin cargo: 9.7 months
- Number/type shuttles: 12 small cargo/personnel
AMARILLO – 2152, medium cruiser/patrol ship
This was the first ship I designed:
- Based on a fully spherical primary hull and cylindrical secondary hull with a half sphere tail cap. But retains the vertical stacked decks along the long axis and general layout as Bison types from nose to tail:
Primary hull:
- Navigation dish, then bridge, computer core, officer areas, missile bay, more crew areas, then shuttle/cargo bay, then impulse engines with lower rank crew space in between. Escape pods, support systems, some maint areas & weapons on appropriate decks.
Secondary hull:
- Warp engine, then deuterium, then sensors.
- All decks except the deuterium tanks have the structural/utility core, turbolifts & stairs at the center and a ~3' ceiling crawl space.
- Since this is the first ship in the SM universe shown to carry missiles and message torpedoes, I have some notes on them.
- As a military ship, there are defensive energetic based shields around the ship, but not as effective as later shields. They are diffuse fields that don't have the sharp boundaries as seen on canon Trek. They are best against energy weapons where they diffuse them, but can't stop a heavy solid projectile like a missile. This is part of the reason why all ships of this era carry defensive missiles to shoot down offensive missiles.
- The size of the offensive and defensive missiles was determined based on the number of external missile doors shown and so the missiles would take up a reasonable amount of space on the ship. They ended up being rather short and fat. Message torpedoes are also carried and are the same size as defensive missiles.
- I am skeptical of message torpedoes. To be able to send something of such small size at such high warp speed for such a long distance seems like too powerful a technology for the time. If message torpedoes can travel at warp, then missiles should be able to also. And if missiles, why not shuttles? In order to fit this technology into this era, some severe limitations must be added:
- It must be ridiculously fuel efficient to generate such a small warp field that can also reach a much higher warp factor than larger ships. If not, a message torpedo couldn't carry enough fuel. As the warp field gets even marginally larger, there is a steep falloff in fuel efficiency and maximum warp.
- The plasma can be low energy so much smaller plasma conduits can be used. The large conduits necessary for higher energy plasma on larger ships would not fit in missiles.
- Due to shielding technology or such, being in very close proximity to the warp field is fatal to living organisms. So warp capable shuttles are not possible in this era and nothing living can be carried on message torpedoes.
- Such small warp fields (maybe also the unmanned nature) do not need a navigational deflector dish.
Internal description and function of various missile types (see a bluescale layout such as Krechet for cross sections):
- Offensive missiles: A tokamak fusion reactor powers maneuvering thrusters at the base and through a plasma conduit, the warp coils above it. The rest of the body is the payload consisting of a several medium or one larger nuclear bomb. A thick hull blunts the effect of defensive missile blasts. The nose cone has deuterium, forward sensors and control computer. If launched from a sublight ship, it can maneuver and accelerate at impulse and go to warp as necessary. It can hit a sublight target while at impulse or warp. If launched from a warp ship, the missile's warp engages before it leaves the ship's warp field. It must be traveling at warp to hit a warp target.
- Defensive missiles: A narrower diameter thinner hull missile that intercepts offensive missiles either at impulse or warp. A tokamak fusion reactor powers maneuvering thrusters at the base and through a plasma conduit, the warp coils above it. The rest of the body is the payload consisting of a canister of nuclear bomblets. A small chemical explosive at the center ejects the bomblets which explode a fraction of a second later before the warp field has decayed. This provides a small spread pattern that increases the chances of destroying a warp offensive missile. If targeting an impulse offensive missile, the bomblets detonation can be delayed to allow a wider spread pattern. The nose cone has deuterium, forward sensors and control computer.
- Message torpedoes: In the same body as defensive missiles. A small spherical fusion reactor powers small maneuvering thrusters at the base and through a plasma conduit, the warp coils above it. The rest of the main body and around the reactor is deuterium. The nose cone has more deuterium, forward sensors and control computer which also carries the message. Alternately some deuterium tanks could be removed from the nose or the body at the cost of range to add a very small amount of nonliving cargo.
Offensive and defensive capabilities can be combined into one missile but it is not ideally suited for either role. If a ship has the room, in this era it is best to have specialized missiles for each role.
- The missile doors retract into the ship and that compartment is open to space while the doors are open. The missile launcher mechanisms just below the compartment where the doors are function as an airlock for the missiles so the missile bay itself remains habitable as well as propel them from the ship. Only once the missiles leave the ship do the impulse thrusters or warp coils engage.
- Deuterium tanks take up most of the secondary hull and the amount was used as the basis for the warp reactor, nacelle,
Bussard collector efficiency ratings (factors set to 100% for Amarillo then changed as technology changed.
- The warp reactor size is much smaller than Masao indicated in his history so the reactor size of later ships lined up with their history.
- The central utility core is unbroken as it passes right through the center of the donut shaped tokamak warp reactor.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 100%
- Amount of deuterium: 17,000 M3, 2,761 MT
- LY range: 4.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,900 M3, 3N-9D, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 48
- Container cargo: 440
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.2 months
- Number/type of missiles: 42: 12 defensive, 18 offensive, 12 message torpedoes
PIONEER – 2154, heavy cruiser
This was the second ship I designed and the first large ship. It is based on the Bison layout:
- The midline nacelle takes up most of the rear oval so there is little room for deuterium there. Most deuterium is in the secondary hull around and in front of the warp reactor.
- It has special lateral sensors in blisters on the side of the primary hull not present in most other ships. This is due to its escort duty where it would slowly circle the convoy with lateral sensors facing out. It could detect dangers farther away and approaching from the side in an ambush mode with these sensors.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 100%
- Amount of deuterium: 47,900 M3, 7,779 MT
- LY range: 4.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 6,200 M3, 4N-2F, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 138
- Container cargo: 1,364
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.8 months
- Number/type of missiles: 126: 24 defensive, 90 offensive, 12 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 4 lasers: 2 in fixed housings, 2 in a turret
ARCHER – 2154, system patrol ship
A small roughly cylindrical hull system patrol ship:
- The missiles are the size of the smaller defensive missiles from interstellar ships and the launchers are correspondingly smaller. They are used for both offensive and defensive roles. A tokamak fusion reactor powers maneuvering thrusters at the base and through a plasma conduit, the warp coils above it. The rest of the body is the payload consisting of various size nuclear bombs that balance the hard hitting single punch of an offensive missile and the spread pattern of a defensive missile. While adequate, they are not ideally suited for either as specialized offensive or defensive missiles would be. The nose cone has deuterium, sensors and controlling computer. Archer carries no message torpedoes.
- The axially located tokamak fusion reactor feeds the rear midline nacelle for limited (but still essential) short warp jumps and the three impulse drives. The reactor was designed for high volume of plasma output but at low plasma energy density. This maximizes impulse performance (which consumes copious deuterium) at the expense of warp fuel efficiency. So it carries more deuterium per total mass than larger ships since both impulse and warp are deuterium intensive.
- There is a very small cargo bay, no shuttle bay, and extremely limited crew and maint areas due to the short intra system mission length. Misc support systems are also limited and are almost all in the nose area. The bridge and main computer are small.
- There are eight maneuvering thrusters, four in the nose and four in the tail.
- The outer hull is thinner than interstellar military ships. Archer's main defense (besides missiles used defensively) is its small size and excellent maneuverability. The fusion reactor, impulse drives, and maneuvering thrusters are large for a ship this size.
- Some modest changes to Masao's online pics and specs were made. The missile doors were reduced to two and the airlock is in a different location and RCS thrusters were added. The missile compliment also had to be reduced.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 110%
- Propulsion efficiency: 60%
- Amount of deuterium: 950 M3, 154 MT
- LY range: 1.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 1.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 280 M3, 6N-4A, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 2
- Container cargo: 8
- Months of container/bin cargo: 1.4 months
- Number/type of missiles: 20 offensive/defensive
LITTLE NELL I – 2154, M/AM test ship
Early generation M/AM reactors were nothing more than 'supercharged' fusion reactors. They started up as a normal fusion reactor (hydrogen fusing to helium in a magnetically contained cavity), and then minute amounts of AM were injected to 'supercharge' the reaction, much like nitrous oxide supercharges an internal combustion engine. To help with efficiency, the AM was injected at two points in the reaction chamber necessitating two AM lines to the reactor. The reactor is much sturdier to handle the increase output with special equipment to handle and feed the AM into the reaction chamber. This was no easy trick and is what took so long to develop.
The ratio of AM to regular matter that reacts is always 1:1, but extra regular matter is always injected. If no extra matter was injected, the reactor output would be pure energy in the form of heat, light, and radiation. This is not suitable for use to power the warp nacelles. Plasma, which is matter in an excited state with the electrons detached from the nuclei, must power the warp nacelles. Extra normal matter must be injected to form the basis for this plasma.
The first generation M/AM reactor had a M:AM ratio of > 1000:1. The energy of one part AM and one part matter annihilating each other was transferred to >999 parts matter (some of the excess matter would also fuse from hydrogen to helium). Plasma with such a high M:AM ratio was called 'low energy' plasma. As the decades passed and reactors became better, the amount of excess matter decreased substantially. The reactor became much more 'fuel efficient' with deuterium usage and the resulting plasma was 'higher energy'.
The warp nacelles that most efficiently used low quality plasma were the oval type, and the weak warp fields they produced were best when centered around the centerline of the ship. This is why many early ships including the Little Nell test ships used oval midline nacelles. As the decades passed and the plasma energy increased, different and better warp nacelles and configurations were built to take advantage of it to reach higher warp speeds. The nacelles became cylindrical in shape, used in pairs, and offset from the ship's centerline.
The ship itself is based on a compact cylindrical hull with half spherical end caps:
- The outer hull is thinner since it doesn't have the thick plating than military combat ships need.
- There is very little deuterium, AM, or cargo space because as a test ship the mission length is short, maybe a couple weeks at most.
- The bridge, communications & control areas and main computer were large for a ship this small due to the special monitoring that occurred during flight, essentially the same size as Krechet.
- It has specialized communications test ship lances on the nose and tail for continuous and heavy data transfer during flight, should anything catastrophic occur and all onboard records lost in an instant.
- There are two very small shuttle bays that have no airlock, but rather double as airlocks and depressurizes when the external doors open.
- It has one large almost spherical midline nacelle. This was not the most efficient nacelle but sturdy enough to handle the increased output of the new M/AM reactor.
- AM bottles of this era are filled at the manufacturers and installed in the ships already full. They cannot be refilled in place, but are removed and replaced in space dock via removing hull plating or heavy cargo hatches. The amount of AM carried on board can last many missions, many times longer than the deuterium. AM bottles only need replacing every couple years.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 61,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 450%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,000 M3, 162 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.7/3.2 WF
- LY range: 0.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 0.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 7,000 M3, SSWR-I-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 2
- Escape pods: 16
- Container cargo: 48
- Months of container/bin cargo: 2.1 months
- Crew complement: 66
- Number/type shuttles: 2 small cargo/personnel
LITTLE NELL II – 2156, M/AM test ship
Based on a part spherical primary hull directly attached to a smaller diameter cylindrical secondary hull followed by an oval midline nacelle, together giving the appearance of a mushroom:
- An evolutionary advancement of the M/AM reactor after the catastrophic loss of Little Nell I lead to the reactor in Little Nell II.
- For simplicity, one tokamak fusion reactor was used as the impulse engine with three impulse drives attached radially around it and the deuterium tanks outboard of the reactor. There was no easy access to the entire impulse assembly other than a small crawl space. No in-mission maintenance was expected.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 58,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 95%
- Propulsion efficiency: 545%
- Amount of deuterium: 650 M3, 106 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.9/3.4 WF
- LY range: 0.6 LY
- Months of deuterium: 0.3 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 5,200 M3, SSWR-II-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 2
- Escape pods: 16
- Container cargo: 80
- Months of container/bin cargo: 3.2 months
- Crew complement: 70
- Number/type shuttles: 2 small cargo/personnel
CABBAGE (Romulan) – 2156, heavy cruiser
Romulans are competent ship builders with a technology level is similar to Earth ships of the time. The biggest difference is Romulan ships never switch from fusion to M/AM warp reactors and their early fusion reactors are less efficient than Earth's fusion reactors. The ship layout is a half sphere primary hull with the secondary hull containing the fusion reactors and the nacelles attached to the back flat end:
- Cabbage is a multi purpose ship. It carries troops, troop drop ships, 'planet buster' bombs, the plasma cannon for planetary subjugation/occupation, and can engage other capital ships with missiles or the plasma cannon.
- The deck are configured as vertical stacked decks along the long axis, the same as Earth ships of the era. At the central axis of the primary hull is the plasma cannon. Surrounding that is the very large cylindrical main deuterium tank. Surrounding deuterium tank is the vertical core for structural/utilities. Surrounding that to the outer hull is most ship's crew functions & cargo.
- There is no ceiling crawl spaces on each deck, but rather every 4th or 5th deck is dedicated partially to structural/utility functions.
- One direct hit from the plasma cannon is enough to completely destroy most ships or severely cripple large heavily shielded ships. Practically nothing could survive a point blank hit including the ship that fired it! But it does have disadvantages:
- The plasma bolt is sublight, so cannot be fired at warp or with accuracy against warp targets.
- It dissipates after a relatively short range.
- The firing arc is not that wide. The tip of the barrel is widened to hold equipment for final plasma constricting and aiming. The beam can therefore be deflected slightly for aiming purposes so does not always fire exactly parallel out the front of the ship.
- The fusion warp reactor is an integral part of the cannon, almost too integral. Most of the gun consists of one long plasma acceleration tube connected directly to the warp reactor. There is no plasma accumulation chamber at the base of the gun. The fusion reactor itself serves as the plasma accumulation chamber. When the gun is fired, a huge magnetic constriction field valve openes between the reactor and gun. Almost the entire contents of the reactor can be discharged through the gun. This forces other ship's systems that are powered by the fusion warp reactor, including warp and the power converters, to operate in minimal/standby mode. The impulse reactor can replenish the warp reactor but then impulse power is much reduced. Both fusion reactors can be brought back to full power in a few minutes, but the ship is vulnerable during this time. In most instances the plasma cannon is fired with a somewhat smaller plasma bolt than the maximum to reduce the vulnerable window after firing.
- Four navigational dishes offset from center axis with various sensors mounted around them are in the nose.
- The missile bay is a huge high bay four decks tall above the main deuterium tank extending the entire primary hull diameter. The six missile launchers extend out the bottom and top of the bay. They are fat devices to handle the fat 'planet buster' bombs and powerful enough to launch the missiles with high velocity.
- There is one large cylindrical fusion reactor that powers warp, the plasma cannon and most other ship's systems via the power converters mounted above and below the reactor. The reactor produces lower energy plasma vs. Earth ships. To increase its energy for the warp coils, it passes through a several stage 'plasma accelerator' which uses some of the energy in the plasma to further energize the remaining plasma going to the nacelles. Nine spherical stand alone fusion reactors at the top of the plasma accelerators can add additional power to them. The amount of plasma coming out of the accelerators is decreased, but what does come out is higher energy. This is the same principle the main plasma cannon operates on, except the cannon energizes the plasma much more and only in short bursts, not continuously.
- There is one large impulse assembly shaped like a truncated cone. The wide part of the cone is a stand alone fusion reactor. It is connected to the main warp reactor by a short wide plasma conduit. Plasma can flow both ways so each reactor can supplement the other depending on the situation. The little truncated cone aft of the exhaust is a special RCS that can deflect some of the exhaust from the main impulse reactor for a very large turning force. Additional RCS thrusters are in the nose.
- Because of the inefficient fusion warp reactor, the ship has much more deuterium than earth ships. The deuterium tank walls are thicker than Earth's ships allowing deuterium to be kept at a higher pressure & density. More deuterium can be kept in the same volume, but at the expense of a heavier tank. Despite this, the range is still very short.
- The nacelles themselves are complex oval shapes to better utilize the lower energy plasma. There are smaller deuterium tanks around the forward end of the nacelles.
- There are no transporters or force fields across shuttle bay doors, or tractor beams. Each of the six shuttle bays entirely depressurizes when their doors open.
- Romulan ships don't have escape pods. Like Klingons, they believe this is cowardly and you should die fighting, self destruct or make a suicide run instead of abandon ship or surrendering.
- Rather than have most transfers on and off the ship by shuttle as earth ships, Romulans installed three versatile docking port/clamp assembly. These are sturdy structures that connects to any other similarly equipped Romulan ship or starbase. Each assembly has adjacent personnel and cargo airlocks. The cargo airlock opens to a cargo bay. The personnel airlock opens to a hallway. The entire mechanism can extend some 20 meters from the body of the ship to prevent the hulls from touching and odd shaped ships to dock together.
- Romulans do not use a cargo grid like Earth ships. However, regardless of the race, the most efficient way to store and move cargo is in standard size boxes. The cargo boxes are designed to just fit in the standard deck height of Romulan ships and can move easily around the one deck tall cargo bays on small wheels. The cargo boxes also double as turbolift cars and fit into the cargo turbolift shafts. There are no separate cargo turbolift cars. The turbolift doors open and the cargo boxes roll directly into the open shaft and off to wherever they are going. In some ways this is more efficient than Earth's cargo moving method. However the cargo containers can't be moved through the hallways. They are offloaded from the turbolift shafts to whatever nearby compartment is required.
- For crew movement, Romulans use ladders and a small cross section personnel turbolift system.
- Romulans hold their planet sacred and carry some of it with them on any size ship, even if it is only a table top aquarium or just a jar of dirt. Cabbage has a large three deck tall arboretum.
- The online estimate of 1,000 crew is too small. Cabbage can hold a lot more when troops are counted.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 90%
- Propulsion efficiency: 69%
- Amount of deuterium: 75,100 M3, 14,772 MT
- LY range: 3.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 2.6 months
- Warp engine size/type: 9,200 M3, fusion spherical
- Container cargo: 906
- Months of container/bin cargo: 6.3 months
- Crew complement: 2,100: 800 crew, 1,300 soldiers
- Number/type of missiles: 360: 168 offensive, 90 defensive, 30 planetary, 72 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 1 plasma cannon
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
CABBAGE TANKER (Romulan) – 2156, military deuterium tanker
Deuterium tanker variant based on the standard Cabbage, most likely built from scratch, not a modified Cabbage. Changes from the original Cabbage are:
- The plasma cannon was removed.
- The missile bay was drastically shrunk. All 'planet buster' and offensive missiles, five of the six missile launchers, and some of the defensive missiles and message torpedoes were removed.
- ~2/3rds of the cargo turbolift system, and some of the stairs and passenger turbolifts in the structural/utility space were removed.
- Four of the six shuttle bays, some of the cargo bays, and two of the three special docking assemblies were removed.
- Almost all crew space outside the annular structural support ring was removed.
- The space vacated by the missile room was replaced with crew areas. The central area surrounding the old missile room that housed the plasma cannon now contains a large three deck tall arboretum. All other vacated space was filled with expanded deuterium tanks. It carries over three times the deuterium as a standard Cabbage.
- The secondary hull was essentially unchanged.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 435,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 90%
- Propulsion efficiency: 69%
- Amount of deuterium: 236,000 M3, 46,421 MT
- LY range: 17.3 LY, if consuming entire deuterium tank by itself
- Months of deuterium: 11.8 months, if consuming entire deuterium tank by itself
- Warp reactor size/type: 9,200 M3, fusion spherical
- Container cargo: 302
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.0 months
- Crew complement: 550
- Number/type of missiles: 93: 66 defensive, 27 message torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
CABBAGE CARGO (Romulan) – 2156, military cargo ship
Cargo ship variant based on the standard Cabbage, most likely built from scratch, not a modified Cabbage. Changes from the original Cabbage are:
- The plasma cannon was removed.
- The missile bay was drastically shrunk. All 'planet buster' and offensive missiles, five of the six missile launchers, and some of the defensive missiles and message torpedoes were removed.
- Almost all crew space outside the annular structural support ring was removed.
- The space vacated by the missile room was replaced with crew areas. The central area surrounding the old missile room that housed the plasma cannon now contains a large three deck tall arboretum. All other vacated space was filled with expanded cargo bays. It carries almost seven times the cargo as a standard Cabbage.
- Two of the shuttle bays were modified to have extra large doors and an extended high bay four decks tall for larger cargo shuttles.
- The secondary hull was essentially unchanged.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 445,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 90%
- Propulsion efficiency: 69%
- Amount of deuterium: 77,800 M3, 15,303 MT
- LY range: 4.7 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.2 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 9,200 M3, fusion spherical
- Container cargo: 6,185
- Months of container/bin cargo: 157 months, if consumed all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 570
- Number/type of missiles: 93: 66 defensive, 27 message torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
KRECHET – 2157, medium cruiser/patrol ship
The first production M/AM ship built by Earth, based on the Amarillo layout:
- Has essentially the same reactor from Little Nell II.
- Deuterium is greatly reduced vs. the Amarillo, but the extra space is taken up by the larger M/AM warp reactor and AM bottles.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 548%
- Amount of deuterium: 6,900 M3, 1,121 MT
- LY range: 9.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.2 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 5,300 M3, SSWR-II-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 26
- Escape pods: 46
- Container cargo: 452
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.7 months
- Number/type of missiles: 48: 12 defensive, 24 offensive, 12 message torpedoes
TANNHÄUSER – 2157, heavy cruiser
The first large M/AM capital ship built by Earth, based on the Bison/Pioneer layout:
- It has a scaled up version of Krechet's M/AM reactor that is wider and not as tall.
- It is a multi purpose ship with heavy laser firepower, lots of missiles, plus 'planet buster' bombs.
- There is less deuterium than Pioneer, offset somewhat by the larger reactor and AM bottles.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 587%
- Amount of deuterium: 28,200 M3, 4,580 MT
- LY range: 13.1 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 20,000 M3, SSWR-III-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 96
- Escape pods: 152
- Container cargo: 1,560
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.8 months
- Number/type of missiles: 174: 36 defensive, 108 offensive, 10 planet busters, 20 message torpedoes
MARCONI – 2157, command/communications ship
A close variant to Tannhäuser with a second generation ship mountable subspace communications array.
It also carries additional sensing equipment and command functions to serve as a mobile communications/command platform. Main features and changes from Tannhaüser are:
- The outboard nacelles are attached to the secondary hull sphere instead of near the nose. This necessitated mounting the warp reactor 'upside down'. The AM bottles are forward of the engine instead of aft of it.
- Three laser cannons on Tannhaüser's primary hull were removed. The fourth cannon on the bottom of the secondary hull remained but rotated to the top of the ship.
- All offensive missiles and most missile launchers were removed leaving only a small compliment of defensive missiles.
- Most of the escape pods were rotated to exit the top of the ship so not to interfere with the large subspace dish.
- Two lateral sensor blisters were mounted on the top of the primary hull similar to Pioneer.
- This left the bottom of the ship unobstructed to mount the huge 100 meter diameter subspace transmitting dish pointing down. The transmitter generator is in a large compartment in the center of the primary hull that has the central core routed along the outer shell of the ship similar to some Bison cargo ships.
- Forward of the subspace generator are the navigational dish, bridge, main computer, defensive missiles, shuttle bay, cargo bays, and crew areas in their normal location.
- Aft of the subspace generator is a fleet command overbridge and computer. The overbridge is a cross between the multi-tiered control rooms used by NASA and Star Wars type bridges. It is two decks tall with three tiers facing a wall of large view screens. In the center on a raised circular dais the size of a small typical bridge is where the fleet commander and high level controllers sit. A command computer was also installed.
- Aft of the overbridge in the primary hull are more officer areas for the fleet commanders and some normal crew areas.
- When on patrol, the ship would orient itself with the top/front facing the likely direction the enemy would advance from and where the front line ships are. This meant the laser cannon, missiles, and lateral sensor arrays were all facing the enemy. The bottom of the ship with the subspace transmitter dish was facing away from the enemy and towards friendly space, which is the direction most long range subspace transmissions would be directed. If signals needed to be transmitted towards the front, the ship rotated on its axis.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 475,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 80%
- Propulsion efficiency: 587%
- Amount of deuterium: 28,200 MT, 4,580 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.4/208 WF
- LY range: 10.6 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 20,000 M3, SSWR-III-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 96
- Escape pods: 124
- Container cargo: 1,570
- Months of container/bin cargo: 10.9 months
- Crew complement: 1,025
- Number/type of missiles: 32: 16 defensive, 16 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 laser cannons in a turret
- Number/type shuttles: 16 small cargo/personnel
TORSK – 2158, light cruiser/patrol ship
A small light cruiser based on a slimmed version of Amarillo/Krechet layout:
- Because of the small ship diameter, the normal radial layout of cargo containers along the outer wall of the shuttle/cargo bay was abandoned. Instead a square grid arrangement was used filling one side of the bay completely. The bay is still a tight fit for the shuttles which are in the center and opposite side. The shuttle airlock opens on one side facing the shuttle area instead of both sides as in larger ships.
- In small ships such as these, the M/AM reactor has evolved into a longer narrower shape.
- Due to the smaller size ship, the three impulse drives are fed from the same tokamak fusion reactor instead of separate reactors at the base of each drive.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 621%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,300 M3, 698 MT
- LY range: 9.6 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 3,800 M3, SSWR-II-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 16
- Escape pods: 30
- Container cargo: 368
- Months of container/bin cargo: 11.1 months
- Number/type of missiles: 38: 10 defensive, 16 offensive, 12 message torpedoes
FARRAGUT – 2158, fleet monitor
A planetary landing support ship based on Bison:
- The 'tail' is special planetary sensors that focus downward and can penetrate atmospheres or underground. There are also some special forward facing sensors in the nose suited for planetary sensing.
- The enlarged, more square shaped primary hull belly is to hold six 'planet buster' bombs in a row across. Contrary to the original write-up, there are no launchers. The bombs are simply released and drop out belly doors at low velocity. They are too big for a reasonable size launcher to get them up to any velocity. The bombs themselves have thrusters, countermeasures, and might even break into multiple warheads.
- Has no offensive missiles since it travels as part of a larger fleet and was not expected to directly engage enemy ships. The large ultra laser cannon is suited for planetary use against stationary or slow moving targets. It is a true ball turret that can rotate in two plains by the one ball mechanism, although it can't face forward. The cannon has a dedicated fusion reactor and power converters.
- The M/AM warp reactor is evolving from Tannhaüser's type to be taller and narrower.
- It has the same type of impulse reactors as Krechet & Amarillo. The impulse drives attached to the engine are longer and a slightly different configuration. The three impulse assemblies don't provide the thrust as the six larger assemblies on Pioneer and other larger Bison type ships.
- Deuterium tanks were placed around the impulse assemblies instead of lower ranking crew areas, which were placed just forward of the impulse assemblies. Additional deuterium 'saddle bag' tanks were around the warp reactor.
- The nacelle struts were angled diagonal backwards in an attempt to reduce subspace drag – a phenomena whose study was just beginning.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 601%
- Amount of deuterium: 24,500 M3, 3,979 MT
- LY range: 12.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 76
- Escape pods: 135
- Container cargo: 1,276
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 92: 16 defensive, 60 planet busters, 16 message torpedoes
OLYMPUS MONS – 2158, military cargo ship
Cargo ship variant based on Farragut. Changes from Farragut:
- The 'planet buster' bombs were removed. Crew space in the aft part of the primary hull was removed. Space opened up was replaced with more container cargo. The remaining crew space was tweaked a little.
- The shuttle bays were modified to hold more cargo and the shuttle compliment rearranged. The lower shuttle bay now holds four medium cargo shuttles (10 listed online is too many).
- 4 medium cargo shuttle hatches were installed in the container cargo area (8 shown in the online pic is too many).
- The super laser cannon and dedicated fusion reactor to power it were replaced with a standard sized laser turret.
- Most of the planetary sensors were removed, but the central bulb on the nose was kept.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 390,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 601%
- Amount of deuterium: 24,500 M3, 3,979 MT
- LY range: 14.1 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 76
- Escape pods: 99
- Container cargo: 6,740
- Months of container/bin cargo: 62.3 months, if consumes all cargo by itself
- Number/type of missiles: 32: 16 defensive, 16 message torpedoes
A variant based on Farragut original design to resupply missiles to ships at the frontline. Changes from Olympus Mons:
- Instead of extensive containerized cargo and medium cargo shuttle bays, the lower half of the primary hull has 5½ full diameter double height compartments for missile storage. Three compartments are optimized for offensive missiles, two for defensive missiles and/or message torpedoes and/or Archer/Curran missiles, and the half compartment for Minotaur missiles. The compartments can store missile types they are not optimized for but not packed as efficiently. The storage bays are more crowded than operational missile decks but still have room to maneuver missiles around the central core and in line to the elevators.
- Planet buster bombs are not carried as these are not used frequently enough to justify front line resupply via dedicated munitions ships. If necessary they can be carried in the large bulk storage bays of generic military supply ships.
- Very few Archer/Curran missiles are carried. Since Archer/Currans operate fully in-system, there is no need for ship-to-ship interstellar resupply which is a key feature of the munitions ship. Many systems with these patrol ships can have the missiles made by local munitions contractors anyway so don't need them shipped in. Only a very few small interstellar ships such as Comet carry them at this time.
- Two missile elevators extend from just under the launchers on decks 6-7 down to deck 27 in the secondary hull. They are in the same housing as a missile launcher with the same airlock access but none of the acceleration components to launch the missile. Where the elevator passes through the shuttle bay or crew areas, it is reduced to a cylinder without airlocks. The munitions ship's own defense missile bay can be resupplied at the top of the elevators. The bottom of the elevators ends in two arms that extend out the dorsal side of the ship and mate to the corresponding exit tube(s) of the ship being resupplied. The ships fly parallel in the same direction either dorsal-to-ventral or dorsal-to-dorsal when resupplying. The missiles travel down the elevator, across the arms and backwards into the missile launchers into the ship being resupplied. Two attachment points provides stability for large ships and speed in reloading. Small ships only attach to one arm. The arm can attach directly to a hatch in the side of Yorktown to resupply Minotaur missiles.
- The rest of the secondary hull is identical to Olympus Mons.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 400,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 601%
- Amount of deuterium: 24,500 M3, 3,979 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.9/3.4 WF
- LY range: 14.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.3 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 76
- Escape pods: 97
- Container cargo: 1,036
- Months of container/bin cargo: 9.6 months
- Crew complement: 806
- Number/type of missiles: 1,280: 596 defensive and/or message torpedoes and/or Archer/Curran missiles, 474 offensive, 210 Minotaur missiles
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 lasers in one turret
- Number/type shuttles: 10 small cargo/personnel
A variant based on Farragut original design to transport and deploy troops in a combat zone. Changes from Olympus Mons:
- The medium shuttle bay on decks 12-14 was converted to an assault shuttle bay. Two large shuttle doors were installed without airlocks. Once the troops are in their shuttles, the entire bay is pumped down or explosive decompression is used by opening the doors. An armory on deck 14 stores equipment loaded on the shuttles.
- Decks 19-25 were converted to troop quarters, messes, training rooms, etc. This are is fairly crowded when at full troop capacity compared to the normal crew density.
- No additional escape pods were installed for the troops. They train on quickly boarding shuttles for their missions and will use those instead of escape pods. When equipped for battle, the assault shuttles take two trips to deliver a full compliment, but during emergency evac, it can be done in one trip using the assault shuttles plus some of the normal ship's shuttle compliment.
- The front of the primary hull and the secondary hull are identical to Olympus Mons.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 380,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 601%
- Amount of deuterium: 24,500 M3, 3,979 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.9/3.4 WF
- LY range: 14.7 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.2 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 76
- Escape pods: 99
- Container cargo: 1,944
- Months of container/bin cargo: 9.0 months
- Crew complement: 1,606: 806 crew plus 800 light armor troops
- Number/type of missiles: 32: 16 defensive, 16 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 lasers in one turret
- Number/type shuttles: 17: 7 medium assault, 10 small cargo/personnel
MERCY – 2158, hospital ship
A variant based on Farragut original design as a hospital ship. It is actually closer to the troop transport variant of Olympus Mons. Changes from that ship are:
- Following recognized rules of war, Mercy does not carry armaments of any type, offensive or defensive, so the defensive missiles and laser cannon were removed and replaced with crew areas used in part for the additional medical crew and maintenance areas. This also means it cannot launch message torpedoes. Since it would almost always be travelling in a convoy, this is not an issue.
- The lower shuttle bay was configured identically as the upper with a full compliment of small shuttles and an airlock and shuttle door. The double size shuttle compliment functions as space ambulances and the duel doors & airlocks allows faster entry & exit.
- The normal sick bay complex on deck 18 was removed and replaced by additional escape pods and a smaller security complex.
- Decks 19-25 were configured identically as large medical complexes. Each floor has several medical rooms (that can be configured into large open wards, ICUs, ORs, private rooms, etc.), offices, a lab, the usual support & maintenance areas, a small rest area, as well as additional escape pods.
- Mercy has enough escape pods and cargo to transport a large number of patients plus normal crew for at least a medium interstellar length trip. Although evacuating a hospital ship is tricky because by definition many of those onboard would be difficult to move and require additional room. Shuttles would also be needed for an evac.
- While in orbit, Mercy could treat several times more patients at one time (several thousand) vs. the number it could transport interstellar. However while this loaded, there would not be enough escape pods and shuttles to evac everyone in one trip.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 375,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 601%
- Amount of deuterium: 24,500 M3, 3,979 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.9/3.4 WF
- LY range: 15.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 76
- Escape pods: 171
- Container cargo: 1,036
- Months of container/bin cargo: 5.0 months with full load of patients or 8.1 mo with no patients
- Crew complement: 1,556: 956 crew plus 600 interstellar patients (many more if in orbit)
- Number/type of missiles: none
- Number/type energy weapons: none
- Number/type shuttles: 20 small cargo/personnel
REID FLEMING – 2158, military deuterium tanker
Deuterium tanker variant based on the Farragut:
- The 'planet buster' bombs were removed. Crew space in the aft part of the primary hull was removed. Space opened up was replaced with more deuterium. The remaining crew space was tweaked a little.
- The lower shuttle bay was removed and replaced with some crew and a little container cargo space.
- The super laser cannon was removed and replaced with a high flow refueling arm and deuterium surge tank.
- Most of the planetary sensors were removed, but the central bulb on the nose was kept.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 370,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 601%
- Amount of deuterium: 106,000 M3, 17,214 MT
- LY range: 76.5 LY, if consuming entire deuterium tank by itself
- Months of deuterium: 37.6 months, if consuming entire deuterium tank by itself
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 76
- Escape pods: 99
- Container cargo: 1036
- Months of container/bin cargo: 9.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 32: 16 defensive, 16 message torpedoes
YORKTOWN – 2158, fighter carrier
A warp fighter carrier based on the Bison layout:
- Has a primary M/AM warp reactor and secondary fusion warp reactor due to its long missions deep into enemy territory with minimal support except Powhatan escorts. The fusion reactor can sustain low warp speed to limp back to base if the primary M/AM reactor fails.
- Grappling arms hold the Minotaurs when they are stored. They can extend and retract, slide forward and aft along the central core, rotate around the central core, and open and close to grab and release the fighters. The arms have small wheels on the inner grabbing surface so once a ship is secure, it can be rotated so the proper direction is facing the central core so attachment points for fuel lines, etc. are uniform.
- The 1/6th radial wedge on each fighter deck that is not part of the fighter bay contains high bay fighter maintenance & pilot training areas, and Minotaur missile stores in an armory. These rooms can access balconies in the dorsal 'corners' of the fighter bay.
- Some crew area is near the nose in front of the cargo and fighter bays. More crew area is aft of the fighters in the primary hull and extending into the top of the secondary hull. But most of the crew areas for lower ranking crew are behind the warp engines in front of the impulse engines.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 105%
- Propulsion efficiency: 740%
- Amount of deuterium: 41,300 M3, 6,707 MT
- LY range: 17.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 16,300 M3, SSWR-III-B, M/AM open cavity
- 5,700 M3 backup, 4N-3B, fusion tokamak
- AM bottles: 108
- Escape pods: 135
- Container cargo: 1,260
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.2 months
- Crew complement: 1,150
- Number/type of missiles: 140: 16 defensive, 16 message torpedoes, 108 Minotaur missiles
MINOTAUR – 2158, fighter
A warp fighter based on a cylindrical hull:
- Minotaur is a rather large fighter at ~80% of the length of the system patrol ships Archer and Curran. Like those ships, it is based around a vertical deck layout, although most of the 'decks' are not pressurized, don't have gravity and are not accessible in flight. Some decks are half height and some are 1.5 height depending on the equipment they hold.
- There are two habitable decks mid-ship. The upper of these contains the airlock, cockpit, computer core, escape pod, small multipurpose crew room (emergency stores, EVA ready room, resting bunks), head and a narrow hallway with ladder access to the lower habitable deck which contains support systems. A high bay compartment across both decks with gravity oriented 90° from the rest of the habitable decks contains the power converter. Minotaur is designed for mission lengths of one to two days with a large amount of habitable space for a fighter and habitable access to be able to repair critical support systems while in flight.
- Forward of the habitable decks is missile storage, RCS thrusters, laser turrets and forward sensors/navigation dish. Aft of the habitable decks is the impulse/warp fusion reactor, M/AM power cells, warp nacelle, deuterium tanks, aft RCS thrusters and sensors. None of these areas are pressurized, have gravity or are accessible during flight. They are only accessible via access panels while docked. Also the entire tail from the deuterium tank aft is removable to access the central core of the warp nacelle. Any atmosphere and gravity in these areas must be supplied by the carrier.
- The missiles are taller and narrower than all other War era ships and serve both offensive and defensive roles, although the warheads are configured more towards the offensive role. Minotaur has no dedicated missile launchers but the missiles exit under their own power provided by their onboard fusion thrusters. This is only possible because the missile bay is not habitable or pressurized. When the missile doors are open, the bay is exposed to space. Launchers on larger ships function as an airlock and also to propel the missiles out of the ship where the missile's thrusters engage once outside. There are four missile doors, each wide enough to allow two missiles at a time to launch as well as to vent all the exhaust gases. Tough outer hull material lines the floor of the missile room to protect it against the launching missiles. Eight missiles can be launched simultaneously and the crew describes this sensation like flying backwards for a fraction of a second. This allows the entire compliment of missiles to be fired very quickly in two volleys. The missiles are stored and moved around internally in a grid similar to the cargo container grid on larger ships.
- The four external laser turrets are powered by two internal units.
- Six M/AM fuel cells to power the midline nacelle are in a ~1.5 height deck below the ~1.5 height fusion reactor deck. The cells are in joined pairs. Each cell has its own miniscule AM load and containment generator but shares the small M/AM reactor and plasma conduit leading to the nacelle. The AM cannot be refueled in-situ but the cells must be removed and replaced with full ones loaded by the manufacturer.
- Minotaur has forward and aft passive sensor fins.
- Minotaur has no shields. It's main defense is speed and maneuverability.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 125%
- Propulsion efficiency: 430%
- Amount of deuterium: 50 M3, 8 MT
- LY range: <1 LY on fuel cells, <<1 LY on fusion reactor
- Months of deuterium: <1 week, only for low warp emergencies
- Warp reactor size/type: six, 44J M/AM fuel cells
- 100 M3 backup, 6N-3A, fusion tokamak
- Escape pods: 1
POWHATAN – 2158, light cruiser/patrol ship
A light cruiser based on an even slimmer configuration of the Torsk:
- The evolution of the M/AM reactor is continuing in small ships into a longer narrower shape. The primary warp reactor only powers the midline nacelle to achieve high warp speeds.
- Has a primary M/AM and secondary fusion warp reactor due to its long missions deep into enemy territory with minimal support escorting Yorktowns. The fusion reactor powers three systems: The impulse drives, the power converters for the rest of the ship, and the three radially mounted steering warp nacelles. The steering nacelles normally run in tandem with the midline nacelle during normal ship operations at high warp speed, but they can be run by themselves to sustain low warp speed to limp back to base in case the primary warp reactor fails.
- The fusion tokamak reactor is imbedded in the steering nacelles causing a break in the normally continuous line of warp coils most nacelles. This was done to install the largest tokamak possible in the narrow diameter ship and only minimally impacts the steering or low warp function of the nacelles.
- Because of the small ship diameter, the normal radial layout of cargo containers along the outer wall of the shuttle/cargo bay was abandoned. Instead a square grid arrangement was used filling one side of the bay completely. The bay is still a tight fit for the shuttles which are in the center and opposite side. To accommodate parking space for the shuttle compliment, the bay extends into a blister on the belly of the ship.The size and shape of the blister was dictated by how it affects warp field. The shuttle airlock opens on one side facing the shuttle area instead of both sides as in larger ships.
- Has lateral sensors in blisters similar to Pioneer and sensor fins not normally on other ships. These are used during its Yorktown escort missions to detect threats farther away and laterally approaching in ambush.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 120%
- Propulsion efficiency: 755%
- Amount of deuterium: 3,300 M3, 536 MT
- LY range: 16.4 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,600 M3, SSWR-II-D, M/AM open cavity
- 2,000 M3 backup, 4N-3C, fusion tokamak
- AM bottles: 10
- Escape pods: 26
- Container cargo: 300
- Months of container/bin cargo: 10.4 months
- Crew complement: 216
- Number/type of missiles: 38: 12 defensive, 16 offensive, 10 message torpedoes
CHOWDER (Romulan) – 2158, light cruiser/patrol ship
A light cruiser based on an extremely slimmed down and smaller Cabbage configuration:
- The wings provide multiple purposes. The wingtip nacelles have small outboard warp nacelles for increased maneuverability at warp. The nacelles also contain forward and aft reaction control thrusters. The wing root holds missiles in a curved 'banana clip' style. This is how such a small ship can hold so many missiles. The rest of the wing is extra deuterium tanks.
- The missile launchers are small diameter to minimize space they take but they are not very powerful. Missiles are launched at a lower velocity than the larger fatter launchers on other Romulan ships.
- The dorsal & ventral fins are for sensors.
- There are no shuttles and no shuttle bay. All transfers on and off the ship are via the docking port which there is only one and it cannot extend. It must dock with another ship that has an extendable docking port or the ventral sensor fin will get in the way. If two Chowders need to dock in an emergency, the dorsal sensor fins can be jettisoned from their connection sockets.
- The larger deuterium tanks are thicker walled (and heavier) to allow more deuterium at higher pressure.
- Despite the small ship size, room was still found for an albeit small but still three deck tall arboretum.
- The online estimate of 200 crew is too high. The ship is the same size as Powhatan, but with much more deuterium.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 115%
- Propulsion efficiency: 75%
- Amount of deuterium: 6,700 M3, 1,318 MT
- LY range: 3.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,400 M3, fusion spherical
- Container cargo: 44
- Months of container/bin cargo: 4.9 months
- Crew complement: 130
- Number/type of missiles: 55: 29 offensive, 13 defensive, 13 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 1 plasma cannon
CURRAN – 2158, system patrol ship
Based on Archer's cylindrical configuration but more tapered. Major differences from Archer are:
- The sensors in the nose are slightly larger than Archer due to a slightly larger diameter nose cone.
- The two missile decks and two crew decks are mostly identical to Archer but are moved back one deck expanding the support decks in the nose to three. The cargo bay is split into two rooms and moved here but contains the same amount of cargo as Archer. The increased support systems area is used for improved shields and other systems. The laser cannons are also moved back a deck.
- Since the fusion reactor no longer had to power the warp nacelle, the large tokamak reactor in a double height deck was replaced with three small spherical reactors mounted directly over the three drive nozzles in a ~1.5 height deck. Two of the reactors supply the power converter located between them in the same room. The third reactor is in its own dedicated room. Maintenance functions are also on this deck.
- 10 M/AM fuel cells to power the midline nacelle are in a ~1.5 height deck below the impulse deck. The cells are in joined pairs. Each cell has its own miniscule AM load and containment generator but shares the small M/AM reactor and plasma conduit leading to the central core then to the nacelle. The AM cannot be refueled in-situ but the cells must be removed and replaced with full ones loaded by the manufacturer. These are the same type of fuel cells as on Minotaur.
- The deuterium tank between the M/AM fuel cells and the nacelle is only a third the size as Archer.
- Some modest changes to Masao's online pics and specs were made. The black nose cone is larger. The missile doors were reduced to two and the airlock is in a different location and RCS thrusters were added. The missile compliment also had to be reduced and is the same as Curran. The Crew complement is the same as Archer.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 115%
- Propulsion efficiency: 425%
- Amount of deuterium: 200 M3, 32 MT
- LY range: <1.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: NA
- Warp reactor size/type: 10, 36D, M/AM fuel cells
- Escape pods: 2
- Container cargo: 8
- Months of container/bin cargo: 1.1 months
- Crew complement: 20
- Number/type of missiles: 20 offensive/defensive
COMET – 2158, light cruiser/patrol ship
Many layout and technical improvements were incorporated into one small test ship instead of all mainline ships during a time of war. Mainline ships only had evolutionary modifications (M/AM warp was the one exception). As Comet was not expected to see heavy combat or very long mission lengths, it did not have overly large missile, cargo and fuel stores. Even so, the improvements in subspace & propulsion efficiency and cruising speed allowed it to patrol a greater distance in a shorter time than Powhatan or Torsk. New layouts and technologies were:
- Separate primary & secondary hulls, offset from one another and separated by a neck, with further offset and outboard nacelles. This greatly increased subspace efficiency and reduced the amount of fuel needed but was harder to design a workable interior than cylinders and spheres stuck together on the same axis. Most crew functions and all sensor systems are in the primary hull. Most support systems and all propulsion systems are in the secondary hull.
- Vertically stacked decks along the long axis were replaced with a horizontal deck layout. This reduces the number of decks to traverse when moving about the ship. It is much simpler to walk hallways than use ladders or stairs.
- Spiral stairs are replaced by ladders and the hallways were made narrower to save space. Cargo modules can fit down some hallways but with less maneuvering room.
- A new size turbolift system and cars are used. Passenger cars are still square but a little larger. Since they can't rotate in the shaft, there are doors on at least two sides. Shafts are only two cars wide (plus a little wider) instead of a block of four or six. Shafts can also accommodate a standard size cargo container pushed into the shaft without a car. The cargo containers can pass a car (which is why the shaft is two cars wide plus a little more). This arrangement saves space but since the cars and cargo containers are different widths on one axis, each need a separate size door if exiting on that axis. The other axis width is the same for both so only one size door is needed if exiting on that axis.
- A ladder extends directly through all the compartments in the aft secondary hull instead of being in a separate hallway segment. This is not standard layout in warships as loss of atmosphere in any of the compartments makes the ladder unusable. But it was done to further conserve space in a ship not expected to see heavy combat. Also instead of turbolift access to all compartments in the aft secondary hull, a single container cargo grid line extends up and down from the cargo bay.
- The M/AM warp reactor, although not a radical design change, was still a large step forward in the output to size ratio allowing a higher propulsion efficiency and cruising speed. Only one AM feed port is needed on the reactor. The AM bottles and containment generator are the same but the AM transfer lines are narrower.
- The two impulse reactors are of a new rounded off rectangular design and dually feed a single impulse drive ring. Deuterium is stored in a high pressure cylindrical-spherical tank in the annular space of the drive ring. All the power converters are grouped together on the deck below the upper impulse reactor. Only this reactor feeds the converters.
- The structural support and utility transfer spaces shrink due to the introduction of stronger building materials and equipment miniaturization. There is a narrow vertical core in the primary hull, a narrow vertical plane in the secondary hull, and a single horizontal corridor connecting the two with the nacelle struts. The crawl space above each deck is also smaller.
- A new forward sensor/targeting array was mounted in a cylinder on the primary hull 'chin'. It can't double as the navigational deflector so a separate nav dish is mounted in a traditional nose cone just above it along with some older style sensors. The chin array also displaced the ventral pointed sensor normally in this position. Instead, a sensor was mounted at the base of the primary hull core pointing down. This was the beginning of sensor domes mounted on top and bottom of the primary hull as it transitioned to a saucer shape in later ships.
- The external missile doors do not retract into the ship but slide open. Because of the horizontal decks, missiles are stored laid out end to end rather than stood up on their base and load into the missile launchers breech. Due to size limitations, missiles are not the fat offensive and thinner defensive missiles of larger ships but the smaller combined offensive/defensive type used in Archer and Curran.
- A newer smaller 'mini' personnel/cargo shuttles are used in the very small shuttle bay. The shuttle bay is too small to even receive a 'small' shuttle typically used in larger capital ships.
- There is no shuttle airlock, as force fields have advanced enough to put one in front of the shuttle doors when they are open to keep air in but still allow a shuttle to push through.
- Tractor beams have advanced enough to be useful. They are mounted inside and outside the shuttle bay for shuttles. A stronger tractor beam is mounted at the bottom of the primary hull facing forward for offensive/defensive purposes.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 250%
- Propulsion efficiency: 878%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,150 M3, 226 MT
- LY range: 22.3 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,050 M3, SSWR-IV-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 4
- Escape pods: 10
- Container cargo: 60
- Months of container/bin cargo: 6.9 months
- Number/type of missiles: 25: 20 offensive/defensive, 5 message torpedoes
CONQUEROR – 2159, heavy cruiser
The last large capital ship of the Romulan War, basically a beefed up Tannhäuser:
- Had a high velocity missile rotary launch system. Eight missiles could be loaded via two ports into the system. The loading time per missile wasn't any faster than standard launchers, but once loaded all eight missiles could be fired very rapidly at very high velocity. Higher offensive missile stores to keep rifle supplied.
- Had an ultra laser cannon similar to Farragut modified for ship-to-ship firing and placed in a standard, although much deeper turret instead of a true ball turret. The ball turret on Farragut proved to be too troublesome to operate and maintain.
- The nacelles were placed above the centerline. This was more successful at improving subspace efficiency than placing them on diagonal struts straight backwards as on Farragut.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 110%
- Propulsion efficiency: 662%
- Amount of deuterium: 29,000 M3, 4,710 MT
- LY range: 14.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,700 M3, SSWR-III-D, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 132
- Escape pods: 156
- Container cargo: 1,440
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.9 months
- Number/type of missiles: 210: 136 offensive, 44 defensive, 10 planet busters, 20 message torpedoes
CLAVICLE (Romulan) – 2160, fast attack ship
A design change in Romulan ships based on the flattened exterior and two warp nacelles where it falsely appears the insides have abandoned the vertical stacked deck layout:
- The flattened shape is due to the deuterium filled wings. The central body is still an elongated oval that retails the vertical stacked decks.
- The warp reactor is hugely oversized compared to other Romulan and even Earth ships. It is run at super high outputs to get as high a speed as possible from a fusion reactor.
- The duel missile launchers are large fat assemblies to launch the missiles at high velocity. They are not quite as fat as those on cabbage because they don't have to handle the 'planet buster' missiles.
- There are no shuttles and no shuttle bay. All personnel and cargo transfers on and off the ship are via the single extendable docking port.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 120%
- Propulsion efficiency: 19%
- Amount of deuterium: 26,200 M3, 5,154 MT
- LY range: 1.4 LY
- Months of deuterium: 0.6 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 9,400 M3, fusion spherical
- Container cargo: 103
- Months of container/bin cargo: 5.2 months
- Crew complement: 285
- Number/type of missiles: 112: 56 offensive, 28 defensive, 28 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 1 plasma cannon
DAEDALUS BLOCK ONE – 2160, explorer/research ship
A demilitarized and redesigned Comet:
- The spaceframe was considerably shrunk and downgraded. Structural support areas were shrunk and to further save space, some of the structural elements like ribs were placed on the outside skin of the hull. The primary hull was shrunk to a smaller sphere from an oval. The secondary hull was shrunk from an oval to a smaller cylinder. The neck is a much narrower cylinder. It is the most cramped Earth capital ship in the SM universe.
- The missile bay was moved from the top of the primary hull to the middle decks, and the missiles were upgraded to smaller models that doubled for offensive and defensive missiles.
- The bridge was moved to the top center of the primary hull sphere with an early version of the bridge sensor dome above it.
- The laser cannons were downgraded and moved from the bottom of the secondary hull to just above the missile bay.
- The main forward sensor/targeting array was moved from the chin of the primary hull to the front of the secondary hull. It now serves scientific rather than military purposes.
- There are no stairs but only ladders and vertical turbolifts for travel between decks. The turbolifts are used mostly for cargo as the shaft is only one car wide so cars can't pass and there is only one car in each shaft. There is no horizontal turbolift runs. There is one vertical turbolift in the primary hull and one in the secondary hull that aren't connected. There is no turbolift maintenance room.
- The neck is so narrow there is only room for one hallway. Any cargo coming from the cargo bay must come up the secondary hull turbolift, roll down the hallway in the neck, then up or down the primary hull turbolift.
- The fusion impulse reactors were removed and replaced with a narrow tokamak reactor that has vents directly off it out the back of the ship. So there is no separate impulse drive. This arrangement takes less space but produces less powerful impulse thrust. The power converters were reduced in number and moved to the bottom of the secondary hull.
- The spherical high pressure deuterium tank at the rear of the secondary hull was changed to a standard tank in the bottom of the primary hull. The AM bottle number was reduced. Despite less deuterium and AM, Daedalus still has a highest range to date of any ship. This is mostly due to its very small size vs. Comet.
- The shuttle bay external door was moved from the side of the secondary hull to the back where the deuterium tank used to be. The size of the shuttle bay and number of shuttles was reduced to two from the online spec of four. There was just no way such a small secondary hull could hold four shuttles.
- There are no escape pods in the secondary hull due to its small size.
- Despite the multi-year mission profile, there is only enough room for ~6 months of provisions.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 300%
- Propulsion efficiency: 912%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,015 M3, 165 MT
- LY range: 44.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 12.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,050 M3, SSWR-IV-2, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 2
- Escape pods: 12
- Container cargo: 54
- Months of container/bin cargo: 5.7 months
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 lasers in individual housings
- Number/type of missiles: 15: 10 offensive/defensive, 5 message torpedoes
DAEDALUS BLOCK TWO – 2160, explorer/research ship
A Daedalus with more weapons:
- The number of missiles was increased for block two but could not be increased to the online specs. All missiles whether offensive, defensive or message torpedoes are the same size so the mix of missile types can be easily adjusted for the mission.
- Some crew space was eliminated to make room for the extra missiles and a small amount of space just above the missile tube exits was converted to more forward shields.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 300%
- Propulsion efficiency: 912%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,015 M3, 165 MT
- LY range: 36.3 LY
- Months of deuterium: 9.3 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,050 M3, SSWR-IV-2, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 2
- Escape pods: 12
- Container cargo: 54
- Months of container/bin cargo: 5.7 months
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 lasers in individual housings
- Number/type of missiles: 37: 20 offensive, 12 defensive, 5 message torpedoes
BISON PASSENGER VARIANT – 2161, civilian passenger ship
After the Romulan War, many civilian Bison ships were upgraded with new M/AM warp reactors. This passenger liner was one of them:
- 13 years after initially launching, the Mercator liner was upgraded with a M/AM reactor based on Farragut's.
- The deuterium tanks were shrunk and the space taken up by the larger reactor and the AM bottles and a mix of other support equipment moved out
of the primary hull.
- The lower cargo bay in the primary hull was removed and all space freed up dedicated to more passenger areas. The upper cargo bay (around the shuttles) still occupied the same decks but the large cargo shuttles were removed and replaced with cargo.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 463,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 100%
- Propulsion efficiency: 620%
- Amount of deuterium: 23,100 M3, 3,751 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 2.9/3.4 WF
- LY range: 11.7 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 11,500 M3, SSWR-III-C or similar, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 104
- Escape pods: 256
- Container cargo: 3,280
- Months of container/bin cargo: 12.7 months, if consumed all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 2,025: 1,450 passengers in 356 cabins, 575 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 14 small cargo/personnel
D-2 (Klingon) – 2162, heavy cruiser
Klingons followed the Soviet style of design: poor technology necessitating clunky designs with multiple large and inefficient backup systems all supported by inadequate industrial infrastructure:
- Its outer shape is different from Earth or Romulan ships with a head/long neck/body/wing/nacelles shape typical of all Klingon ships.
- Klingons did not employ the vertical stacked decks configuration along the long axis of the ship that Earth and Romulan ships used. Klingons used a flat horizontal deck configuration even on these early ships.
- The ship is built like a tank with very thick hull plating and very over designed structural support space.
- The ship is divided into four main areas by heavy double blast doors and internal hull plating: head, neck, engineering hull, and (2) wings. The ship is not designed to break into lifeboats along these areas, but the purpose is more for caste segregation and a crude form of damage control. The enlisted crew bunking in the neck and working in the engineering hull are kept separate from the command crew in the head. If there is severe battle damage, the engineering hull is isolated from the rest of the ship. This may save the command crew but doom everyone else.
- The computer core is surprisingly advanced for a Klingon design. It is a tall narrow cylinder of similar design to later model Earth ships. The bridge is on top of the computer core.
- There is no navigational dish in the nose. There are two navigational dishes in the noses of the very large nacelles.
- There are only vertical cargo elevators (also used by officers). There are no dedicated personnel elevators or horizontal turbolift runs. Regular crew get around by hallways and ladders. The hallways are very wide to move cargo through them.
- There is only one kind of missile which doubles for offensive and defensive missiles. The warhead is oversized to make up for the poor guidance control and small missile drive. The missile launcher is very small and underpowered so the missiles are not launched at high velocity.
- The disruptor cannons on the other hand are very oversized and quite powerful.
- The sensors are of a different design; cylinders with the sensing done out the side. This is more multi directional than the 'dishes' of other races, but doesn't have as long a range.There are four of these sensors facing forward to make up for the lack of range (more sensors=better resolution), two facing sideways (these are the little cylinders on the tips of the head wings), and two aft sensors in the engineering hull rear wing root.There are no top and bottom facing sensors as the others can cover these arcs a little with their better 'peripheral' vision.
- On top of the neck are two heavy duty shuttle docking ports. They can extend a little to connect to odd shaped shuttles and retract and clamp the shuttle in place so it can be carried while externally attached at high impulse or warp.
- Surprisingly the Klingons are fairly good at building fusion reactors. They put out more power than comparably sized Earth fusion reactors. Klingon maintenance practices probably don't help, but it is a good tokamak design.
- In addition to powering the nacelles via plasma conduits running out the trailing edge of the wings, the warp reactor also directly powers the large disruptor cannons with plasma conduits. The plasma cannons have power converters built into them. Behind the warp reactor is a smaller fusion reactor that powers the two impulse drives on either side of it and the power converters for the rest of the ship which are mounted vertically in three deck tall rooms on either side of the warp reactor.
- The very large Bussard collector/plasma reflux tunnels on top of the engineering hull are a uniquely Klingon design. They are a combination of
Bussard collectors for interstellar gas and plasma reprocessing equipment. They do not energize plasma on the way to the nacelles like the Romulan plasma accelerators. It is not know exactly what purpose the plasma reprocessing serves.
- The cargo bay has no automated cargo handling ability like earth ships or easily moveable cargo containers like the Romulans. Instead the cargo is kept more or less loose on the equivalent of modern day pallets.
- There is no force field across the shuttle bay doors and no airlock. So every time the door opens, the rear cargo bay depressurizes. The forward shuttle bay is kept at pressure by blast doors.
- The deuterium filled wings are regular low pressure tanks but due to poor materials of construction are thicker walled and heavier than Earth's.
- The nacelles despite being very large are of poor quality and inefficient compared to Earth's. The small but powerful warp engine puts out a lot of plasma (and uses a lot of fuel) which the nacelles inefficiently use.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 160%
- Propulsion efficiency: 93%
- Amount of deuterium: 14,400 M3, 2,339 MT
- LY range: 3.6 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.1 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,300 M3, fusion tokamak
- Container cargo: 922
- Months of container/bin cargo: 4.7 months
- Number/type of missiles: 52 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 disruptor cannons in fixed housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
POWHATAN COURIER – 2162, civilian courier ship
Powhatans retired from military service were sold to civilians and converted to courier ships. These could carry smaller amounts of cargo or passengers at higher speeds (and at higher price) than the larger civilian carriers available at the time. This is a general purpose courier that can carry some passengers, some container cargo or some larger bulk cargo. Changes from the military Powhatan are:
- Some minor crew changes to compartments on decks 4-5.
- The sensor fins were removed.
- The missile bay, laser cannons and most crew areas were removed from decks 6-9 and most of these decks converted into passenger areas. Common and dining areas along with the existing personnel airlocks and escape pods are on decks 9. Both smaller cabins and larger first class passenger cabins are on decks 6-8. A dedicated passenger turbolift shaft and circular stairs was mounted on these decks on the opposite side of the central core from the crew turbolift & stairs so the passengers could have free movement between these decks and allow them to be isolated from the rest of the ship. The turbolift shaft connects to the crew turbolift but the stairs do not. A central atrium is open between all four decks.
- Half of the shuttle/cargo bay and half of the four decks beneath that (which included the two ventral sensor blisters, some crew space and escape pods) was opened up for a bulk cargo bay with a collapsible cargo grid on the back wall. When the cargo grid is folded up, the space is available for bulk cargo loaded via large clamshell doors. When opened, it can hold container cargo and can pass containers to the cargo grid remaining in the shuttle bay. The number of shuttles in the bay was reduced and the shuttle door relocated. A force field was installed across the door so an airlock was no longer needed and internal/external tractor beams installed for shuttle maneuvering.
- From the impulse reactor aft was unchanged except for removing the three maneuvering warp nacelles and two power converters.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 120%
- Propulsion efficiency: 775%
- Ship size: 51,800 MT
- Amount of deuterium 3,500 M3, 568 MT
- LY range: 23.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.9 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,600 M3, SSWR-II-D, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 10
- Escape pods: 20
- Container cargo: 150, 684 additional in bulk cargo bay if used for this purpose
- Bulk/bin cargo: 7,800 M3 bulk cargo bay if used for this purpose
- Months of container/bin cargo: 7.6 months, not counting if bulk cargo bay is used for containers
- Crew complement: 155: 50 passengers in 21 cabins, 105 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 3: 2 small cargo/personnel, 1 mini cargo-personnel
COMET COURIER – 2165, civilian courier ship
Comets retired from military service were sold to civilians and converted to courier ships. These could carry smaller amounts of cargo or passengers at higher speeds (and at higher price) than the larger civilian carriers available at the time. This is a general purpose courier that can carry some passengers, some container cargo and some larger bulk cargo. Changes from the military Comet are:
- The upper four decks were completely cleared and converted into a bulk cargo bay. This involved removing the missile bay, bridge, main computer, deflector dish, aft sensors, other crew and support areas, and the central core. The entire top of the primary hull was converted into large clamshell doors. It is not an overly large bay and it has been known for the clamshell doors to only partially close around large cargo items during shipping (bungee cord included to hold them closed.
- The bridge and main computer were moved down to decks 5-6 in their original horizontal locations. Hatches and ladders were added in the ceiling to the personnel airlocks on deck 5 to access the bulk cargo bay above. Crew area on these decks and some of the lower decks were reconfigured.
- The large forward targeting sensor pallet was removed from the 'nose' protrusion which was shortened and the deflector dish and some forward/lateral sensors installed there.
- Passenger areas were added to the forward sections of decks 7-9 including 7 cabins, dining and common areas. The ladder running up the front of the central core was removed and a circular stair was imbedded in the forward central core on decks 7-9 so passengers could have free movement between these decks and allow them to be isolated from the rest of the ship. Other ladders were added to the crew only hallways.
- The tractor beam and lower sensor were removed from the bottom of the primary hull.
- The secondary hull was largely unchanged except for removing the laser cannons, a power converter, and the lower impulse reactor. The impulse ring was fed by the remaining top impulse reactor. More container cargo was placed in the space freed up by the lower impulse reactor and laser cannons.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 40,200 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 250%
- Propulsion efficiency: 878%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,150 M3, 226 MT
- LY range: 28.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 8.1 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,050 M3, SSWR-IV-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 4
- Escape pods: 10
- Container cargo: 134
- Bulk/bin cargo: 5,400 M3 bulk cargo bay
- Months of container/bin cargo: 16.6 months
- Crew complement: 80: 24 passengers in 7 cabins, 56 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 4 mini cargo/personnel
DRAGON – 2166, heavy cruiser
A new ship role of 'border patrol heavy interceptor' designed to be stationed close to border starbases and assault large numbers of advancing enemy ships. It had problems during design and the test ship shakedown cruise which resulted in many design changes. The layout shown is the final 'as commissioned' model. Main features are:
- The primary hull contains eight forward firing laser canons, four forward firing missile tubes and two rear firing tubes for overwhelming firepower. They are still Romulan War era designs that take up a lot of internal room. It also contains the bridge, main computer, all crew quarters, most common crew areas and escape pods, rear facing fighter bay with two armories for their missile stores beneath it, and navigational dish.
- Barracks style quarters were abandoned so every crew now has an individual or maybe double cabin although most share heads.
- A new style main computer, navigational dish and directional sensors were introduced and used in all capital ships from Dragon forward. The main computer looks like a German cross with a circular outline. Each arm of the cross is a separate component attached to the cylindrical core. The component arms and cores can be stacked several decks tall or only one deck tall depending on the need for computing power and redundancy. There are square ancillary computer components not directly attached to the main core. Dragon was also the first ship to also have both upper and lower sensor domes on the primary hull.
- The neck contains one rear facing laser cannon.
- The secondary hull contains the cargo bay, shuttle bay, a special forward weapons sensor with a long resonance tube for pinpoint targeting accuracy, all deuterium storage tanks and four spherical fusion impulse reactors of the same size as Farragut but with a smaller drive nozzles attached. Each reactor supplies three power converters to provide for the large number of laser cannons.
- The tertiary hull contains the M/AM warp reactor, AM bottles & containment generator, some escape pods, and rear mounted new style lateral and aft sensors. The SSWR-III reactor series used in Bison based ships was too wide for Dragon. Dragon's reactor is instead a scaled up version of the SSWR-II-D used in Powhatan.
- The AM bottles can be individually ejected, or in case of severe M/AM reactor damage, the entire tertiary hull with connecting neck and aft nacelle struts can be separated. Separating the tertiary hull also removes the AM from the rest of the ship but none of the deuterium. Anyone remaining in the tertiary hull after separation can use the escape pods located there.
- As with Comet, there are no spiral stairs. All personnel travel via ladders or a fairly simple turbolift network that runs mostly down the ship's centerline.
- A sturdy structural support & utility core takes up a large amount of internal space. A core runs vertically through the primary hull center. A horizontal corridor runs from the primary hull center through the neck and secondary hull. Thick vertical corridors run in front of the impulse engine and warp reactor and connect both sets of nacelle struts. There are two sets of struts to provide structural support for the very long nacelles. The plasma conduit from the M/AM warp reactor runs forward into the secondary hull, then out to the nacelles through the forward struts.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 194,400 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 280%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1089%
- Amount of deuterium: 4,750 M3, 771 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 3.6/4.7 WF
- LY range: 24.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.4 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 3,700 M3, SSWR-II-D2, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 12
- Escape pods: 54
- Container cargo: 376
- Months of container/bin cargo: 8.8 months
- Crew complement: 455
- Number/type of missiles: 92: 52 offensive, 24 defensive, 16 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 9 laser cannons
- Number/type shuttles: 12: 3 small cargo/personnel, 4 mini cargo/personnel, 5 mini fighters
OCEAN – 2168, military cargo ship
Ocean was the first line of military cargo ships designed from scratch after the Romulan War, not based on or converted from Bisons:
- The vertical stacked deck configuration of Bisons was abandoned for a horizontal deck configuration.
- As a cargo ship making runs between military bases, it is also economical to transfer military personnel and their families with the cargo. The forward part of the ship is for these passengers. High ranking or military families have special passenger quarters. Lower ranking passengers stay in standard crew type quarters. They are not isolated from the rest of the ship but use common crew galleys and lounges.
- The bridge is in a raised dome right at the top center of the ship with some crew areas and two deck tall main computer.
- The upper part of the ship has two large bulk cargo bays for transferring shuttles, fighters, and other small craft to medium size bulk loads.
- The center belly of the ship is a vast bulk cargo area that extends into the bulge in the belly. It can hold up to three ships the size of Archer/Curran.
- The rear of the ship contains most normal ship functions: deuterium and AM storage, impulse and warp reactors, nacelle attachment points, and a shuttle bay with cargo container shuttles and lower shuttle storage area with the first use of a shuttle elevator. In previous ships, shuttles moved between decks under their own power though open doors, not by an elevator.
- The warp reactor is a slightly different design. It has a smooth cylindrical shape instead of having four protruding 'wings' as other combat military reactors do. This reactor type is built a little more for efficiency instead of high performance in the large ships it is installed in.
- Interspersed throughout the ship is container cargo area which is generally loaded through the rear cargo bay, although if they are empty, the two upper bulk cargo bays can also handle container cargo.
- Maint areas and misc support systems are scattered throughout the ship and are in odd shaped spaces.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 325,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 125%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1064%
- Amount of deuterium: 14,200 M3, 2,306 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 3.2/3.6 WF
- LY range: 22.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 8.1 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 5,800 M3, SSWR-III-E2, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 40
- Escape pods: 50
- Container cargo: 5,797
- Bulk/bin cargo: 111,000 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 175 months, if consumes all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 410: 260 military passengers, 150 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 3 medium cargo, 5 small cargo/personnel
OCEAN – 2168, civilian cargo ship
Designed to haul civilian cargo only, a replacement for the original Bison cargo configuration. Changes from the military version are:
- The bridge, main computer, other crew areas, escape pods, support systems and the two upper bulk shuttle/cargo bays were all removed and replaced with more container cargo and four dorsal medium cargo shuttle doors. The orientation of the cargo modules in the shuttle was rotated to match the new horizontal deck layout so the shuttles still face forward when docking and loading the cargo modules via belly doors.
- The bridge and main computer and some support systems were relocated in former passenger/crew areas in the nose. The main computer was reduced to one deck tall since civilian use needed less computing power and redundancy. Most of the escape pods were removed and all crew area is in the nose.
- The dorsal and ventral impulse engines and power converters were removed and replaced with support systems.
- The compliment of shuttles in the aft bays was changed and the elevator between upper and lower bays was enlarged to handle the medium cargo shuttle.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 315,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 125%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1064%
- Amount of deuterium: 14,200 M3, 2,306 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 3.2/3.6 WF
- LY range: 24.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 8.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 5,800 M3, SSWR-III-E2, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 40
- Escape pods: 10
- Container cargo: 9,232
- Bulk/bin cargo: 111,000 M3 bulk
- Months of container/bin cargo: 1157 months, if consumes all cargo by itself
- Crew complement: 85
- Number/type shuttles: 7: 4 medium cargo, 3 small cargo/personnel
CONSTELLATION PASSENGER – 2171/2172, civilian passenger ship
Sovezdie/Constellation was the first line of civilian passenger ships designed from scratch after the Romulan War, not based on or converted from Bisons. Built soon after Ocean but smaller, sleeker looking, and faster:
- The vertical stacked deck configuration of Bisons was
abandoned for a horizontal deck configuration.
- The bridge, main computer, officer and crew areas and
crew airlocks are in the upper nose just behind the nav dish cone. Civilian
bridges like Constellation’s are sometimes rectangular and buried within
the superstructure instead of circular exposed bridges found in military
ships. Below this area are the 1st class passenger cabins and escape pods.
This entire area including the hallways and a dedicated stairwell can be
filled with non standard atmosphere for species that require it and can be
isolated from the rest of the ship by airlocks.
- Just aft is the main seven deck tall passenger atrium
with concentric oval balconies each one a little larger than the one above
it so they all have a view into space through the large overhead windows.
The main passenger airlock is into the ground floor of this atrium and
passenger common areas are spread throughout.
- At the top center of the ship is a ‘crows nest’
passenger lounge with a large transparent bubble dome for an unobstructed
360 degree view of open space. Below the crows nest are circular areas in
the hallways that adjoin the atrium. Main passenger turbolifts and stairs
not connected to other crew turbolifts and stairs open onto this large
hallway area.
- Common passenger areas are further aft including
lounges, an auditorium, gyms, locker rooms, a three deck tall restaurant
with giant overhead windows into space, a four deck tall arboretum with
large windows looking into space, and a swimming pool.
- In the bottom half of the ship are passenger cabins,
escape pods and a deck for common crew areas and quarters. Passenger cabins
are smaller than in Bison ships because the trips are shorter. Most support
systems are in one long deck in the very belly but a few are in the lower
fan tail, upper nose, and some mid-ship compartments.
- The rear of the ship contains normal ship functions:
deuterium and AM storage, impulse and warp reactors, nacelle attachment
points, cargo bay, shuttle bay and maintenance shops.
- Deck 9 has a horizontal structure & utilities
corridor that connects the fore and aft of the ship. Crew turbolift and
hallways run down the center of this corridor. At the aft end it connects to
the impulse and warp reactors and nacelle struts. Several small vertical
corridors off this run from top to bottom connecting the support systems in
the ship’s belly to the rest of the decks.
- The layout is identical after the upgraded Tetsujin 3
reactors were installed in 2172 in the second half of the original
production run vs. the original Rama 5 reactors installed in the first half
of the original production run. The specs are the same for both except where
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 180,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 125%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1099%
- Amount of deuterium: 5,150 M3, 836 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 3.7/4.1 & 4.0/4.4 WF, for
original & upgraded reactors
- LY range: 15.8 & 16.8 LY, for original &
upgraded reactors
- Months of deuterium: 3.7 & 3.2 months, for original
& upgraded reactors
- Warp reactor size/type: 4,900 M3, Rama 5 & Tetsujin
3, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 25
- Escape pods: 112
- Container cargo: 627
- Months of container/bin cargo: 6.9 months
- Crew compliment: 970: 790 passengers in 292 cabins, 180
- Number/type shuttles: 8 small cargo/personnel
WASP – 2174, light cruiser
The cutaway by Masao was a running gag rather than a workable interior! However, I stayed as true to it as possible:
- This is the first ship to have a different standard deck height in the primary command and engineering hull as they were called at this time. Also various decks in the engineering hull are half or one and a half decks tall to accommodate the components.
- Following the nacelle, phaser and impulse placement, other components are arranged in radial groups of three such as escape pod groups, power converter rooms, reaction control thrusters, some support/utilities corridors and aft/lateral sensors.
- There are more escape pods per crew than typical ships because each pod carries more emergency stores and fewer people.
- Escape pods are on the same decks as Masao's exterior but fewer and in a different arrangement. The shuttle door is rotated to the top of the ship, window placement would be different plus two personnel airlocks added vs. Masao's exterior.
- Command hull lasers have a new style emitter that doesn't physically move, but the beam can be directed out multiple facets in the emitter for aiming. This style is used in all future ships. The tail laser is a small old style ball turret with a limited swivel arc for aiming.
- Missiles are a new style again, smaller than Romulan war era but larger than Daedalus.
- Shuttle/container cargo bay is laid out similarly to Torsk & Powhatan with container cargo in one half of the bay in a square grid and the shuttle door and shuttles in the other.
- Deuterium is in several tanks through the ship: two tanks in unused space along the cargo/shuttle bay outer wall, an annular tank around the impulse tokamak reactor, and a cylindrical tank in the tail behind the AM.
- The M/AM reactor is a slightly different configuration than previous models with only two 'wings' instead of 4. This configuration is used sporadically from this point forward.
- There are no horizontal turbolift runs although cars can move horizontally in the single double wide vertical shaft. There is no turbolift maint room. Maint is done at the bottom of the shaft. There is no turbolift access to the engineering hull.
- There is no stairs but two ladderwells that run the length of the command hull and into the top of the engineering hull. Internal access to the warp engine and AM bottles is via one ladder.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 110%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1575%
- Amount of deuterium: 2,600 M3, 422 MT
- LY range: 24.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 6.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,200 M3, M/AM SSWR-IV-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 5
- Escape pods: 48, 4 crew per pod
- Container cargo: 490
- Months of container/bin cargo: 34.8 months
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 4 small cargo/personnel, 4 mini cargo/personnel
- Number/type of missiles: 36: 24 offensive/defensive, 12 message torpedoes
CATARACT (Romulan) – 2175, medium cruiser
The first new frontline capital ship since the Romulan War 15 years ago, incorporating the latest evolutionary advances in design and components:
- The ship became flatter and the first to have the horizontally oriented decks instead of vertical.
- The bride and main computer moved to a bulge at the top center of the ship.
- The fusion reactor is a more advanced tokamak design vs. previously spherical designs. It provides higher quality plasma at an efficiency now slightly better than Earth's fusion reactors.
- The warp nacelles are no longer the inefficient asymmetrical oval design needed to handle low quality plasma from previous reactors, but more elongated ovals to handle better quality plasma. Plasma accelerators are still needed to reach high warp speed, but with less power drain. They are integrated into the forward part of the warp nacelles and are actually the nacelle struts.
- The Bussard collectors are very large to collect much more interstellar gas and are directly integrated with the large deuterium storage tanks behind them in the 'wings' of the ship.
- Sensors are a new design of large cylinder pieces cut out to fit the outside hull shape. They radiate and collect sensor emissions over broad vectors somewhat omni-directionally.
- The top of the primary hull has most crew areas. Below that is the central plasma cannon with missile bays on either side and cargo bays aft of them. Below that is a few more crew areas and maint areas. In the belly are support systems and shuttle bays which open through belly doors.
- Due to the flat horizontal decks, space could not be found for a three deck tall arboretum. It is still fairly large but reduced to two decks.
- The missiles are the same size as Romulan War era.
- For the first time, the shuttle doors have force fields across them to hold atmosphere so no airlocks are needed and internal and external tractor beams are used for the shuttles. Two larger forward mounted tractor beams are above and below the plasma cannon port.
- The secondary hull has the fusion reactor which feeds the plasma cannon and impulse drive, support systems in two deck tall compartments and maintenance areas.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 155%
- Propulsion efficiency: 231%
- Amount of deuterium: 19,000 M3, 3,737 MT
- LY range: 22.9 LY
- Months of deuterium: 7.7 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 3,500 M3, fusion tokamak
- Container cargo: 198
- Months of container/bin cargo: 12.3 months
- Crew complement: 326
- Number/type of missiles: 160: 76 offensive, 48 defensive, 36 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 1 plasma cannon
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
CONSTELLATION PASSENGER VARIANT – 2175, civilian passenger ship
As M/AM technology made leaps and bounds forward, the designers looked to upgrade the original
Sovezdie/Constellation. M/AM and nacelle technology were moving so fast the designers realized they would want to upgrade often, but would be cost prohibitive. So instead:
- On the first upgrade, the internal M/AM reactor, AM
bottles and the large outboard nacelles were removed and an underslung pod
containing the reactor, AM bottles, and one midline nacelle was added. The
structure and utilities corridors were rerouted to connect to the underslung
pod instead of outboard nacelles. The pod also contains a bussard collector
on the nose, various crew & maintenance areas and escape pods. For
future upgrades, this entire pod could be replaced with one containing newer
technology components without having to overhaul the main body of the ship.
- The space the original reactor occupied was filled in
with more passenger & crew areas, and an expanded cargo bay.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 201,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 135%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1313%
- Amount of deuterium: 7,200 M3, 1,169 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 4.1/4.4 WF
- LY range: 25.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 3.6 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 4,900 M3, Nekko 251, M/AM open
- AM bottles: 27
- Escape pods: 114
- Container cargo: 1,061
- Months of container/bin cargo: 11.4 months
- Crew compliment: 990: 810 passengers in 296 cabins, 180
- Number/type shuttles: 8 small cargo/personnel
MOSKVA – 2179, medium cruiser
The design is moving towards a saucer primary hull and cylinder secondary hull in later Earth designs:
- The primary hull layout is similar to Dragon, especially the escape pod placement, bridge, main computer, upper and lower sensor domes, tractor beam and utility core layout. It contains most weapons and crew space.
- Like Dragon, has a separate navigation dish in the leading edge of the primary hull and a long distance sensor/targeting array at the front of the secondary hull.
- The escape pods are the same as Wasp that each carries more emergency stores and fewer people.
- The impulse engine is the rounded off rectangular design first used on Comet and feeds the impulse drive aft and four power converters on the deck below.
- I changed some surface features from Masao's online pictures. I removed and moved many windows. I removed the hatch lines on the primary hull, some escape pods and the personnel airlock from the secondary hull. I moved the missile ports closer to the centerline, added RCS ports and changed the small bulge on the back of the warp bustle form a laser turret to aft sensors.
- The number of shuttles is reduced from Masao's online notes, but it retains the fighters which are serviced from an armory and two elevators directly below the fighters in the shuttle bay.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 350%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1720%
- Amount of deuterium: 600 M3, 118 MT
- LY range: 21.6 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,300 M3, SSWR-IV-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 4
- Escape pods: 32
- Container cargo: 310
- Months of container/bin cargo: 24.1 months
- Crew complement: 160
- Number/type of missiles: 58: 36 offensive/defensive, 22 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 10: 8 lasers in individual housings, 2 pulse laser cannons
- Number/type shuttles: 10: 2 small cargo/personnel, 3 mini cargo/personnel, 5 mini fighters
MOSKVA TUG– 2182, military tug
Moskva was redesigned to a tug variant to transport newly introduced large highly adaptable cylindrical cargo modules which could be used for container cargo, bulk or liquid cargo, or even military or civilian personnel in a starliner configuration:
- The original design by Masao was unworkable. The smaller warp bustle would not fit the original reactor. Moving the warp reactor forward into the shrunken secondary hull would leave no room for the impulse engine, which would also have to be smaller than the original. The warp reactor would have to be moved forward almost to the center of the primary hull where it would interfere with everything there. So I redesigned the secondary hull and warp bustle. The bustle was enlarged to its original size and attached to the aft upper secondary hull instead of along the horizontal center line. The secondary hull diameter was increased. This allowed room for the original warp engine in the bustle and one original size impulse engine below it in the secondary hull. The four nacelle struts were attached to the secondary hull instead of directly to the warp bustle.
- Half of the escape pods were removed and the extra emergency supplies in each pod were removed so the pods can hold the typical nine people each.
- All weapons were removed.
- The shuttle and cargo bays were moved to the port side of the primary hull.
- Crew areas were rearranged some and an entire primary hull deck was converted to military passenger or cargo specialist quarters who would use normal crew recreation & mess areas. Crew size including passengers is only slightly less than original Moskva.
- The top of the secondary hull is AM storage. Middle decks hold deuterium. More deuterium is needed on the tug for the very large cargo module. Aft of the deuterium is a tall support systems room with utility conduits running through it to convey plasma to the four nacelles. The lower forward secondary hull is structural support for the pylon attachment to the cargo module. Turbolift and ladder access also descend into the cargo module. Lower aft is the single impulse engine with power converters above it.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 270,600 MT with cargo module, 75,300 MT without
- Subspace efficiency: 140% with cargo module, 190% without
- Propulsion efficiency: 1745%
- Amount of deuterium: 2,750 M3, 541 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 3.4/4.0 WF with cargo module, 3.7/4.6 WF without
- LY range: 11.6 LY with cargo module, 56.5 LY without
- Months of deuterium: 3.5 months with cargo module, 13.4 months without
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,300 M3, SSWR-IV-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 8
- Escape pods: 16
- Container cargo: 164
- Bulk cargo: 244,000 M3 bulk in cargo hold
- Months of container/bin cargo: 12.1 months
- Crew complement: 135: 70 crew, 65 military passengers or cargo specialists
- Number/type shuttles: 4: 2 small cargo/personnel, 2 mini cargo/personnel
CONSTELLATION CARGO – 2182, military cargo/passenger ship
The military was looking for a faster ship that carried more passengers and less cargo to supplement Ocean.Rather than build a new ship from scratch, they designed a military version around Sovezdie called Constellation:
- The bridge was moved up a deck to make room for an
expanded central computer with more calculating power and backup capability
required on military ships. This left it a circular exposed bridge found in
military ships
- Small outboard nacelles were added in a ‘hammerhead’
position forward on the hull. There was space available in the existing
structure and utilities corridor to run the plasma conduits and attach
support structure to these nacelles.
- The large upper common passenger areas were replaced
with a large shuttle/bulk cargo bay with two overhead doors and expanded
container cargo bays. Two medium cargo shuttles were parked here. The port
& starboard passenger only turbolifts and stairs were removed
- In place of the ‘crows nest’ on the original
Constellation, a passenger lounge chin blister was added.
- A third impulse engine and accompanying power
converters were added for improved impulse performance and power backup.
- First class passenger cabins in the nose were
redesigned to common passenger/crew areas. Military passengers were not
isolated from the rest of the ship but shared these facilities. The lower
passenger cabins were left mostly unchanged and used for military personnel.
Escape pod locations were adjusted.
- The underslung pod is the same design but the engine,
while the same size and shape, was upgraded.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 197,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 135%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1363%
- Amount of deuterium: 7,200 M3, 1,169 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 4.3/4.6 WF
- LY range: 25.5 LY
- Months of deuterium: 2.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 4,900 M3, SSWR-III-G, M/AM open
- AM bottles: 27
- Escape pods: 66
- Container cargo: 3,853
- Months of container/bin cargo: 54.0 months, if consumes
all cargo by itself
- Crew compliment: 760: 620 military passengers in 230
cabins, 140 crew
- Number/type shuttles: 10: 2 medium cargo, 8 small
D-3 (Klingon) – 2183, heavy cruiser
A modified D-2 to hold a M/AM reactor:
- The engineering hull was lengthened in the 'shoulder' area and most of it was widened a little to hold a M/AM warp reactor forward of the fusion reactors. The reactor is of similar design to Yorktown's.
- The two fusion reactors and the Bussard collectors/plasma reflux tunnels were unchanged from D-2 although larger impulse drives were installed in the wider engineering hull. The forward engineering hull on D-2 held maintenance areas and the larger common crew areas. On D-3, the maintenance areas remained of similar size moved forward a little into the slightly elongated neck, but the common crew areas stayed in the engineering shoulder and were pitifully small squeezed around the M/AM reactor.
- The AM is in bottles of similar size to Earth's in several stacked compartments to either side and slightly aft of the M/AM reactor. The bottles can be replaced when empty via an open well through all the AM rooms that opens into the shuttle bay at the bottom.
- The neck holds the same number of crew quarters and two dorsal shuttle airlocks as D-2. The command & weapons areas in the head are unchanged.
- The shuttle & cargo bays were enlarged along with the neck and engineering hull. External tractor beams were installed in the lower nose for forward offensive/defensive operations. Tractor beams suitable for precise shuttle movement have not been developed. A crude force field was installed across the shuttle doors.
- The wings are a slightly different shape and hold an almost identical volume of deuterium. However, the tanks are now higher pressure to hold more deuterium mass. This offsets the higher total ship mass for a longer range vs. D-2, but is it still pitifully small compared to Earth ships. The M/AM reactor is only used in battle conditions so does not impact the range.
- The nacelles are identical.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 160%
- Propulsion efficiency: 93%, for fusion reactor only since M/AM reactor is not primarily used
- Amount of deuterium: 14,300 M3, 2,813 MT
- LY range: 4.0 LY, for fusion only since M/AM reactor is not primarily used
- Months of deuterium: 3.1 months, for fusion only since M/AM reactor is not primarily used
- Warp reactor size/type: 2,300 M3, fusion tokamak
- 3,700 M3, M/AM based on SSWR-III-C/D
- AM bottles: 18
- Container cargo: 1,348
- Months of container/bin cargo: 6.4 months
- Number/type of missiles: 52 offensive/defensive
- Number/type energy weapons: 2 disruptor cannons in fixed housings
- Number/type shuttles: not specified
GAGARIN – 2184, light cruiser/patrol ship
A scaled down version loosely based on Moskva for patrol duty:
- There is no long range targeting sensor as in Moskva, but that location at the front of the secondary hull has the deflector. The upper saucer dome is not the bridge but is sensors. The bridge is on the deck immediately below the dome. There are also sensors on the leading edge of the saucer (first time) and in the fantail undercut.
- The secondary hull is extremely cramped. The floor in the warp core compartment is the curved ventral hull. The power converter room is extremely cramped. There is no direct turbolift access to the shuttle or cargo bay. You must access via a hallway, through the small cargo bay to the upper deck of the shuttle bay then take a ladder down to the main shuttle bay deck. Cargo containers offloaded on the main deck of the small shuttle bay are fed directly into the cargo hold. To distribute through the ship, containers are taken out the top of the cargo hold and rolled down a hallway to the turbolift system.
- The hull plating is thinner than other Earth capital ships.
- I changed some surface features from Masao's online pictures. I removed and moved many windows, removed the secondary hull airlock, moved the missile port slightly and adding RCS ports.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 280%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1770%
- Amount of deuterium: 450 M3, 89 MT
- LY range: 30.0 LY
- Months of deuterium: 4.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 610 M3, SSWR V-B, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 2
- Escape pods: 8
- Container cargo: 53
- Months of container/bin cargo: 9.7 months
- Crew complement: 68
- Number/type of missiles: 30: 20 offensive/defensive, 10 message torpedoes
- Number/type shuttles: 2 mini cargo/personnel
CONSTELLATION CIVILIAN CARGO – 2185, civilian cargo ship
Designed solely to haul civilian cargo. Changes from the latest passenger version are:
- In this version, the large upper common passenger areas
were replaced with an expansive container cargo bay and four dorsal medium
cargo docking ports. Passenger cabins, crew areas, escape pods and support
systems in the lower half of the ship were replaced with various size bulk
liquid storage tanks. On other versions, bulk cargo bays could be installed
in place of the liquid tanks or the container cargo bay, or the container
cargo bay could be further expanded.
- First class passenger cabins in the nose were replaced
with all crew quarters, escape pods and support systems displaced from the
- The lower-aft areas of the ship are mostly identical to
the passenger version except the shuttle bay was increased a deck in height
to accommodate four medium cargo shuttles displacing some small shuttles.
- The underslung pod is the same design but the engine,
while the same size and shape, was upgraded.
- A new shuttle a micro for personnel only was used for
the first time. Narrow spaces in the upper shuttle bay area prevented using
more mini cargo/personnel shuttles.
Ship stats and specs:
- Ship size: 198,000 MT
- Subspace efficiency: 135%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1313%
- Amount of deuterium: 7,200 M3, 1,169 MT
- Cruising/max speed: 4.1/4.4 WF
- LY range: 25.8 LY
- Months of deuterium: 2.8 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 4,900 M3, SSWR-III-F, M/AM open
- AM bottles: 27
- Escape pods: 14
- Container cargo: 7,525
- Bulk/bin cargo: 28,000 M3 bulk liquid
- Months of container/bin cargo: 1,002 months, if
consumes all cargo by itself
- Crew compliment: 80
- Number/type shuttles: 10: 4 medium cargo, 2 mini
cargo/personnel, 4 micro personnel
HYPERION – 2194, medium cruiser
A medium cruiser with two technological improvements. The first is a subspace communications transmitter on a 'smaller' starship for the first time:
- Previous subspace transmitters were so large they could only be mounted on Bison variants and all other ships functions were limited.
- The transmitter generator is a torus two decks tall mounted in the specialized bottom saucer bulge.
- The signal from the generator is transmitted by a new style array of three dishes at the front of the secondary hull. The three dish array consists of one large central dish that also doubles as the navigational deflector and provides new long range subspace forward sensing capability. This is the first time one dish can function in all three capacities. Two smaller dished mounted on either side of the main dish in square housings serve as subspace boosters. If only a single dish were used, it would be too large for Hyperion to carry.
- The transmitter has a dedicated fusion reactor and deuterium supply just beneath it so the ship can be heavily damaged with warp and impulse off line and still transmit a message as long as the lower saucer bulge and deflector areas are undamaged. Some message torpedoes are still carried for backup.
The second technological improvement is cargo transporters (personnel transporters did not enter regular service for another ~2 decades). Cargo transporters were perfected in the mid to late 2180's. Several earlier ships including Wasp, Moskva, Ocean and Constellation were refitted with them but Hyperion was first to be designed with them from the start. This had a profound influence on ship design:
- Since cargo no longer needed to be physically moved
around the ship to every place it was needed, hallways and turbolifts could
be narrower. These networks could be more complicated to deliver people
quicker and closer to their destination and still not take up undue space.
- The average compartment size was smaller with less
multi-purpose rooms or internal walkways in the rooms to get to the areas
far away from hallways and turbolifts.
- Cargo no longer had to be stored in containerized boxes
in cargo bays with easy access to the shuttle bay and turbolifts. Although
containerized cargo was often still kept close to the shuttle bay, many bulk
solids and even liquids were transported directly from a storage location at
port to a bulk storage bin or tank built directly into the ship. These ‘bulk
bin’ cargo areas could be in remote ‘nooks and crannies’ where the
only easy access was via transporter. There was no separate container that
had to move along with the cargo to hold it in place taking up space and
weight. This meant cargo could be more efficiently stored and larger easily
accessible areas of the ship previously used for cargo freed for other
- Shuttle bay size, shuttle craft size and number can all
be reduced. The recently introduced micro shuttle for personnel only was
more fully utilized. Some mini shuttles were still kept as cargo backups.
- These changes were only the first of more radical
design improvements due to the transporter that would be realized in later
ships – see Asia text for the next breakthrough.
Other design changes:
- Stairs are used again, and for the first time they are switchback instead of spiral stairs.
- For the first time, the bridge is rotated 45 degrees so the stairs and turbolifts can line up with the centerline and their bridge entrances not interfere with the main display, etc.
- There are two separate computer cores, each in its' own compartment. The layout is still the 'German Cross' design.
- This is the first frontline capital ship to have a saucer only one deck tall at the edge. This allowed the three lasers to each have two emitters, one on the top and one on the bottom of the saucer to conserves space and laser equipment.
- The ridges along the rim of the primary hull saucer are horizontal structural ribs. Placing them externally helped save weight although this prevented placing personnel airlocks on the rim.
- For the first time the impulse reactor and drives were moved to the back of the primary hull saucer with the power converters to either side.
- I changed some surface features from Masao's online pictures. I removed and moved windows and added a secondary hull airlock and RCS ports.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 290%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1935%
- Amount of deuterium: 1,550 M3, 252 MT
- LY range: 34.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.5 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 1,200 M3, SSWR-V-C, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 6
- Escape pods: 22
- Container cargo: 112
- Bulk/bin cargo: 1,200 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 19.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 24: 18 offensive/defensive, 6 message torpedoes
- Number/type energy weapons: 6 lasers in individual housings
- Number/type shuttles: 8: 2 mini cargo/personnel, 6 micro personnel
PARIS – 2196, light cruiser/patrol ship
A patrol ship that attaches the secondary hull directly to the top aft of the primary hull without an connecting neck. This configuration is the basis for future compact saucer ships:
- The saucer is 1.5 decks tall with the 'half deck' being used for storage, utilities or to make some compartments taller. The decks in the aft portion are offset from the front. The impulse and power converter decks are 1.5 decks tall and the warp reactor is 1.5 to two decks tall. The three decks of the shuttle bay are also combined with part of the upper 1.5 of those decks above the parked shuttles holding the AM bottles.
- Paris relies more heavily on cargo transporters than Hyperion so has one on either side of the small shuttle bay and no permanently assigned cargo shuttles. All cargo storage is in the lower 'half deck' of the saucer and the lower saucer dome and must be moved to these locations via transporters. If for some reason cargo containers can't be beamed to this normal storage location, there is a small area in each transporter room for container cargo. Also the shuttle bay is just big enough to receive a mini cargo/personnel shuttle if necessary.
- Due to continued advancement in subspace transmitters, the generator has been shrunk one deck tall. Only a single dish is needed to transmit the signals, but because it is relatively small with no booster dishes like Hyperion's, it is a short range transmitter. One message torpedo is carried as a backup. The dish still does triple service as the navigational deflector, subspace sensors, and subspace transmitter. Other sensors are on either side of the dish. Lateral and aft sensors are above the impulse deck.
- Paris has two impulse engines each the same size as Moskva's and each supplying three power converters in addition to the impulse drive. This provides Paris with a lot of impulse and power for components at the hard points.
- The duel deuterium tanks and cylinders with oval domes and thicker walls to hold the deuterium at a higher pressure. This combined with the continuing efficiency improvements of the warp reactor leads to a very small volume of deuterium per ship mass.
- Some of the plasma conduits going to the nacelles are exposed in the engine room. In all previous ships, the plasma conduits were immediately buried in utility corridors.
- For a few ships of this era a combined warp/impulse reactor intercooler was used. The cooling fluid system used for both was put through a heat exchanger close to the surface of the ship to dissipate waste heat by radiant energy to space. These were mounted in twin semi-circular housings on top of the impulse deck.
- Paris has no forward tractor beams generally used in combat but instead has two aft beams generally used for towing.
- Paris has a small vertical structure/utility core above the lower sensor dome and a more substantial vertical core 'wall' in front of the warp and impulse reactors that runs down to the central hard point with curved corridors running out form this in the half deck to the outboard hard points and a horizontal run under the warp reactor out to the nacelles.
- The laser cannon pods at the outboard hard points are powered by five M/AM fuel cells, but are backed up by Paris' ample power grid.
- An AM cannon pod can be attached to the central hard point. It is powered by a specialized tokamak fusion reactor that uses 100% deuterium AM as fuel. Aside from the intricacies of feeding AM, it works like a standard fusion reactor although the AM plasma is unsuitable to power nacelles or other typical hardware. It must also be magnetically constrained with a zero leak rate. Normal plasma has a very small acceptable leak rate in the reactor and conduits. The reactor is fed from a large number of AM bottles and containment field generators housed in the pod. The plasma is collected in an accumulation chamber aft of the reactor then fired through an acceleration tube. An annular containment beam based on force field/tractor beam technology is fired concurrently to keep the plasma in a relatively tight beam as long as possible. The energized state of the plasma is very low, not even close to the strength of a Romulan plasma cannon. The cannon delivers its large punch not from the energized state of the plasma, but from its AM nature. The cannon is simply a crude means of delivering AM to the target.
There are several constraints that limit the weapons tactical use, which is why it was seldom used and never mounted as a ship's main weapon:
- As a sublight weapon it can't be used at warp or with accuracy against warp targets.
- Due to the uncontrolled delivered method, relatively little AM actually reacts with the target. A large portion is deflected by the energy released by the first AM to react. In fact, AM 'splash' can also do considerable damage nearby which could be a tactical advantage or not.
- A strongly shielded target can deflect the weak plasma (AM 'splash' is still considerable). A moderately shielded target will still allow enough AM to leak through to do considerable damage (if this were normal plasma, the leak rate would do no damage). Against a lightly shielded or unshielded target, the cannon is devastating.
- It is a short range weapon. Despite the containment beam, the plasma still disperses relatively quickly. However, this could be a tactical advantage against a large unshielded target. If fired at longer range, the beam would partially disperse to do moderate damage over a much larger area. In this way a larger percentage of the AM will actually react with the target. However, a large even weakly shielded target could block the partially dispersed AM plasma.
- It is very wasteful of AM which is why it carries many times more than Paris itself.
The cannon was used for only a short period of Federation history. Previous to Paris, AM was too expensive to be used in such a wasteful fashion. Soon after AM became economic enough as ammo for a cannon, the photon torpedo was developed which is a much better AM deliver device. This closed the short window of the AM cannon.
- The planetary sensor pod is another attachment for the central hard point. This is a more advanced and powerful version of the planetary sensor in Farragut's 'tail'. While Farragut's sensor was a tactical battlefield sensor to locate surface and shallow underground installments, this pod is a scientific/geological sensor that can penetrate to a planet's core. It has four long sensor booms facing down grouped around a central manned monitoring area and specialized sensor pallet.
- I changed some features from Masao's online pictures. I added some windows on the rim and secondary hull and RCS ports to the saucer. The saucer rim thickness, its trailing edge and the impulse deck were modified. The shuttle doors, deuterium tanks, heat exchange disks and laser emitters were moved slightly.
Ship stats and specs:
- Subspace efficiency: 190%
- Propulsion efficiency: 1965%
- Amount of deuterium: 800 M3, 157 MT
- LY range: 40.2 LY
- Months of deuterium: 5.0 months
- Warp reactor size/type: 750 M3, SSWR-VI-A, M/AM open cavity
- AM bottles: 3
- Escape pods: 12
- Container cargo: 48
- Bulk/bin cargo: 700 M3 bin
- Months of container/bin cargo: 19.6 months
- Number/type of missiles: 13: 12 offensive/defensive, 1 message torpedo
All text by Allen Rolfes
Continue to Part 2

Last modified: 04.04.15