Museum Timeline
of Starfleet Museum Events
- 1932
- Earth scientists first detect the existence of antimatter.
- 1997
- Antimatter is produced in minute quantities on Earth.
- 2022
- Scientists on Earth first confirm existence of the subspace domain.
- 2044
- Deuterium-based fusion reactors enter widespread use on Earth.
- 2048
- Scientific research team lead by Dr. Zefram Cochrane successfully establishes first low-frequency subspace field transition.
- 2063
- Dr. Zefram Cochrane's experimental fusion-powered warp ship, Phoenix, makes first flight.
- 2064
- United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) is founded.
- 2094
- Argus, the first planetary subspace transmitter, is built on Earth.
- 2139
- The Richardson-Tachikawa method of producing antimatter is developed.
- 2145
- BISON class transports are introduced by the United States Rocket and Spacecraft Corporation.
- 2146
- UES BAIKAL (BISON class, ACR-1) is the first starship launched with a mobile subspace communications system.
- 2147
- Colossus, the first matter/antimatter (M/AM) reactor goes online at Argyre Planitia, Mars.
- 2151
- United Earth Space Probe Agency is merged with the United Earth Star Fleet to form the United Earth Stellar Navy (UESN).
- 2152
- The SSWR-IA M/AM reactor is certified for use aboard ships. AMARILLO class cruiser enters service.
- 2154
- PIONEER class heavy cruiser enters service. (February)
- ARCHER class system patrol cruiser enters service. (July)
- LITTLE NELL makes the first M/AM warp flight. (September)
- 2156
- The Earth-Romulan War begins with the Romulan ambush of a UESN task force at Station Salem One. (March)
- LITTLE NELL is destroyed in an accident on its 10th test flight. (April)
- LITTLE NELL II launches with a SSWR-IIA reactor. (October)
- 2157
- KRECHET class cruiser enters service. (April)
- TANNHÄUSER class heavy cruiser enters service. (May)
- The UESN destroys a Romulan invasion fleet at the Battle of Hell's Gate. (October)
- Experimental cruisers UES FIREBALL (XL-5) and UES ROCKET (XL-6) begin testing. (December)
- 2158
- MINOTAUR class fighter enters service. (January)
- TORSK class escort cruiser enters service. (February)
- OLYMPUS MONS class transport and REID FLEMING class deuterium tanker enter service. (March)
- FARRAGUT class fleet monitor enters service. (May)
- YORKTOWN class carrier enters service. (June)
- POWHATAN class escort cruiser enters service. (July)
- CURRAN class system patrol cruiser enters service. (August)
- COMET class light cruiser enters service. (October)
- Romulan CHOWDER class cruiser enters service. (December)
- 2159
- CONQUEROR class heavy cruiser enters service. (April)
- UES OGUMA (KRECHET class, CCM-8) is lost on a deep-range scouting mission.
- 2160
- Romulan CLAVICLE class enters service. (April)
- The UESN destroys most of the Romulan fleet at the Battle of Cheron. (August)
- DAEDALUS class exploratory cruiser enters service. (August)
- The Earth-Romulan War ends. (September)
- 2161
- The United Federation of Planets is founded at the Babel Conference, with the newly formed Starfleet as its primary interstellar naval force.
- UES DAEDALUS is recommissioned as USS DAEDALUS (NCC-150), the first starship to join Starfleet.
- PIONEER class, AMARILLO class, ARCHER class, FARRAGUT class, and TORSK class retired.
- 2162
- Klingon D2 class cruiser enters service.
- 2163
- TANNHÄUSER class retired.
- 2165
- YORKTOWN class retired.
- UES FIREBALL and UES ROCKET transferred to Starfleet.
- USS LINCOLN (DAEDALUS class, NCC-182) destroyed by warp core breach.
- 2167-68
- DAEDALUS class cruisers USS ESSEX (NCC-173), USS SHENANDOAH (NCC-186), USS HORIZON (NCC-176), and USS ARCHON (NCC-189) are lost in a six-month period.
- 2174
- WASP class cruiser enters service.
- 2175
- CONQUEROR class and CURRAN class retired.
- Romulan CATARACT class enters service.
- 2179
- MOSKVA class cruiser enters service.
- 2183
- Klingon D3 class cruiser enters service.
- WASP class withdrawn from front-line service.
- 2184
- GAGARIN class light cruiser enters service.
- 2185
- POWHATAN class retired.
- Transtator invented by Daniela Vukovic and Mareechi Govindarajan.
- 2192
- COMET class retired.
- Development of the proposed CHEYENNE class light cruiser rejected by the Federation Council.
- 2193
- 2194
- HYPERION class exploratory cruiser enters service.
- 2196
- DAEDALUS class retired.
- PARIS class light cruiser enters service.
- 2201
- Romulan CRACKER class cruiser enters service.
- 2203
- PUFFIN class attack fighter enters service.
- 2204
- ASIA class light cruiser enters service.
- 2205
- LANCASTER class cruiser enters service.
- 2206
- First successful ship-to-surface transport of a human takes place on USS MOSKVA (MOSKVA class, NCC-374).
- 2207
- Klingon D4 class cruiser enters service.
- SWORDFISH class carrier enters service.
- 2208
- LANCASTER class USS WOLFE (NCC-1217) disables or destroys six Kzinti vessels in Korrok System.
- 2214
- Photon torpedoes successfully fired from USS GATO (MOSKVA class, NCC-387).
- 2215
- MOSKVA class withdrawn from front-line service.
- QUETZALCOATL class semidreadnought enters service.
- 2217
- USS VALIANT (LANCASTER class, NCC-1223) lost at Eminiar VII.
- 2218
- USS TRITON (HYPERION class, NCC-866) makes official first contact with the Klingon Empire.
- 2219
- USS KORYU (LANCASTER class, NCC-1239) defends Aeolius VII colony against Klingon attack.
- 2220
- WASP class retired.
- 2221
- Starfleet Command issues directive calling for development of more light cruisers, destroyers, and scouts.
- 2222
- ARYABHATTA class exploratory cruiser enters service.
- 2223
- KESTREL class light cruiser enters service.
- LANCASTER class starships USS PHANTOM (NCC-1256) and USS SINGAPORE (NCC-1249) capture Klingon base on Verruca II.
- 2224
- A transporter accident kills 127 Starfleet Marines at Homunculus XX.
- Klingon D5 class cruiser enters service.
- Dr. Helene Tarkington develops the HT-1, the first small-scale M/AM reactor.
- 2225
- Romulan CAPSIZE class cruiser enters service.
- Combined fleet exercises are conducted at Wolf 359.
- 2226
- GAGARIN class withdrawn from front-line service.
- Federation colony on Slavin H-3 is defended from Kzinti attack by KESTREL class cruisers USS CAUDIPTYREX (NCC-1411) and USS GOSHAWK (NCC-1423).
- 2227
- VALLEY FORGE class cruiser enters service.
- 2229
- HYPERION class retired.
- 2230
- BELLEAU WOOD class assault transport enters service.
- PENGUIN class attack fighter enters service.
- 2231
- A test of the Kaminari phaser weapon at Pluto/Charon Starfleet Weapons Range kills 32 and destroys testbed starship ex-USS WHITTLE (LANCASTER class,
- AL-BURAK class carrier enters service.
- 2232
- Battle of Lisyk VIII.
- 2233
- PARIS class withdrawn from front-line service.
- 2235
- SIEGFRIED class dreadnought enters service.
- 2236
- The Federation and Starfleet celebrate their 75th anniversaries. A new class of "supercruiser" is proposed, which will eventually become the CONSTITUTION class starship.
- 2237
- Combined fleet exercises are conducted at Wolf 359.
- 2238
- The New Venice colony is evacuated by BELLEAU WOOD class starships.
- 2239
- Battle of Caleb IV.
- USS AELITA (VALLEY FORGE class, NCC-1480) intervenes in mining dispute in the Ptomaine System.
- 2241
- Klingon D6 class cruiser enters service.
- Battle of Dantooine.
- SWORDFISH class retired.
- PYOTR VELIKIY class heavy cruiser enters service.
- The CONSTITUTION class development project undergoes major reorganization. Commodore Robert April assumes command of the project.
- 2242
- Eight SIEGFRIED class dreadnoughts are refitted as standard heavy cruisers.
- 2243
- Duotronic computer systems are introduced on VALLEY FORGE class starships.
- Battle of Corf I.
- 2244
- The Klingon Empire launches an attempted invasion of the Federation that is driven back at the battles of Donatu V and Tassem-Loki III.
- SIEGFRIED class starships USS PERSEUS (NCC-1592) and USS MUSASHI (NCC-1600) destroy a Klingon battle station in the Ganatil System.
- 2245
- CONSTITUTION class cruiser enters service.
- 2247
- MOSKVA class retired.
- Klingon Chancellor K'tok bans attempts to expand into Federation space.
- Rogue Klingon houses attack the Federation at Ginax and Middlefinger.
- 2249
- Treaty of Korvat establishes borders and diplomatic relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
- Federation begins campaign to limit Klingon access to mineral resources.
- 2250
- Battle of Axanar.
- Klingon D7 class cruiser enters service.
- Starfleet Command issues directive establishing proactive defense policy.
- 2252
- AVENGER class destroyer enters service.
- PREDATOR class destroyer enters service.
- QUETZALCOATL class retired.
- 2255
- Battle of Theta Pegasi II.
- 2256
- VALLEY FORGE class starships USS DIANA (NCC-1470), USS BOXER (NCC-1498), and USS DOLPHIN (NCC-1504) hunt Orion pirates near the "Elbow of Böotes."
- Klingon Chancellor K'tok is assassinated, leading to 2-month civil war.
- 2257
- Klingon Empire withdraws from Treaty of Korvat.
- Federation escalates campaign to limit Klingon access to mineral resources.
- 2261
- The Filassh-B III colony is evacuated by BELLEAU WOOD class starships.
- PARIS class retired.
- 2262
- Four ASIA class starships receive major refit and upgrade.
- The Klingon and Romulan Empires sign a treaty under which Klingon D7 class cruisers and M/AM reactor technology are exchanged for Romulan raw materials and cloaking technology.
- 2263
- Klingon E-12 class destroyer enters service.
- Starfleet uncovers a conspiracy to instigate a war with the Klingon Empire.
- 2264
- LANCASTER class retired.
- ARYABHATTA class retired.
- 2265
- Romulan CRICKET class enters service.
- 2266
- The Romulan Star Empire emerges from isolation, following a raid across the Neutral Zone by a single CRICKET class "Bird of Prey" the incursion was defeated by USS ENTERPRISE (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1701).
- USS GODDARD (GAGARIN class, NCC-526) decommissioned after a training accident that kills 7 cadets.
- Starfleet holds war games at Wolf 359.
- 2267
- The Four Days' War begins; the conflict is ended by Organian intervention four days later.
- GAGARIN class retired.
- USS CONSTELLATION (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1710) destroyed in an attack by an unknown "planet killer" device.
- The crew of USS EXETER (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1706) is killed by a virus native to Omega VI.
- USS INTREPID (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1708) destroyed by an enormous single-celled, space-borne organism.
- 2268
- Starfleet tests of the experimental M-5 multitronic computer end in disaster. USS EXCALIBUR (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1705) and USS LEXINGTON (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1709) severely damaged in the incident.
- Starfleet obtains an example of the Romulan cloaking device in a classified cross-border intelligence raid.
- USS DEFIANT (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1717) disappears into interdimensional rift near Tholian space.
- 2269
- AL-BURAK class retired.
- 2271-73
- CONSTITUTION class starships receive major refit and upgrade; USS ENTERPRISE (NCC-1701) is first starship relaunched.
- 2274
- ENTERPRISE class heavy cruiser enters service.
- 2276
- BELLEAU WOOD class retired.
- CAPELLA class retired.
- 2277
- AVENGER class and PREDATOR class starships receive major refits and upgrades.
- 2284
- SIEGFRIED class retired.
- 2285
- USS ENTERPRISE (CONSTITUTION class, NCC-1701) scuttled by Admiral Kirk at the Genesis Planet.
- 2286
- KESTREL class retired.
- 2287
- VALLEY FORGE class retired.
- ASIA class retired.
- 2289
- Starfleet Intelligence and Starfleet Tactical each commission projects to develop advanced warships for deep penetration of enemy territory.
- 2293
- Klingon Chancellor Gorkon is assassinated.
- The Khitomer Conference ends hostilities between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.
- IKS T'KEK (D7 class) is presented to the Starfleet Museum by the supreme admiral of the Klingon Imperial Fleet, in commemoration of the Khitomer Accords.
- USS ENTERPRISE (ENTERPRISE class, NCC-1701-A) is decommissioned and presented to the Starfleet Museum.
- 2296
- FURIOUS class light cruiser enters service.
- 2297
- SPECTRE class destroyer enters service.
- 2302
- AVENGER class and PREDATOR class retired.
- 2307
- FURIOUS class starships rescue the embassy staff on Jacarrh II.
- 2311
- The Tomed Incident.
- 2312
- PYOTR VELIKIY class retired.
- 2327
- FURIOUS class ships USS AUDACIOUS (NCC-2378), USS SWIFTSURE (NCC-2381), and USS INDOMITABLE (NCC-2394) involved in incident at Cardassian border.
- 2330
- SPECTRE class retired.
- 2334
- CONSTITUTION class retired.
- 2351
- Starfleet confirms existence of the SPECTRE class.
- FURIOUS class retired.

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